build up the calves

How to build up your calves quickly?


The calves are very important muscles in sports that involve running, relaxation and endurance. They allow the feet to flex with each impulse and provide momentum with each stride. Working them therefore helps to improve the body's propulsive capacity. But what are the calves made of? How do you build up your calves? And how to tone them? Let's take stock with this article.

Anatomy of the calf

Located in the posterior compartment of the leg, the calf is made up of 3 muscle bundles: the lateral gastrocnemius, the medial gastrocnemius and the soleus. The gastrocnemius muscles form what is generally referred to as the medial and lateral twins. They give the calf its round shape and stabilize the knee. The soleus is the deep bundle of the sural triceps and a foot extensor muscle. It is located on the concave plane of the calf, under the twins.

calf muscle

Why build up your calves?

The calf has many physiological functions. For example, it naturally acts as a heart pump during physical exercise. It ensures an optimal venous return which allows to improve the blood circulation. This function of the calf is very important because it helps to avoid most pathologies of the suro-archillesis-plantar system. What is interesting is that the more the calf is worked, the more it improves its circulatory function.

Calf training also strengthens the vertical relaxation of the body. Combined with the resistance of the Achilles tendon, A muscular calf acts as a shock absorber. It absorbs impact shocks and saves energy. In addition, it increases the power of the Achilles tendon and improves its propulsive capacity. Thus, it creates a perfect harmony between the cushioning and the impulse during sports exercises. It is therefore practical to work on your calves if you want to optimize your running efforts.

On the other hand, calf training promotes motor coordination. During muscular exercises, the three fascicles of the sural triceps (the twins and the soleus muscle) all work together. This intermuscular coordination allows the synchronization of strength, speed and intensity of movement.

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What exercises should I do to tone my calf muscles?

The calves are naturally stressed when walking or jogging. However, if you want to tone them up, I advise you to take part in a proper weight training session with adapted exercises. Here are some of them:

  • Standing calf;
  • The thigh press calf;
  • Sitting calf at the machine;
  • Calf training on the stepper.

The standing calf is a simple but extremely effective exercise. It allows you to work the fibres of the calves in long and short series with a maximum contraction when you push on the tiptoes.

The calf to the press is very suitable for those who often suffer from aches and pains or lower back pain. This exercise allows you to work the calf in isolation, since it does not require any other leg muscles.

The calf sitting at the machine is a very particular exercise. Practiced in a sitting position with the back straight, it allows to work the slow muscle fibres of the soleus.

You can also build up your calves with the stepper. To do this, you need to set the machine to a slow speed and unfold your feet to the maximum.

How to build up your calves? What exercises should I do to build muscle?

In summary, to tone and gain mass in your calves, there are several strength training exercises to choose from, including standing calf raises, thigh press calf raises, and seated calf raises on a machine. Doing these exercises will help you build muscle tone in your legs and improve your body's motor coordination.

Here is a complementary article: 4 exercises to stretch your calves

The genetics of calves

If some people have difficulty developing their calves, it is a genetic question. In fact, it is possible for some people to notice that the insertion of the tendon is not conducive to building up this part. A bit like the short or long biceps which also depends on the insertion. In any case, and not to go into too much technical detail, the calves are generally worked at the same time as the legs. Some muscles may have difficulty developing, but this does not mean that it is impossible.


How to build up your calves quickly? If many women in particular are looking to slim down their calves, in bodybuilding it's the opposite! So in this video I give you some exercises for the calves, tips and tricks to develop them.

Find the complete program for the calves here : CLASSIC LEG

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