How to do frontal gainage?

The front cladding sometimes called "plank" is an exercise for the abdominal muscles that is performed statically. It is rarely used and should be included in every weight-training program. Indeed, it allows to strengthen the deep muscles of the abdomen thanks to an isometric work. It uses the postural muscles to hold the position for a certain time. It is said that this exercise of gainage would help to have a flat stomach. But it is especially a way to be well sheathed for the classic training exercises and thus avoid injuries.

Which muscles are used during the frontal sheathing?

The frontal gainage makes it possible to target the great right of the abdominal muscles but also the obliques and all the postural muscles which intervene in order to maintain the position in statics and in balance, as well as the arms and forearms, the shoulders, the thighs and the glutei.

How do I do this exercise?

It is carried out while positioning its elbows on the ground, belly directed towards the ground, the tense legs, on the points of feet, the body must form a board in balance, the arms and the forearms forming an angle of 90 degrees.

The pelvis must be in retroversion in order not to dig the back, and it is necessary to push on the elbows in order to stabilize the joints of the shoulders, this is why the position of the body is not completely straight but slightly rounded.

CAUTION: Avoid straightening your head so as not to pull on the neck and injure your neck. Instead, tuck your chin in to keep your head in line with your body. Also, do not do not arch your lower back during the sheathing process in order not to create back pain.


  1. Blow in with your stomach as far in as possible to strengthen the transverse abdominals. Breathe in and out slowly and continuously.
  2. To avoid tension in the neck, try to tuck your chin in.
  3. Try to hold the position as long as possible without arching your back. If you can't keep your pelvis in a retroverted position, take a break for a few minutes and try again. Add a few more seconds each day to improve your posture and your goal.


  • The frontal gainage on the ground can be carried out with various variations: spread legs (which requests more the stabilizing muscles of the shoulders, arms and thighs).
  • In "superman" sheathing: instead of being on the elbows, we will stretch the arms far in front and be in balance on the hands and the toes, which considerably accentuates the difficulty to maintain the position.
  • Another variation with one arm and the opposite leg extended, which accentuates the imbalance and the difficulty of the exercise.

Supplementary article :

What is the purpose of the gainer in bodybuilding?


Frontal sheathing

Muscle group



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