How quickly will I see my body change with weight training?

How quickly will I see my body change with weight training?

The goal of a strength training program is to change the way your muscles look. Whether it's to build muscle or just to get a flat stomach, only time and hard work determine the results. Discover important information about bodybuilding to help you achieve your goals in the shortest possible time...

The CrossOps method: a particularly difficult training

The CrossOps method: a particularly difficult training

The CrossOps method, explanations Who better than the special forces to enlighten us on the importance of a good physical preparation to face all situations? "Hard training, easy war", the motto of the Foreign Legion speaks volumes on this subject. As such, Guillaume H, the trainer of an elite French unit, has put together a...

Everything you need to know about muscle contractions

Everything you need to know about muscle contractions

Strength training works several muscles in the body. There are different training programs that use specific contractions for quality muscles. Among others, the contractions can be isometric, concentric or eccentric. In addition, there are other muscle contractions such as power and velocity. Find out more about these three types...

How to build up your forearms?

How to build up your forearms?

The musculation of the forearm is often neglected with the profit of that of the arms. However, for reasons of aesthetics and balance, it is important that these two parts are equally muscled. Otherwise, having muscular arms and forearms gives a proud appearance. It gives the impression of a robust and reckless athlete. The only problem is that many exercises are...

CrossFit or Bodybuilding: which one to choose to build muscle?

CrossFit or Bodybuilding: which one to choose to build muscle?

In recent years, the exercise craze has swept through all walks of life and people of all ages. While some people exercise to maintain their fitness level, others adopt it to gain muscle. Weight training has become a trend again in recent times, and enthusiasts have a variety of exercise options...

17 variations of push-ups to try out to build up your upper body

17 variations of push-ups to try out to build up your upper body

The push-ups in body-building In body-building, the push-ups make it possible to build up the triceps, the pectoral muscles and the large serrated muscle. It is the basic exercise carried out in body-building. That's why they appear on all bodybuilding programs. Also known as push-ups, push-ups come in different variations. Push-ups...

What type of training should I choose for bodybuilding?

What type of training should I choose for bodybuilding?

You want to start weight training and you don't know which training to choose? Or you already practice but you want to change your routine without knowing what to do? You should know that there are different types of training that you can choose from. However, the criteria of choice are personal and adapted to each morphology or morphotype. So?