A man enters a gym with his gym bag slung over his shoulder.

What to put in your gym bag for weight training?


If you're a member of a fitness or weight room, you'll probably have to pack your things several times a week. And to make sure you don't forget anything, here is a list of things you need to put in his sports bag before each training session.

Appropriate footwear

For your workouts in the gym, choose shoes adapted to your practice. You will find more information in this article on the choice of sports shoes.

Be sure to use clean shoes, ideally reserved for your indoor physical activity.

A towel and a lock

Also take along a clean towel in your gym bag, to be used during your exercises on a weight bench or on machines.

Also consider a lock to close your locker.

A shaker or water bottle

Staying well hydrated is essential during your workouts. It allows you to compensate for the water loss inherent in sweating.

To do this, always have a shakera water bottle or a gourd!

A shirtless man drinks from a shaker during a workout at the gym.
The shaker is an essential accessory for all your weight training or fitness.

Food supplements

You can put in your water shaker EAA or BCAA to promote anabolism and muscle gain during the session.

To stimulate yourself before your workout, you can also opt for a pre-workout. For my part, I use the Big Shot from Prozis !

After training, supplements such as glutamine or creatine will help you recover faster and optimize your muscle mass gain.

A strength belt

Personally, to prevent back injuries, I have made it a habit to use a strength belt on most weight training exercises.

This accessory is particularly interesting if you have to do squats or deadlifts with heavy loads.

Bodybuilding accessories

Depending on your workout habits, there are a variety of weight training accessories that can be packed into your gym bag:

  • gloves
  • reinforcement bands for the wrists
  • elastics for warm-up
  • straps or hooks for pulling movements
  • Angle90 grips and fat grips


Finally, what would be a training without a good motivating playlist in the ears?

A sportsman puts on his headphones to listen to music.
Music, an essential element to motivate yourself at the gym.

I'm sure you've all experienced that feeling of distress when you realize you've forgotten your headphones at home... To make sure that doesn't happen again, always put them back in your gym bag after use!

What about you, what are your gym bag essentials?

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