The banana is the favorite fruit of sportsmen. It allows to to fill up with energy thanks to its carbohydrate intake. Before or after weight training, the benefits of bananas are numerous. Whether it's to gain mass or to lose weight, find out why you should eat bananas for bodybuilding.
The food of choice for athletes
What is in a banana?
As you know, diet plays a major role in your sports performance. Whatever your objective (muscle mass gain, weight loss, etc.), your nutrition and your lifestyle are at least as important as your physical training.
Precisely, the banana has nutritional qualities particularly interesting. Indeed, this food is an excellent source of carbohydrates.
A banana provides 90.5 calories per 100 grams. For a whole banana (about 120 grams), this represents nearly 110 calories.
This is what makes it a very popular fruit for sportsmen and women of all levels, whether they practice fitness, weight training, running or combat sports.
In terms of macronutrients100 grams of banana brings :
- 19.7 grams of carbohydrates
- 1.06 grams of protein
- 0.25 grams of fat
Does banana make you fat?
With so many carbohydrates, it's only natural to wonder.
First of all, it is important to distinguish between simple and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are those found in processed foods and are low in nutrients. It is best to avoid them to stay healthy.
Conversely, the complex carbohydrates are good carbohydrates. Whole grain products (bread, pasta, rice, etc.), legumes and fresh fruits such as bananas are foods rich in complex carbohydrates.
Contrary to popular belief, bananas are not more fattening than other foods. It is true that it is a caloric fruit compared to pineapple (50 calories per 100 grams), clementine (47 calories per 100 grams), strawberry (32 calories per 100 grams), kiwi (61 calories per 100 grams) or apple (52 calories per 100 grams).
It is simply important to consider this as part of a comprehensive approach to your diet.
If you are looking to lose weight, your calorie consumption should simply be less than you need: this is the caloric deficit. In this case, you can cut your banana in half before eating it.
The benefits of bananas
For weight training
As we have seen, the banana has the advantage of being rich in carbohydrates.
This high carbohydrate content is essential for thephysical activityespecially for bodybuilding. Carbohydrates give the body the energy it needs to make an intense effort.
During a weight training session, the body draws from glycogen stocks to perform the different movements. After training, eating carbohydrates will help replenish reserves for future training sessions.
It is therefore also of interest for the physical recovery after your sessions in the gym. Containing potassium and magnesium, this fruit helps to prevent aches and pains that can appear after a workout.
The banana is a digestible fruit that offers a feeling of satiety. Consumed in moderation, this appetite suppressant food is ideal for lose weight.
On the other hand, its high calorie count is also a great way to build muscle.
For general health
More globally, bananas have many virtues.
The banana is clearly one of the foods rich in nutrients and vitamins. It contains vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as magnesium, potassium, manganese and copper.
For example, potassium helps regulate blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular disease. It also improves concentration.
In addition, bananas contain a significant amount of fiberswhich favors the intestinal transit.
Finally, it helps to fight against depression and anemia.
Banana and bodybuilding: when to eat it?
Like most fruits and vegetablesYou can eat bananas at any time of the day.
In the morning, at breakfast, the banana allows to fill up with energy to face the day.
You can also eat a banana before the workoutas a snack. Depending on your diet, it can be accompanied by of skyr or cottage cheese and dried fruit (almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, etc.).
And why not opt for a smoothie How do you make a protein shake by blending several ingredients in a blender? Combine a banana, almond milk, honey and a few nuts to enjoy a simple and effective recipe.
Consuming a banana in the eveningAfter your workout, for example, it will help you to recover more quickly from your efforts.
In all cases, choose unripe bananas. As this fruit ripens, it transforms starch into simple sugars such as glucose and fructose. The amount of carbohydrates remains the same, but the speed at which these sugars are absorbed by the body is faster.
Rich in carbohydrates and essential nutrients for good health, bananas are a ideal fruit for bodybuilding practitioners. It provides a lot of energy and promotes muscle recovery after workouts.