A man in a weight room performs the nordic curl exercise to strengthen his hamstrings.

The nordic curl, the essential exercise for your hamstrings


The hamstring injuries are common among athletes of all levels. However, this muscle located at the back of the thigh is often neglected by athletes during their training sessions. This is where the nordic curl takes action! Looking for an effective exercise to target the ischios? Discover the benefits of the nordic curl, its different variations and my advice on how to perform it optimally.

What is nordic curl?

The nordic curl, or nordic hamstring curl for its full name, is a eccentric isolation movement targeting the hamstrings. This bodyweight exercise is ideal for strengthening the back of the thighs.

The hamstring is the antagonist of the quadriceps. The two work together to allow extension and flexion of the leg.

Returning to the Nordic curl, it targets the biceps femoris and semitendinosus muscles, two of the three portions of the hamstring. It allows for an optimal stretch of the muscle fibres. Exposed to a maximum load, these tissues become progressively more resistant.

In this sense, this little-known exercise is for beginners as well as for experienced athletes with several years of practice behind them.

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The benefits of Nordic curl

Several studies have looked at the benefits of the Nordic ham curl. This is notably the case of this one, published in 2015 in the scientific journal American Journal of Sports Medicine.

The researchers analyzed how the Nordic curl could prevent injuries hamstring injuries (contractures, strains, tears, etc.) in soccer players. They concluded that doing Nordic curls twice a week significantly reduced the chances of injury.

A man in shorts holds the hamstrings of his left leg with his hand following an injury.
The nordic curl is scientifically proven to prevent hamstring injuries.

It is not by chance that this movement is very often integrated in the rehabilitation protocols proposed by physiotherapists after an injury.

In the context of a physical preparationAs a result, Nordic curl is an excellent muscle-strengthening exercise. If you play soccer, rugby, combat sports, ski, track and field or run, it will help you stay healthy for a long time.

How to do the nordic curl?

In its simplest version, you won't need to have any fitness equipment at hand.

In the starting position, kneel on the floor and keep your torso straight to achieve a 90 degree hip flexion. Your heels should be held firmly by another person. You can also wedge them under a piece of furniture or under a loaded barbell.

As slowly as possible, the goal is to hold the descent from your chest to the floor, as if you didn't want to touch it. By controlling the movement, the goal is to stretch your fibers as much as possible. You will feel the contraction of your posterior chain.

When you can no longer resist, place your hands on the floor to break your fall and return to the starting position.

Perform 4 sets of 10 to 15 reps.

A person does the nordic hamstring curl with a fitness mat under their knees.
In the nordic curl, the objective is to go down as slowly as possible by slowing down the movement thanks to your ischios.

You can do the nordic curl without machine anywhere: at home, in a gym or even in a hotel room if you're on the go.

In the weight room, you can do a nordic curl on the GHD (glute ham developper), a machine designed to work the ischios, glutes or lumbar.

Some rooms are even equipped with specific machines to do this exercise.

Variations of this exercise

A first nordic curl variant is to use a resistance band to relieve the weight of the body. This version is perfect for beginners who want to build up the back of their legs.

The rubber band should simply be attached to a high support behind you and wrapped around your torso. Its role is to maintain the descent phase and to help you to go back up.

Finally, there is a variation of this exercise to work on the quadriceps The reverse nordic curl. The principle of this isolation movement is the same, except that you will have to lean backwards. It is a good complement to the squat, press and leg extension.

To conclude

The Nordic curl is without a doubt one of the most best weight training exercises for hamstrings. It helps to prevent injuries, improve your sports performances and correct your posture. Accessible to all practitioners, it is easy to integrate into your leg day training program.

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