20 super foods to boost your health


Whether or not you're into bodybuilding, nutrition is essential to your well-being. Nature doing things right, it provides us with countless superfoods rich in vitamins and minerals. These fruits and vegetables, seeds, plants, algae and spices have multiple virtues and participate in the proper functioning of the body. Discover the list of super foods that are beneficial to your health, as well as ideas for revenues to prepare them.

What is a superfood?

Before we reveal the best foods for your health, let's take a look at what a superfood is.

Superfoods can be defined as natural foods whose nutritional inputs are well above average. They are generally rich in vitaminsIt is also a good source of nutrients, micronutrients, fiber, essential fatty acids and antioxidants.

As such, they are true allies for your health. The benefits of superfoods are numerous:

  • Strengthening the immune system;
  • Improvement of the cardiovascular system;
  • Prevention of certain diseases;
  • Provides energy and fights against fatigue;
  • Improved digestion.

Super foods are most often fruits and vegetablesThese include nuts, seeds, seaweed, spices and herbs.

In addition to their generic properties, these super-powered foods are also effective for gaining muscle or losing weight faster.

Let's look at the list of essential superfoods to stay in shape.

The 20 best superfoods for good health

1. Quinoa

Its benefits

Let's start with the first of these 20 super foods: the quinoa !

This small seed has many nutritional benefits. With its nutty flavor and a texture similar to that of rice or couscous, it provides the nine essential amino acids that the human body cannot produce by itself.

A bowl with salad with quinoa, tomatos, mango and some aromatic herbs.
Quinoa is a superfood with multiple benefits!

Quinoa is an excellent source of protein and carbohydrates (5 g of protein and 28 g of carbohydrates per 100 g). Conversely, it is low in fat. It is rich in manganese, iron, copper, magnesium and vitamin B2.

Thanks to a strong presence of dietary fibresQuinoa prevents cardiovascular pathologies. According to a study conducted by the University of TexasIt also helps to reduce cholesterol.

It is gluten-free, making it a food of choice for people with gluten intolerance.

How to consume it?

Like most superfoods, quinoa can be cooked in many ways.

For a healthy and delicious recipe, you can prepare it in a poke bowl with radishes, cucumber, edamame, salmon, avocado and mango.


2. Chia seeds

Their benefits

Consumed for thousands of years, especially in South America, the chia seeds are ideal for our health.

Rich in protein (19.5 g per 100 g), chia seeds are also high in fiber, calcium and omega-3. It thus supports the transit and helps to strengthen the bones.

It contributes to the cardiovascular health by limiting blood pressure and reducing cholesterol levels.

It finally brings a feeling of satietyideal in the weight loss phase.

How to consume them?

Chia seeds are very easy to incorporate into your meals.

You can sprinkle this superfood on most of your preparations: bowl, salad, smoothie, cottage cheese, etc.

Chia seeds swell when they come into contact with a liquid (water, vegetable milk, etc.). It is therefore possible to cook them in porridgeNo cooking required, for breakfast or as a snack.

3. Goji berries

Their benefits

Originally from Asia, the goji berry is a small fruit with a red color and a tangy taste. It has been used since the dawn of time in traditional Chinese medicine for its many properties.

The goji berry is one of the most complete superfoods.

She is an excellent source of vitamin CIt is a powerful antioxidant. It also contains vitamin A, amino acids and many trace elements that participate in the defense of the immune system, as well as the proper functioning of the kidneys and liver.

However, be careful to consume them in moderation, because goji berries are caloric (370 calories per 100 grams).

How to consume them?

As with chia seeds, goji berries can be used in most recipes.

4. Spirulina

Its benefits

Also known as blue-green algae, the spirulina is a cyanobacteria that grows in fresh water. It is usually offered in the form of food supplementsin powder or capsules.

Spirulina is one of these foods rich in nutrients, including beta-caroteneIt is also known for its high protein content. It is also known for its high protein content.

This superfood helps to reduce bad cholesterol and limits the appearance of muscular fatigue. It also has an anti-inflammatory virtue.

How to consume it?

In tablets, spirulina supplements are consumed with a glass of water.

In powder form, it is recommended to combine it with fresh fruit, in the form of a smoothie for example.

To learn more, discover this complete article dedicated to spirulina.

5. The nut

Its benefits

The nuts are oilseedsa family of foods particularly rich in fatty acids. But contrary to popular belief, these fats are good for your body.

Walnuts are rich in fiber, magnesium, vitamins E and B and omega 3. It is a appetite suppressant and effective that promotes digestion.

This fruit is also known to prevent certain cancers, including colon cancer according to This 2016 study conducted by the University of Connecticut.

How to consume it?

With 650 calories per 100 grams, the nut is a caloric food. It is therefore advisable to use them in the right proportions, as part of a healthy diet.

For the breakfast or for your snacks, you can use it in a protein muesli preparation with oatmeal, honey, vegetable milk, peanut butter and whey protein.

6. The almond

Its benefits

In the same way as nuts, the almonds are nutritional superfoods.

For only 191 calories, one serving of almonds provides 3.4 grams of fiber, or about 15 % of the recommended daily value. It also provides potassium, calcium, vitamin E, magnesium and iron.

The almond is an excellent health allyIt prevents cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and bad cholesterol.

A bowl on a table, filled with almonds.
Eating a few almonds daily will help you stay healthy.

How to consume it?

Delicious naturally, almonds can also be used to add a crunchy touch to porridge, cottage cheese or a bowl of skyr.

7. Oatmeal

Their benefits

The oatmeal are among the favorite foods of fitness and bodybuilding enthusiasts, and athletes in general.

They contain fiber, antioxidants and many other nutrients.

This food has been shown to help lower cholesterol levels, aid digestion, and even improve metabolism.

How to consume them?

Oatmeal is a superfood that is easy to incorporate into your daily diet or a diet plan.

However, raw flakes should be preferred in order to maintain a glycemic index low. Discover in this video 5 recipe ideas with oatmeal.

8. Green tea

Its benefits

This drink is often recommended as a natural medicine for all treatments, from cancer to heart disease.

Its secret? It contains many antioxidants and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a polyphenol that slows down irregular cell growth.

How to consume it?

Like a classic tea, the green tea is consumed as a drink, infused in hot water.

9. Kale

Its benefits

In the superfood category, the kale (or kale) is a must. It provides a significant amount of fiber, antioxidants, calcium and iron.

In addition to ensuring the proper functioning of your digestive system, this variety of cabbage preserves the health of your eyes.

With only 50 calories per 100 g, it is a formidable ally slimming for those who wish to lose weight.

How to consume it?

Steamed, curried, in a salad or in soup, kale can be cooked in many different ways.

For a more original preparation, opt for a smoothie with pineapple and almond milk.

10. Broccoli

Its benefits

The broccoli is a star food among bodybuilders.

The success of this green vegetable is due to its high content of vitamins, minerals and fiber, which are essential to any diet.

While all members of the cruciferous vegetable family are good for you, broccoli stands out for its exceptionally high levels of vitamin C and folate. These can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and stroke-related illnesses. certain cancers and strokes.

How to consume it?

No, you don't have to eat steamed broccoli with turkey and rice! There are countless ways to prepare broccoli.

Personally, I suggest you cook it in muffins, with vegetable milk and mozzarella. A recipe to find in my book of healthy and delicious recipes.

11. Spinach

Their benefits

The spinach are high in antioxidants, zinc and vitamins, which helps preserve your bones and eyesight.

A single serving of this superfood contains up to 12 % of the recommended daily dose of calcium, and enough vitamin K to help prevent bone loss.

How to consume them?

Do you have bad memories of creamed spinach in the canteen?

Rest assured, it is possible to prepare them in a different way. I suggest adding a few spinach shoots to your salads or egg omelets.

12. Sweet potato

Its benefits

The sweet potato has excellent nutritional qualities. It is rich in essential nutrients, beta-carotene, trace elements and vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6).

It slows down the cell aging and therefore keeps you healthy for a long time.

Low in calories, it has a lower glycemic index than potatoes.

How to consume it?

With its sweet taste, the sweet potato is pleasant to the taste.

It can be prepared as a puree or as crispy fries in the oven or in an air fryer.

13. The lenses

Their benefits

The lenses have many advantages: they are inexpensive, easy to prepare, rich in protein and iron, and have a low glycemic index.

Particularly satiating, these legumes help to fight against anemia and promote intestinal transit.

How to consume them?

Cooked with a few spices, lentils will perfectly complement your meats and fish. For vegetarians, choose to eat them as a curry or stew.

14. Beet

Its benefits

The beet contains a host of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can help fight disease and strengthen vital organs.

And their purple hue may be the secret to their success. Some studies suggest that betalain, the purple pigment in this vegetable, may help fight cancer and other degenerative diseases.

How to consume it?

To enhance the beet, I recommend eating it in a salad with potatoes, in a mousse with tuna or even in a smoothie with raspberries.

15. The lawyer

Its benefits

In the list of super foods, how can we not talk about the lawyer ?

L'lawyer is rich in good fats. These fats contribute to the proper functioning of the heart.

In addition, this fruit contains more potassium than a banana, a mineral that has a positive effect on blood pressure.

How to consume it?

Excellent when prepared as guacamole, avocado is just as pleasant on avocado toast, with cottage cheese, smoked salmon and a few tomatoes.

Two plates placed on a table, inside which are placed avocado toasts.
Delicious and easy to prepare, the avocado is one of the essential superfoods.

16. The strawberry

Its benefits

Spring fruit par excellence, the burr is rich in vitamin C. A single serving is enough to meet your daily needs and to fill up on energy.

Studies suggest that the antioxidant in strawberries helps in the formation and repair of body tissues, boosts immunity and increases resistance against excessive free radical damage.

How to consume it?

Strawberries can be eaten as is, plain or with agave syrup.

You can also add a few to an acai bowl, a protein pancake or a bowl of cottage cheese.

17. The apple

Its benefits

The apple is packed with vitamins, minerals and trace elements such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. It is one of the best of these superfoods!

Eaten raw with the skin, it reduces the risk of constipation. It also limits bad cholesterol.

The apple is finally an effective appetite suppressant, which makes it useful in phase of weight loss to restrict snacking between meals. It's no coincidence that the Mayo Clinic, a U.S.-based research institute, has classified it as a the 10 best foods to eat.

How to consume it?

The apple has the advantage of being available throughout the year.

It can be eaten as is, in fruit salad, in smoothie or with cottage cheese.

18. Cranberry

Its benefits

The cranberryThe cranberry is a small fruit with an acidic taste that is very interesting from a nutritional point of view.

In addition to its vitamin C and fiber content, it has an incredible power antioxidant. These berries help reduce inflammation, prevent heart disease and ulcers and improve oral health.

How to consume it?

Don't hesitate to add cranberries to your vegetable or fruit salads or porridges.

Another possibility is to incorporate them into oatmeal cookies or homemade cereal bars.

19. Ginger

Its benefits

The ginger is a slightly spicy, but very pleasant condiment. It has been used for years as a flavoring and as a natural remedy for various ailments, including stomach inflammations.

Ginger has an interesting content of proteins, fibers and vitamins B3, B6 and B9.

How to consume it?

Fresh ginger is ideal for adding flavor to your dishes. You can also simply consume it in infusion, mixed with water and lemon juice.

20. Garlic

Its benefits

L'garlic has been used for many years to heal. It is now one of the favorite condiments of the French.

Low in caloriesIt helps prevent cancer, high blood pressure and heart disease thanks to the presence of sulfur compounds.

How to consume it?

Raw or cooked, garlic can be used to spice up most of your dishes!


On a daily basis, consuming superfoods is essential to strengthen your immune system, prevent the onset of disease and boost your energy. Rich in nutrients, they are real natural allies in taking care of your body. Thanks to this list of 20 super foods easy to use, you will enjoy many health benefits.

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