Having a good self-esteem is essential to succeed in life. However, this self-confidence is not innate and must be built up little by little. One of the best ways to develop confidence is to take up sports, and more specifically strength training. If you lack self-confidence, weight training will help you feel better about yourself.
What is self-confidence?
" Self-confidence is the first secret of success.s ". Attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson, a 19th century American philosopher and poet, this quote sums up what self-confidence is all about.
To have self-confidence is to believe in our abilities and to be sure of our value. This feeling could be defined as an inner strength that helps us to surpass ourselves and achieve our goals.
LSelf-esteem is a quality that is indispensable in everyday life. Without a good self-image, it will be difficult for you to fully invest yourself in your projects. Self-confidence is also a key element to face the others' gaze and the everyday challenges, whether they are professional, family or sentimental.
Having confidence in your abilities allows you to dare to do things and to get out of your own way. comfort zone.
On the contrary, lack of confidence inhibits and generates negative feelings. The late NBA legend Kobe Bryant had this to say about lack of confidence: " If you think you are going to fail, then you are probably going to fail ".
Do you lack confidence in yourself? I invite you to discover the site of my friend Alexandre Cormonta specialist in sentimental coaching and personal development.
The benefits of weight training on self-confidence
The people around you, past experiences and education are all factors that can have an impact on the feeling of confidence. This is also the case for thephysical activity. Bodybuilding and self-confidence are intimately linked.
Feeling better in your body
Exercise can improve your appearance. Strength training and fitness help many people sculpt their bodies and feel better about themselves.
Of course, being sure of yourself is not only a question of your figure. But it is important to please yourself in order to please others. Muscle up at the gym is a great way to improve your posture and regain your confidence.
Develop your mental well-being
To feel good about yourself, it is crucial to take into account the psychological aspect.
Precisely, the practice of the musculation releases endorphinsthe famous happiness hormones.
To go further on this aspect, the sportsmen also have the possibility of making mental preparation. Although this practice has now been democratized in certain high-level sports, it is still not used enough. Its positive effects on performance are however widely proven.
Achieving goals
Progressing in the weight room requires rigor and patience.
In this sense, by reaching regular goals, exercise promotes self-confidence. This improved self-esteem can then trickle down to other areas of your life (job, love life, etc.).
Regardless of your gender, age or fitness level, it's never too late to start weight training and regain your confidence!