How to do the sumo deadlift?

What is the sumo deadlift?

The deadlift sumo also called deadlift in English is a variant of the classic deadlift with the difference that the legs are further apart. It is a complete, poly-articular muscle-building exercise. (which works several muscles at the same time). It makes it possible to build up the whole body by putting more emphasis on the glutes, the back of the thighs and the interior of the thighs (adductors) but also the quadriceps, the whole of the back, lumbar and trapezius. It is a very good exercise for the weight gain but also to work on power.

The sumo deadlift, as in its classic version, also allows to strengthen the deep muscles of the spine. Finally, it solicits many muscles at the same time.

How do I perform the exercise?

Position yourself in front of a loaded straight bar. Hands in pronation or mixed grip and feet more than shoulder width apart. Lean your chest forward while keeping your back flat, knees bent and facing outward, then grasp the bar.

Flex your legs until your thighs are horizontal or a little above (depending on your level of fitness). morphology). The bar must be almost glued against the shins, the back must remain flat during the whole movement.

Push on the legs to lift the bar off the ground, which should follow the line of the shins. Then continue the extension of the legs at mid-movement while straightening the back. Maintain the contraction 2 seconds and lower the bar again in the same way as for the rise by bending the legs without rounding the back. In bodybuilding, it is more interesting not to release the bar on the ground in order to preserve the muscular tension and the gainage. Simply touch the ground and leave. In Powerlifting, to work heavy and in force it is simpler to release the bar before going up.

At the end of your sports training, don't forget to do some stretching exercises. This will relieve all the muscle groups and reduce or even avoid aches and pains.

This exercise can be dangerous for your back if your execution is not perfect and it is advisable to wear a weight belt to support the lumbar region.


The sumo deadlift, like the classic deadlift, can be a dangerous exercise and lead to injury. Poorly executed and with too heavy a load, it can be dangerous because of the pressure on the spine. The back should never become rounded, which could lead to a herniated disc and other serious complications.


  1. Inhale while blocking the breath with the well sheathed abs, exhale while going down.
  2. Always keep your flats flat on the floor without lifting your heels, which can also round your back.
  3. The bust must remain balanced and the back always straight.
  4. The distance between the feet depends on the morphology and flexibility of each person. Try to work on flexibility before performing the exercise.
  5. With each rise of the bar, squeeze your shoulder blades and rotate your shoulders backwards, pulling your chest out.
  6. You can use pull straps for a better grip and not to put too much strain on the forearms. The use of a weight belt is recommended when using heavy loads.


  • The sumo deadlift can be performed with a kettlebell or dumbbell.
  • Classic deadlift.

Find this exercise in the following section:

Supplementary article :

How to do the deadlift correctly?


sumo deadlift

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