How many pumps per day

How many push-ups a day to get a muscular body?


How much of pumps per day what should you do to build up your body? This is a question that deserves to be addressed. We are not all equal in strength training and the answer depends on our sex, morphology, and many other parameters. Whether you are a beginner or experienced athleteThere is always a point in doing push-ups. Why should you do them, which ones to choose, which muscles are solicited? Let's take a closer look at the vast subject of pumps and see what impact they have on the weight gain.

Why do push-ups?

Let's start by asking ourselves a basic question: why do it? Doing push-ups is an ideal exercise to increase your strength and work on your endurance. It also allows you to use many muscles (I'll come back to this later) and to develop your muscle mass. However, push-up sets should be seen as an exercise that is an integral part of your program. If that's all you do, you won't get the results you want. Push-ups will work your upper body, of course, but for a harmonious physique, variety is needed. Doing only that can also quickly become boring. Bodybuilding must remain a pleasure above all.

Which muscles are used when doing push-ups?

Doing push-ups every day is an easy exercise to set up, in the sense that it doesn't require a specific location or equipment (unless you want to increase the difficulty). Push-ups will make you gain muscle and mainly pectoral muscles. In this, they are very beneficial, especially if you are too thin like many people I have coached. You will work the upper pectoralis major, middle and minor near the clavicle. You will also develop your anterior deltoids, triceps, and in isometrics, the large dorsal, abs, glutes, ischio, etc.

How many push-ups per day for a...

As a sports coach, one of my roles is to answer the questions of my students and future students, whether by mail or on Facebook or my channel YouTubeThe aim is to provide information and to sort out the truth from the falsehood, even if this may sometimes disappoint. Concerning the pumps, some questions come up regularly:

  • How many push-ups per day to lose weight?
  • How many push-ups per day to get results?

These questions are usually asked by beginners in bodybuilding. Full of good will, they often want to go fast and think that push-ups are the solution, the miracle cure to what they are looking for: to gain muscle mass. I tell them that just doing push-ups without a precise training program and a healthy and balanced diet will not help them much. I also explain to them that it is more appropriate toincrease the difficulty of execution rather than the quantity and number of repetitions. They quickly realize in their coaching that doing push-ups is only one part of their program, which will be varied and adapted to their objective.

Push-ups for beginners in weight training

When you're a beginner, you can quickly make a mountain out of a molehill on the difficulty of exercises. Push-ups, for example, are no exception to the rule. So yes, obviously, you should not expect to have the ease of Bruce Lee after a few sessions. However, as with everything, the exercises should be performed with increasing difficulty. For the example, I give you 2 variations of simpler push-ups. They are ideal to begin or restart the bodybuilding, the time to integrate them well into your sport routine and to feel able to intensify the effort. Push-ups are definitely not just for men. Regardless of your gender and build, if you have the willpower and awareness of your level, you are already on the road to success.

Wall mounted or vertical pumps

Start by positioning yourself well: facing the wall, your hands should be flat and slightly wider than your shoulders. Elbows and shoulders should be aligned in the same plane, same for elbows and wrists. Grip and exhale when your arms are stretched, as for the push-ups on the ground.

Knee to floor push-ups

Position your knees on the ground and your hands at shoulder level, arms straight at the start. Take care not to dig your back or put your buttocks in the air. Your body must respect the alignment head, trunk, buttocks. Your head should be in front of your shoulders, but not raised. Go down until you have an angle of 90° with your elbow (not more). These push-ups are easier, because the weight supported by the arms is lower than if you were doing classic push-ups.

How many push-ups a day do you need to do to get results?

I haven't answered this question yet, which as I said, is worth asking, simply because there is no easy answer. Doing 30 or 40 reps is not really helpful, unless you are challenging yourself with friends for fun. Don't increase the number, increase the difficulty. Do variations of push-ups. You have the choice: diamond pumps, declined pumps, lever pumps, slammed pumps, one-handed pumps, spider pumps. By the way, if you are in need of inspiration, I invite you to read my article dedicated to 17 possible pump variants.
If you need to visualize how to build up your pectoral muscles with bodyweight, especially with push-ups done with elastics, it's this way:

Pumps and pectorals

In this video, I explain and show you that to target the middle part of the pectoral muscles, you must perform your push-ups in continuous tension and never pauseNeither at the top nor at the bottom. To do this, you must perform your movements in a slow and controlled manner in sets (4 is good) of 15 to 20 repetitions with 20 to 30 seconds of rest between sets.

For the upper part of the pectoral musclesYou can make them even more difficult by using a rubber band. You can make them even more difficult by using a rubber band. A little advice by the way: don't fully extend your arms. That makes it possible to keep your muscles in continuous tension and to be effective in the work of your pecs.
For the lower part of the pectoral musclesIf you want to use a sloping support or handles, you can do so. The lower the support, the greater the difficulty. You can do this exercise in many different configurations. At home with your bed, outside with a bench or a low wall, at the beach, etc. The important thing is that the support touches the bottom of the pectoral muscles.

More push-ups for faster muscle gain?

So, in your opinion, true or false? The answer depends on your objective. If you increase the number of push-ups, you'll be working on your endurance. You will gain on this side, but risk exhausting yourself. On the other hand, it will not have an impact on your muscle volume.

In terms of rhythm, for a pec session, I advocate to leave on :

  • 4 exercises ;
  • 4 series ;
  • 15 to 20 repetitions;
  • to be done 3 times a week;
  • with 30 seconds of rest between sets.

Often, doing more push-ups also means doing them less well. Be careful, because you risk injury by not being able to control the movement completely, because the first mistake is to do the push-ups incorrectly. Think about the correct positioning of your hands. I remind you, not at the level of the shoulders, but at the level of the pecs. They should not be either too wide or too tight. Attention to maintain your body in the axis, not of dug back, neither buttocks in the air, nor camber. Also control your breathing. You inhale while going down, you exhale while going up.  

One-handed pumps

Which pumps are the most efficient?

All push-ups are effective if you make sure they are done correctly. If it becomes too easy, increase the difficulty as I said or try using a weighted vest. Easily adjustable, its weights are distributed harmoniously and can represent an additional load of 5 to 30 kg. An ideal accessory to work on your resistance to effort.
If you prefer to work without one, opt for a set of diamond push-ups. Their name comes from the position in which you place your hands. This type of push-up builds up your triceps and pectoral muscles and puts a lot of pressure on your wrists, shoulders and elbows. This will make your arms look more impressive. In short, this is an ideal exercise, especially at the end of the session, for beginners as well as for advanced users.

So, I hope I've clarified the question of how many push-ups per day to do. Don't forget:

  • push-ups should not be an isolated exercise, but integrated into your workout;
  • the position of the body is essential;
  • It is better to focus on quality than quantity.
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  1. Hello,
    You recommend a rhythm of 4 exercises with 4 series of 20 reps up to 3x per week. That's 320 pumps per session and close to 1000 pumps per week.
    If we couple that with a more traditional pec training (DC, DI...) aren't we on a big overtraining ? Without giving the pectoral muscles time to recover
    Thank you

    1. In this case it is not to be coupled with a traditional training, it is not in addition but instead of a training in room for those who do not have the possibility of going there.
      Otherwise it would be too much.

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