bodybuilding quote

The best bodybuilding quotes to motivate you


A quotation is an excerpt from a quoted speech of a famous or not so famous person that we remember and that marks our mind. It comes from an experience, a life experience in order to explain briefly the events of life in general.

Why read inspirational quotes?

When you have a lack of motivation, reading a few quotes and stories from your role models can help you take action. It's not a matter of remembering a quote for the fun of it, but of understanding them and finding in them the difficulties you are facing and realizing that there is a solution to every problem.

Many times, people dream but do not take any action to achieve it. Probably because they are afraid of not succeeding. The excuses are often those that we find unconsciously because we are not ready to change or to make any effort to achieve it. However, success is a series of small actions that over time can become habits.

In reality, achieving a goal is not an end goal in itself, what matters is all the efforts over several weeks, months or years that we will make to get there. And changing your body is part of that. If you manage to achieve a goal that is not done in one day, whatever it is, it will give you the strength for other events in life and fight more easily the difficulties.

What can a physical change do for us?

The physical change does not only change our appearance. It also gives us more self-confidence, a sense of pride in achieving something that is important to us. Even if this means going to the gym every day, doing a lot of weight training and eating the right food to sculpt your body, it is also our fighting spirit that we develop.

quote sport bodybuilding

Self-confidence allows us not to be afraid to seize opportunities that are offered to us but also to be more serene to undertake new things. It is therefore acquired in several ways and accepting your body is part of it. And as soon as you love yourself, you will be able to realize greater dreams.

What about the body?

You are not born a sportsman, you become one. It doesn't matter what you do as a physical activity, crossfit, bodybuilding, fitness, boxing or Zumba, the main thing is to enjoy doing it.

If you're into bodybuilding, some time ago I wrote a great article on the following topic: How to stay motivated in bodybuilding? I invite you to read it if you wish to continue your efforts.

Today, I'm sharing with you all the quotes that have inspired me and still do.

Some routes are easier than others, but they are still great stories.

Strength does not come from winning. It is your efforts that develop your strength

Arnold Schwarzenegger

We will start with one of the pillars of motivation in bodybuilding. And not only that, because his journey remains exemplary. Having had several goals in sport but also in life, Arnold has persevered to achieve his dreams. And needless to say, if we only see the tip of the iceberg, his journey has undoubtedly been full of pitfalls.

sport quote

Failure is not an option. Everyone must succeed

Arnold Schwarzenegger

He has done intense weight training throughout his career to build a body worthy of the name. Thanks to his muscularity, he was able to win competitions but also land movie roles that matched his physical condition and muscle mass. Today, this athlete that we all know, has undertaken many things in his life and he is a model for many bodybuilding practitioners.

Dream big and aspire to something that others don't think is possible

Frank Zane,

Frank will have a very beautiful career until 1983 by winning many victories. It was all the same and for the time the thinnest bodybuilder of all times. Victim of 2 accidents at three years of interval, he will have to stop the competition. Indeed, in 1980, he had an accident at the edge of the swimming pool of his house which was worth to him a long hospitalization. Nevertheless, he will continue to compete until 1983 when another catastrophe will hit him. A bicycle accident forced him to undergo surgery. In spite of everything, he will continue his passion for the body-builder by making seminars and by giving invaluable councils. Frank will also write a book but if you want to know more about him, I invite you to read this article.

Seek progress, not perfection


The people I idolized developed their bodies and became somebody, like Sylvester Stallone and Arnold, and I thought: That could be me. So I started working. The funny thing is that I didn't realize I had gotten close to my goal.

Dwayne Johnson AKA The Rock

Just like Arnold, we no longer need to introduce The Rock who started his career with American football, then wrestling. From acting to creating his own drink brand this year, he has undertaken many projects that have come to fruition. With many strings to his bow, he is as inspiring as his sidekicks who he talks about in his own quote.

dwayne johnson

If you think you are going to fail, then you are probably going to fail

Kobe Bryant

Generally, it is when we think about negative things that they happen. Something to think about...

What keeps me going are my goals

Mohamed Ali

Take care of your body, it's the only place you have to live


Only the man who knows what it is to be defeated can reach deep into his soul and return with the extra strength it takes to win

Mohamed Ali

Will is not enough, you have to know how to act

Bruce Lee

Some want it to happen. Others would like it to happen. And others make it happen

Michaël Jordan

Did you know that Michael JORDAN was only 5'8" when he started his career. This was considered too short to play basketball. Fortunately for him when he started, his growth was not finished and he will become a star in his field. Imagine that he could have dropped out at that time...

Afterwards, he will have to take a risk by abandoning his studies temporarily in order to try his luck and finally obtain his degree. Not everyone has the same luck when they take a risk.

He also suffered several fractures during his career, but this did not prevent him from becoming a great player.

Excuses don't burn calories. Exercise if


Wake up determined. Go to bed satisfied

Dwayne Johnson

To be a good bodybuilder, you must first be a good observer

Serge Nubret

Trust me, when you love something, you don't need motivation

Serge Nubret
serge nubret motivation

The desire is not always there and going to the gym every day to build muscle and develop our physique, doing the same exercises over and over again can be tiring. But remember that this goal is essential to achieve your goals. You must enjoy your bodybuilding program, the exercises that go with it and this lifestyle that must become a habit.

Don't make excuses

  • The gym is closed: create your own little home gym, train with body weight, use elastics or other weight training accessories, but continue your weight training.
  • I'm too old: At almost 40 years old, I have many students who take charge at that age and the results are there. There is no age to start sport. Especially since it will improve your mobility and your health.
  • No time: 1 session only takes 45 minutes to 1 hour of your time, compared to the time spent on instagram or other social networks per day, chances are it's more than an hour per day. Time, it takes...
  • I have back and knee problems.... Adapt your training, find the right exercises and movements as well as the right postures that won't hurt you.
  • I'm tired: It's precisely exercising that will get you back on track by giving you back your energy.
  • I don't have the right weight training program: Really?

Even the most motivated among us feel like giving up sometimes, it's the ones who never give up that succeed.

I hope that all these quotes will motivate you to not give up.

If you have any other suggestions for quotes you like, please feel free to share them in the comments.

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What jump rope program should I use to lose weight?

5 exercises to do with a weight bench

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