A man in shorts performs a leg curl, a strength training exercise for the hamstrings.

Top 5 hamstring exercises


Less known than the quadriceps, the hamstrings are however a muscle group that it is essential to strengthen. To get a better figure, to improve your performance or to prevent injuries, working your ischios at the gym should not be an option. Discover the 5 best exercises to strengthen the back of your thighs.

Anatomy of the hamstring muscles

The hamstring is the muscle located at the back of the thigh. It is theantagonist of the quadriceps.

It is actually a set of 3 muscles:

  • biceps femoris muscle;
  • the semitendinosus muscle;
  • the semi-membranous muscle.

The hamstrings run from the glutes to the knees. They support the knee movementsThis muscle group allows us to stand, walk, run and climb stairs. On a daily basis, this muscle group allows you to stand, walk, run or climb stairs.

The anatomy of the hamstring muscles, located at the back of the thighs and marked in red on the image.
The hamstring muscle is located at the back of the thigh.

By definition, the ischios are used in most sports activities: running, soccer, basketball, rugby, etc.

Why should you train your hamstrings?

Now let's see why it is important to integrate strength exercises for the hamstrings during your workouts.

First of all, voluminous ischios are essential for shaping your buttocks and obtaining a muscular physique. In terms of aestheticThe back of the thighs should not be neglected.

Also, a good muscular reinforcement of this area is essential to avoid hurt. A weak hamstring is more likely to suffer froman elongation-type injuryor tear.

A man in shorts holds his hamstring at the back of his thigh after a pain appeared.
Hamstrings are regularly affected by injuries.

On the other hand, strong and resistant ischios will help you improve your performance on many exercises (squat, deadlift, etc.).

Keep in mind that the volume of work of your ischios should be approximately the same as that of your quadriceps, in order to maintain a good balance between the two. Indeed, the quadriceps and the ischio work in a complementary way. By definition, if one of them is weak, it affects the other.

To be complete and effective, your ischios training must include concentric and eccentric work. The concentric phase is when the muscle shortens, while the eccentric phase is when it lengthens.

Don't hesitate to call on a sports coach who will be able to offer you adapted exercises.

Finally, be sure to stretch your legs on your rest days to make your muscles more supple.

5 exercises to build up the back of the thigh

1. Straight legged deadlift

The deadlift with outstretched legs is an excellent exercise to focus muscle recruitment on the ischios and glutes.

This movement can be carried out with the bar or the dumbbells. It implies a good control of the technique of execution to avoid injuring the lower back.

Contrary to its name, your legs should not be completely straight during the exercise. In the starting position, your knees are slightly bent. Lift the load along your shins, keeping your back straight, then lower back down.

2. The good morning

The good morning is another movement that involves the gluteal and hamstring muscles.

To perform it, place a barbell behind your neck, on your shoulders. In a standing position, with your chest upright, your objective is to flex your hips to slowly tilt forward.

Keep your back straight and contract your abdominal muscles to feel the stretch. Again, your legs should remain slightly bent.

While controlling the movement, return to the starting position and perform as many repetitions as necessary.

3. The leg curl on the machine

The leg curl is the best known isolation exercise for targeting the hamstrings.

Leg curl machines can be found in most fitness facilities. Whether you are sitting or lying down, it is absolutely essential to add this exercise to the leg workout of your fitness program. For best results, feel free to vary the positions.

A man performs the leg curl exercise lying down in a weight room to strengthen his ischios.
The leg curl is one of the best exercises for strengthening your hamstrings.

One of the advantages of this movement is that it allows you to work both concentrically and eccentrically.

The concentric work takes place when you bring your legs towards you. This is the basic movement of the leg curl. To do the eccentric, just remember to control the return for 3 to 4 seconds instead of releasing abruptly.

An interesting variation of the machine leg curl is to use a swiss ball to develop your hamstrings while engaging your abdominal muscles. You can even work with one leg if your physical condition allows.

4. The nordic curl

The nordic curlThe Nordic Hamstring Curl is a body weight isolation exercise that works the hamstrings eccentrically. You can easily perform it at home, with the help of a partner. It is suitable for beginners as well as for those with several years of weight training behind them.

Particularly effective, this movement is very often integrated into rehabilitation protocols following an ischio injury.

Place your knees on a cushion and stand up straight. To work safely, someone should hold your ankles firmly. You can also wedge them under something strong enough to hold your weight.

The goal of the exercise is to lean forward slowly. Hold on as long as you can, contracting your posterior chain, until your torso is close to the ground. Then put your hands on the floor to return to the starting position and repeat.

5. Lumbar bench extensions

For this exercise of strengthening of the ischiosFor a good workout of the buttocks and lower back, you will need a 45 degree lumbar bench.

Once placed on the support, with your knees slightly bent and your ankles held by the balls, your objective is to roll your upper body towards the ground, then to go back up by contracting your hamstring muscles.

For more difficulty, you can weight yourself by holding a weight disc against your torso.

To conclude

You now know how to strengthen your hamstrings with these 5 exercises. Remember to vary the movements to optimize muscle fiber recruitment. And if you are not used to training this part of your body, beware of soreness!

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