What weight training program to choose after 50 years old?

What weight training program to choose after 50 years old?

What program for seniors? As you get older, certain movements, such as climbing stairs or carrying weights, are no longer as easy to do as they were when you were 25 years old.Contrary to popular belief, it is quite possible to get back into shape and gain muscle even after 50! Whether it's to tone up...

How to treat tendonitis in order to continue training in bodybuilding?

How to treat tendonitis in order to continue training in bodybuilding?

Tendonitis is not just a simple inflammation of the tendon. In fact, it is an ailment that affects many body-builders and athletes. It can appear after a bad movement, following overtraining, in the absence of warm-ups or following a weak or bad hydration. Once manifested, the tendonitis in bodybuilding...

How to choose your weights to build muscle properly?

How to choose your weights to build muscle properly?

When you are a beginner? Building muscle and sculpting your body requires a lot more thought than you might think at first. Number of repetitions, tempo, exercises, rest time... All these elements must be taken into account to optimize your training. But the most important element to gain muscle remains...

Everything you need to know about bodybuilding tempos for effective training

Everything you need to know about bodybuilding tempos for effective training

There are many different intensification techniques to increase the efficiency of your workouts. One of the most effective is tempo, in other words, the speed of execution of a repetition, its frequency. This is something that few weight trainers take into account, and wrongly so. Indeed, mastering your tempo, managing your effort time is an essential element...

Strength training for football: what program to adopt?

Strength training for football: what program to adopt?

Strength training for football Strength training is the most practiced sport in clubs in France. Often, the practice is only recreational, but if you really want to progress in your game, the technical training and the matches will not be enough! In fact, it is often advisable to combine several sports to work on your strength...

What are the differences between carbohydrates and sugars?

What are the differences between carbohydrates and sugars?

You may have noticed that on food packaging, sugars and carbohydrates are listed separately. Yes, there is a distinction between the two, as sugars are simple carbohydrates. This distinction is useful not only for those who want to track their nutrient intake, but also for detecting carbohydrates in the diet.

Is the flexitarian diet compatible with bodybuilding?

Is the flexitarian diet compatible with bodybuilding?

Flexitarianism is a diet suitable for everyone since it meets the daily nutritional needs of each individual. Its goal is to help our body to better assimilate enzymes without overloading our body with proteins (protides) or food too high in calories (too high in fats or carbohydrates). What is the flexitarian diet? It is...

Skinny fat in bodybuilding: how to progress?

Skinny fat in bodybuilding: how to progress?

Skinny fat, what does that mean? Skinny fat in its literal sense means skinny and fat at the same time. Why has this term gradually appeared in our society and especially in the sports world? It's simply because before, overweight people were categorized as fat or obese, and those who were not were categorized as...

Should I continue to play sports with aches and pains?

Should I continue to play sports with aches and pains?

Whether you're an avid sportsman or a beginner, you've probably already gone through the dilemma of "taking a break or getting back into sports while feeling sore". Which one should you choose to soothe your muscles after a physical effort and ease the pain? To answer this question, nothing better than to understand what the...