How to do the front bar squat?

The front bar squat or also called front squat is a variation of the classic squat to the bar. It allows to solicit more the quadriceps and to reduce the tension on the lumbar vertebrae as well as the stress on the knee joint. The position of the bar on the front of the shoulders is rather uncomfortable and does not allow to carry heavy, the balance being difficult.

How do you do the exercise?

After loading the bar (not too heavy at first), stand in front of a squat rack. Adjust the height of the bar so that it is positioned slightly below shoulder level. Stand under the bar with your neck against it and place your front deltoids under the bar. Cross your arms and place your palms on the bar. Push down on your legs to lift the bar off the rack. Step back one step and then the other and reposition your feet to shoulder width. Toes pointing slightly outward. Bend your legs, keeping your elbows at shoulder height to keep the bar balanced. The back must remain straight without ever rounding. The movement of the front squat should be slow and controlled in both directions. Pull up when your thighs are parallel to the floor until your legs are almost straight and then repeat until the end of your series.

CAUTION: The bar must be positioned on the anterior deltoids and especially not at the level of the elbows. The back should not round off during the exercise and remain as straight as possible, which is why you should not load the bar as much as for the classic squat. Maintain a perfect technique and control of the movement without swinging or jerking at the top or bottom of the movement.


  1. Breathe in before going down and blow on the way up.
  2. You can hold your breath during the descent to maintain a better balance before blowing out on the way back up.
  3. Keep your elbows at shoulder height throughout the movement to keep the bar balanced.
  4. The knees should not be locked at the top of the movement so as to keep a continuous tension, likewise no momentum or a-coup at the bottom of the movement to optimize the exercise.


  • As for the squat, the inclined press or the hack squat it is possible to bring variations by modifying the position and the spacing of the feet: the tight feet will solicit more the quadriceps whereas if they are more spread out, the ischios, the glutei but also the interior of the thighs will be more targeted.
  • For more balance the squat in front or front squat can be carried out with the guided bar by positioning the feet well in front of the bar. However the muscles of balance will be much less solicited.
  • The hack squat, which also primarily targets the quadriceps, can be a good alternative to the front bar squat.

Supplementary article :

Belt squat: A revolutionary machine for the thighs


front squat

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