A shirtless man performs a pectoral isolation exercise with a pulley in a weight room.

Is the FST-7 method effective for building muscle?


Have you ever heard of the FST-7 method ? Invented by Hany Rambod, an athletic trainer who has trained some of the world's greatest bodybuilders, this technique can help you build muscle. Find out what the FST-7 method is, and how to apply it to your workouts.

What is the FST-7 method?

The FST-7 (Fascia Stretch Training 7) method is based on the premise that weight gain can be limited by the elastic membrane that covers our muscle fibres.

The thickness of this outer layer, called the fasciaThis is unique to each athlete. But weight trainers with thicker fascia may have difficulty becoming voluminous.

Fortunately, this fascia can be stretched to allow more room for muscle development. This is where the FST-7 method fromHany Rambod.

Hany Rambod is a legendary trainer in the bodybuilding world. He has accompanied the greatest bodybuilders in their preparation for Mr. Olympia, from Phil Heath à Jay Cutlerthrough Jeremy Buendia or more recently Chris Bumstead.

Sports coach Hany Rambod, inventor of the FST-7 method, with bodybuilder Chris Bumstead.
Hany Rambod, shown here with famed bodybuilder Chris Bumstead, is the inventor of the FST-7 method.

To inflate the membrane surrounding the muscle and promote its development, Hany Rambod's FST-7 method is based on three principles:

  • The addition of 7 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions on an isolation exercise at the end of training;
  • A contraction of the worked muscle during the recovery time between each series;
  • Stretching before, during and after weight training.

How to apply this method during a weight training session?

To apply the FST-7, you must first perform a good warm-up and do several basic exercises.

For each muscle group worked, theisolation exercise of the FST-7 method should be performed at the end of the training.

Choose a weight training exercise to isolate the muscle in question, and do 7 sets with moderate loads. With a number of repetitions between 8 and 12, the goal is not to fail.

Take 30 to 45 seconds of rest time between each set. During these few seconds of recovery, remember to contract the muscles worked.

A torso man does a biceps exercise with a screw pulley in a gym.
The FST-7 method involves performing 7 sets on an isolation exercise at the end of the session.

In concrete terms, let's take the example of a pectoral muscles.

Start the session with bench press with barbell or dumbbells (4 sets of 8 to 12 reps) and the incline press (4 sets of 8 to 12 reps). Then follow with 3 sets of dips, at body weight or with additional loads.

Finish your workout with a front pulley split, performing the famous 7 sets of the FST-7 method.

To make the fascia more flexible, Hany Rambod recommends stretch before, during and after the session.

My opinion on the FST-7 method

I personally tested the FST-7 method by reproducing the arm session (biceps and triceps) of the weight-training program of Chris Bumstead, four-time winner of Mr. Olympia in the Classic Physique category.

You understood it, this technique would allow to stretch the fascias to help the muscles to grow. Without questioning its effectiveness, I don't think it is revolutionary. It is a method of congestion as there can be many others.

This system is mainly for advanced practitioners. If you are beginner in strength training, work primarily on polyarticular exercises by applying the principle of progressive overload.

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