bodybuilding electrostimulation

The usefulness of electrostimulation as a complement to weight training


Electrostimulation to build muscle: Useful or not?

Electrostimulation has been used for a long time in the field of physiotherapy to stimulate the work of the muscles with the help of electric current. Nowadays, the electro-stimulator has become the essential tool for sportsmen and women who practice bodybuilding. The aim of this device is to reduce the effort of the heart and the stress on the tendons.

What is electrostimulation used for?

Electrostimulation is a technique which aims to optimise muscle contractions during physical exercise. Previously, this technique was reserved for health professionals such as physiotherapists to treat problems related to muscle aches or even for the rehabilitation of certain people

The technique is based on the excitation of the nerve fibres with an electric current transmitted by the electrode. The intensity of the current is low as it is used for therapeutic purposes. The electrostimulation acts on the muscles without putting any strain on the joints and tendons.


This principle does not cause fatigue from a cardiovascular point of view. Electrostimulation seems to be used to improve muscular strengthening, especially for sportsmen and women who are looking for good muscle building, but what is it really?

Who is electrostimulation for?

The technique of electrostimulation was for a long time intended for medical and sports professionals. Nowadays, electrostimulation is accessible to all those who want to stimulate their muscle fibres. Whether it is the beginner or even the professional athlete.

Indeed, it corresponds perfectly in complement of the musculation to the training sessions, the physical preparations or the rehabilitation of the aches. It should be noted that the device has the ability to reduce cramps occurring at the time of sports activity. It is still important to drink well throughout the day. The electro-simulation does not in any way replace a bodybuilding session. Its purpose is to relieve pain such as aches and pains and help you keep your muscle tone. Or, if you wish, to prepare your muscles for the effort, in other words to warm up.

Positioning the electro-stimulator correctly

electro-weight training

The electro-stimulator is made up of a number of electrodes which must be placed on the muscle groups to be stimulated in order to optimise the impact of the electric current. In general, the device comes with a reference manual to indicate the areas to be stimulated. However, the electrodes are far from each other and must stick to the body on the muscle while avoiding touching the tendons.

The choice of an electro-stimulator depends on the programme you are looking for, but the positioning of the electrodes remains the same. Do not forget to apply the gel to avoid unpleasant sensations and to obtain a good conduction of the current. The purpose of the gel is to prolong the life of the electrodes and their effectiveness as a stimulator. These wear out with use and the gel on these electrodes no longer sticks after a few months of use. Finally, the device must be focused on the muscle to be stimulated, whether it be the abdominal muscles, the buttocks, the pectorals, the lats, etc.

Frequency of use per week

sport elec

A stimulation session with an electro-stimulator normally lasts between 5 minutes and an hour. In relation to this time, experts recommend using the device between 2 and 6 times a week, per muscle. The frequency of use also depends on the program chosen, the user's experience with the stimulator and the level of training. During the sessions of 2 to 6 times a week, it is important to alternate the muscle to be worked. Furthermore, experts do not allow the same muscle to be stimulated for more than 80 minutes a day.

How to use electrostimulation?

To improve performance and obtain the desired results with the device, certain criteria must be taken into account. In general these are :

  • The duration of use: the user must respect the duration of each session to achieve the objective.
  • Frequency: this must be defined in advance before practising electrostimulation, because the frequency of a professional athlete is not the same as that of a beginner.
  • The position: the user is obliged to position the electrodes correctly on the muscles.
  • Intensity: electro stimulation helps to stimulate tired elements and to treat muscle pain.
  • The recovery phase: you should prioritize the time dedicated to recovering after a session.

Building muscle with an electrostimulator

The electro-muscular training is centered on the placement of electrodes on the skin to send a muscular electroshock. The muscle stimulator does not act on the body for weight loss because it only contracts the muscle to reshape the figure. Therefore, electrostimulation does not favour weight loss, but rather preparation for effort and muscular recovery. Let's not forget that to lose weight, nutrition is essential as a complement to muscle training which will help to burn calories.

Concerning muscle mass gain, you must shock your muscle and have an activity of a certain intensity to cause hypertrophy and therefore increase your muscle volume. Electro stimulation is really too light and will not allow you to gain muscle. Except possibly, if you have never practiced bodybuilding and even then.

Some studies show that the user can see a real change just after a few weeks of use, with three sessions a week. The electro-stimulator is therefore effective for maintaining an already acquired muscle but above all for recovery. Electrostimulation is of course safe for your health.

The best electro-stimulator

electrostimulation device

The compex SP 8.0 is one of the best electro-stimulators designed for high level athletes. The device features a concentration of technological innovation to stimulate the muscle effectively and deeply. The tool is equipped with a wireless technology that does not disturb the user during its use. It has four singular modules accompanied by two electrodes. The disadvantage of this tool is its price, which is quite excessive compared to other devices.

Electrostimulation is effective if it is used properly and in addition to physical activity in the gym or outdoors. The electro-stimulator will not give you firm buttocks and thighs with the absence of cellulite! For this you will need a precise training programme accompanied by an adapted nutritional plan.

My personal opinion on electrostimulation

Although it does not replace a good workout, it can be useful during a recovery. I used it regularly (every day) when I had to stay in bed after my herniated disc operation in order to maintain an activity and keep a maximum of my muscle mass. It is also possible to use it to stimulate aches or cramps in low intensity as a small massage to relieve small pains. It is an ally for the muscular recovery and will be a good complement for the people who begin the musculation. To finish, I do not think that the electrostimulation targeted at the level of the abdominal muscles that is commonly called slendertone really works. I'm more of a fan of real weight training to develop your abdominal muscles than using a machine and not making any physical or muscular effort. Even though it can help to tone the body. It can be a good thing to use it as a warm up just like the pistol style theragun. 

It's up to you to make up your own mind by testing electrostimulation.

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