A bare-chested weightlifter performs the free bar squat using the pyramid method in a gym.

Is the pyramid method in bodybuilding effective for progress?


The pyramid method is an intensification technique well known to bodybuilding enthusiasts. Many athletes use it during their training sessions to gain strength and muscle mass. Although this method is widely used, its effectiveness is regularly questioned. In this article, you will discover what a pyramid series consists of and if it can be beneficial to reach your fitness goals.

What is the pyramid method in weight training?

A popular intensification technique

In the same way as the superset or the drop setThe pyramid method is an intensification technique.

As the name suggests, these techniques are designed to make your workouts more intense. They can also allow you to go beyond a plateau if you stagnate on certain exercises.

The pyramid work in weight training consists of increasing the weight used from one set to the next, while decreasing the number of repetitions.

Between each series, it is advisable to take a recovery times sufficient to be able to link the next one correctly.

Contrary to a classic weight training session, the workloads change as the series progress.

Let's take the example of squat for the lower body. With this method, your workout could consist of:

  • Set 1: 12 reps at 60 kilos;
  • Set 2: 9 reps at 72 kilos;
  • Set 3: 6 reps at 80 kilos;
  • Set 4: 3 reps at 200 lbs.

Up and down pyramid training

As the weights get heavier and heavier, it is called pyramid training ascendant. This is the classic operation of this technique.

But it is also possible to go in the other direction, starting with the highest loads and working up to the lightest. This is called the pyramid method. descending.

Of course, you can combine the two approaches to make the pyramid and back.

This type of training is to be implemented primarily on multi-joint exercises such as the squat, bench press, deadlift or military bench press, as these are the ones where you can lift the most weight. As a reminder, these are bodybuilding exercises that target several muscle groups.

An athlete in a gym performs the bench press exercise for pectoral muscles.
The pyramid method can be used on most basic exercises, such as the barbell or dumbbell bench press.

But you can also use it on isolation moves like the biceps curl or the barbell to the front for the triceps.

What is the purpose of the pyramid method?

But then, what are the advantages of the pyramid method?

When properly integrated into your training program, this technique promotes weight gain and strength gain.

Indeed, this method of bodybuilding offers new levers of progression by stimulating the nervous system.

In addition, pyramid work is a good approach to gain muscle while avoiding get hurt. Indeed, the progressive evolution of the loads makes it possible to warm up the targeted muscle group and the joints, before starting to lift heavy.

Finally, the pyramid can help you break the routine of your workouts at the gym.

However, this technique implies knowing yourself well to be effective in terms of muscular growth.

You must avoid at all costs the lost seriesIt's a long way from failure. However, you must also be careful not to exhaust yourself, otherwise you will not have enough energy to perform the last, heaviest sets. Rest periods are therefore essential to find the right balance.

Pyramid training should be based on your 1RMThis is the maximum load you are capable of using on one repetition. In this sense, like most intensification techniques, this method is not for beginners. Rather, it is reserved for athletes with months or years of experience.

A shirtless man, from behind, contracts the biceps muscle of his left arm.
Pyramid training is a good way to develop your strength.

How to set up a pyramidal work?

You want to include the pyramid in your weight-training program ? I'll tell you how to proceed:

  • 1st set: 20 reps at 50 % of your 1RM
  • 2nd set: 14 reps at 65 % of your 1RM
  • Set 3: 8 reps at 75 % of your 1RM
  • 4th set: 3 reps at 90 % of your 1RM

You can of course add 1 or 2 more sets with downward work:

  • Set 5: 8 reps at 75 % of your 1RM
  • 6th set: 14 reps at 65 % of your 1RM

Do you want to follow a totally personalized program that will allow you to reach your goals?

Here is an example of pyramid table for bench presswith a 1RM at 100 kilos.

SeriesLoadNumber of repetitions
150 kilos20
265 kilos14
375 kilos8
490 kilos3
575 kilos8
665 kilos14

As in a classic training plan, it is important to put in place the principle of progressive overloading to reach your goal. If you are able to complete all of your sets, increase the weights used in the next session.

Finally, you should know that it is also possible to do a pyramid training at the body weight. This is a format often used during HIIT or cardio training sessions, allowing to increase muscular endurance.


Pyramid training is part of the weight training methods that maximize hypertrophy. When properly mastered, this technique can help you reach your athletic goals. If you are beginner At the gym, it is better to adopt a classic training and to progress at your own pace.

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