superset arm

Have huge arms with supersets!


Superset arm!

Here is my bodybuilding program to build up your arms with my best triceps exercises and biceps exercises in superset. Training at Appy Fitness in Coustellet (84).

Address of the Hall : APPY FITNESS 320 Chemin des Cigales, 84220 Cabrières-d'Avignon

A top weight room in the Vaucluse region.

Superset arm program

Details of the workout in the weight room to get huge arms:

First exercise in superset : (both exercises are performed without recovery time).

Straight barbell standing curl for biceps Front barbell guided curl for triceps.

Four sets of 10 repetitions are performed for each exercise with 1 minute of rest between each set (1 set = 1 superset).

Second superset exercise: Seated barbell curl (10 reps) High pulley triceps extension (10 reps, dropset on the last set) 1 minute rest.

Third superset exercise: Low pulley single arm curl (12 to 15 reps) Low pulley kickback (12 to 15 reps) 1 min rest between each superset.

Last exercise in superset: Curl desk on machine (10 + 8 + 8 repetitions: dropset) Dips + tight push-ups or diamond push-ups (max repetitions) 1 min rest between each set.

Want to build up your arms with a complete program?

huge arm program

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