massage roller

The massage roller as a complement to weight training


An effective tool for stretching muscles

The roller massage or self-massage is part of the tools less known by practitioners of bodybuilding. Indeed, their use is still mysterious even if you have already seen a model in the gym. Moreover, few coaches still use this tool either before or after training. Discover through this article the important information about the massage roller and the benefits it provides to the body. You will also see why it can be a good accessory as a complement to weight training.

What is a massage roller?

trigger point

The massage roller looks like a small cylindrical cushion. However, the material used in its manufacture is a fairly rigid foam. This is to be used as a massage tool. There are two main models of massage rollers, including the smooth cylinder and the cylinder with small bumps. You also have the balls with spikes but that is not quite the same way of use. Let's talk about the traditional roller with bumps.

The size of a massage roller varies mainly according to the need and the part of the body to be massaged. Smaller models allow the owner to take it everywhere and massage the muscles at any time of the day.

What exercises are suitable for a massage roller?

The massage roller is not only a traditional massage tool. It is used in sports to help athletes relax their muscles before exercise. It is the same for stretching exercises, the foam roller allows athletes to recover well.

The exercises performed with a massage roller are also called "myofascial release" exercises. The exercises involve massaging the soft tissues on the sore parts of your body. Many people find the use of a massage roller interesting in terms of cost and effectiveness.

A massage therapy session is for people who can afford it. In addition, it is necessary to make the trip. The foam roller is economical, practical and can be used for self-massage directly in the weight room.

Hamstring and gluteal exercises

The hamstrings are painful when they are used during a very intense effort. Generally, 1 day after having used them, you have aches and pains or muscle tension. In short, it is painful. This is also the case for people who sit for hours on end. The legs can become heavy as a result of poor blood circulation. To remedy these two issues mentioned above, use the massage roller to massage this area even before you feel any pain.

To reach your buttocks, stand on the floor and place the roller under your legs. Roll the tool from your buttocks to your knees in a slow motion. Since the massage roller is often used during yoga sessions, it is important to manage your breathing. When you breathe, do so slowly and with concentration. This will allow your muscles to receive oxygen and be relaxed after the exercises. Using relaxation is a way to think about yourself and your well-being.

Exercises that relieve the back

back massage roller

The back is the part of the body that is subject to strong muscular tension after physical effort or work. This can be due to bad posture at the office or also as a result of intense training. The pain can be disabling if you don't take care of it from the beginning.

To calm it down or relieve pain, it is recommended to practice muscle relaxation exercises for your back on a daily basis. The exercises consist of rolling on the massage tool from the top of the back down to the hips. Your hands are placed behind your head while lying on the floor. Regular practice relaxes the knots that have built up throughout the day.

Also, to take care of your muscles, try to change positions as often as possible in your work environment. Stretching exercises complement the use of a massage roller. Together, the results are better and your muscles will be even healthier with each workout.

If you have severe back pain and the roller does not relieve you, it is best to consult your doctor or a specialist so that he can identify the problem you have. You should also adapt your sports session according to your pathologies. Sometimes, massages are not enough.

What are the benefits of the massage roller?

For gym members, a training program which ends with the massage roller can have many benefits. In addition to the muscle relaxation exercises, the massage roller can help to remove knots and tightness in the muscles. It can possibly reduce stiffness and contractures. However, it cannot be used on all the muscles of the body. Use it on your back, hamstrings, quadriceps and calves. It is useful when you finish your stretching training but nothing prevents you from using it as a warm-up before your weight training session.

Do you want to build up your muscles? 

An improvement of the joints

Like regular stretching exercises, the use of a massage roller allows the muscles to recover well from intense efforts. However, the cylindrical shape of the roller allows to work the joints with less effort. Thus, the flexibility and fluidity of joint movements are improved by self-massage.

Better blood circulation

The myofascial release exercises activate a good blood circulation in the body. In fact, the massage roller helps to loosen the stiff areas that are the cause of poor blood circulation.

Be aware that circulation problems can lead to cramps and numbness in the limbs. Oxygen is important for the muscles, so it is important to be aware of this and to do muscle relaxation exercises.

Less stress

massage roller

After a workout or a long day at work, using a massage roller is an effective way to relax. To evacuate the stress which causes a high rate of cortisol after an intense activity of the body. This plays a role in sleep and rest preventing the muscles from rebuilding. Myofascial release exercises are suitable for stretching the muscles. The self-massaging roller provides well-being to its user, it can reach the stiff areas of your body.

Relieves sore muscles

A massage time with a self-massaging roller is essential to alleviate muscle pain. Physical training can cause pain and the foam roller relieves the muscles. It can be aches and pains that occur after sports activities. You can use the massage roller to massage the sore areas.

Prevents muscle injuries

Exercises with a massage roller help to prevent possible muscle injuries. Whether it's muscle stiffness or overuse of your muscles.

Self-massage combined with stretching exercises helps to avoid muscle tears or tightness. However, you must be careful not to massage an inflamed area too much. Instead, focus on relieving the primary muscles that are close to the inflammation.

If you wish to have a massage roller, I recommend this one:

massage roller opinion

Other articles to read :

How to successfully gain weight?

Building muscle with elastic bands: complete workout

Know how to stretch your back

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  1. hello julien
    what is the difference with a compex machine for example i have it at home is it essential to use the massage roller or to keep the electrostimulation for that
    thank you for your answer and your time
    with kind regards,

    1. The two are complementary. Electrostimulation is good but it will never replace a real massage, either with a massage roller or at the physiotherapist. If you have the possibility I advise you to do both.

  2. very interesting but between the warm up, the workout and the stretching it's a lot of time spent at the gym

  3. julien thank you for your article but you still don't talk about the flower mat to relieve the back too
    Have you tested it yet?

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