How to do the Neck Pull to build up your back?

The neck pull at the high pulley is an exercise of musculation which solicits in particular the width of the back contrary to the exercises of rowing which target more the thickness of back. It is a good alternative to pull-ups to build back muscles, especially for those who are not yet able to perform pull-ups on a high bar. In other words, if you are unable to perform the pull-upsIt is advisable to gain strength with this bodybuilding exercise

How do you do the exercise?

vertical neck pull

Grab the bar in a wide grip, arms straight with hands pronated, then sit on the seat under the high pulley, braced at your knees. Pull the bar towards the nape of your neck, pulling your elbows back and squeezing your shoulder blades. It is necessary not to take off the buttocks, then return to the starting position in a slow and controlled movement. It is during this phase that you will develop what is commonly called the wings. The slower the lift, the harder the exercise will work your muscles.

The muscles involved are: the large dorsal and large round muscles first, but also the rhomboids, trapezius, arms and forearms.

CAUTION: The neck pull can be dangerous for your shoulder joints. Control the descent well so as not to hit your neck and injure your cervicals. Gird your bust in order not to dig the lower back too much but do not contract your abdominal muscles too much to help you to lower the load. Before doing this exercise, it will be necessary to pass by a warming-up.


  1. This exercise is not necessarily recommended for beginners and it is more interesting to do a front pull.
  2. Do not use your abdominal muscles to pull the bar so as not to round your back and keep your chest straight with a good lumbar support.
  3. Exhale in the pulling or contraction phase and inhale in the stretching phase as you raise the bar back to the starting position. Breathing is very important.
  4. You can use hooks or pull straps to relax the muscles of the arms and forearms and focus the work on the back in full amplitude.


  • Back exercises with the pull-up bar. (not seated and therefore with body weight).
  • High pulley pull-up with a wide front grip - Easier exercise.
  • High pulley pull upside down with your hands facing you (supinated grip) or tight grip. The different holds in weight training.
  • High pull with a converging machine.

Find this exercise in the following program:

back program

Supplementary article :

How to do good stretches for the back?


Nape of the neck

Muscle group



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