How do I do the lateral sheathing?

The lateral gainer is a well-known muscle-strengthening exercise for athletes of all levels, from beginners to the most experienced. This isometric movement is excellent for working your oblique abdominals. Find out how to perform the lateral gainer in the best possible way.

How do you do the exercise?

If you want to do a lateral gainer, it is better to use a fitness mat. It will be more comfortable than doing the exercise on the floor.

Lie sideways on the mat and support yourself with your left elbow. Your entire forearm is in contact with the floor and your legs are straight, one on top of the other.

The objective of this exercise is to lift your hips and pelvis off the mat. To do this, you must support yourself with your elbow and your feet only. Contract your abdominal belt to raise your body.

Hold the high position for several seconds, while breathing deeply. 

The duration of the side plank will depend on your level. Start with 10 seconds if you are new to the sport. More experienced athletes will be able to do 3 to 6 sets of 60 to 120 seconds.

Then release the position in a controlled manner (don't fall back to the floor suddenly to avoid injury), and then do the right side.

Muscles worked

In the same way that the front gainer allows you to work primarily the rectus abdominis, the side gainer targets mainly the oblique abdominis.

The rectus abdominis and the quadratus lumborum are also solicited by this exercise of musculation.

Do you want to sculpt your abdominal belt?

See the flat stomach abs program


  1. Remember to keep your body in proper alignment throughout the side plank position (your feet, trunk and head should remain in the same axis).
  2. Contract your abdominal muscles to hold the position as long as possible and save precious seconds.
  3. Breathe calmly and at your own pace for the duration of the effort.


  • The first variation of the classic lateral gainer is to lift your upper leg up to increase the difficulty.
  • To increase upper body work, you can also place your hand on the floor and extend your support arm.
  • If you want to make the exercise dynamic, perform controlled ascents and descents with your core.

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Lateral sheathing

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