How to do the tight grip pull-ups (neutral or hammer)?

Tight grip pull-up is a bodybuilding exercise designed to train the back muscles mainly but also the arm muscles (biceps). The pull-ups are done on a roman chair.

This is a variation of the high bar pull-ups that is a little more difficult to perform. The movement to be carried out requires to raise its own weight just like the other tractions with the only difference of weight training which is not the same.

The dorsal muscles: large dorsal and large round are called upon to develop thanks to an execution of the most perfect movement possible.

How do I perform the exercise?

Grab the handles with your thumbs facing each other and hold on. The grip is commonly called a neutral grip or hammer grip. Once your body is relaxed, lean back slightly and pull yourself up with your chest. You can cross your legs and your arms must remain in continuous tension. Keep your back straight to perform the exercise and slow down the descent to feel the muscles worked. In short, the movement must be slow and controlled.

CAUTION: Always keep your shoulders back during the entire movement.


  1. For those who can't do the pull-ups, here is the video for learn how to make them. Otherwise there are guided machines with a support and a counterweight that allow you to reduce the weight of the body and thus gain strength. Ideal for beginners.
  2. Inhale on the way down and exhale during the effort.
  3. You can simply hang by your arms to decompress the spine.


  • To increase the difficulty of the exercise, if your execution is already perfectly mastered, you can add weight (add weight by wearing a weighted vest or a weight between the knees while being careful).
  • You can vary the holds (neutral, supine, pronated) to challenge the muscles in question differently.

Find this exercise in the following program:

Weight gain program

Supplementary article :

How to do the deadlift correctly?


tight grip pull

Muscle group



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