A glass of green tea, a powerful natural diuretic.

Natural diuretic: which foods to fight against water retention?


The water retention in the human body can lead to various health problems. Consuming regularly a natural diuretic is ideal to fight against this phenomenon and promote the work of the kidneys. Many foods and other plants have diuretic properties that allow better elimination of urine. Discover the best of them.

What is a natural diuretic?

A natural diuretic is a food that improves the functions offluid disposal of the organization.

Natural diuretics act directly on therenal activity and increase urinary production.

These foods are therefore effective in fighting against water retention. Indeed, people suffering from retention can be victims of many health problems:

  • edema (swelling of tissues, usually in the legs or feet)
  • heart failure,
  • renal failure,
  • hypertension (high blood pressure),
  • diabetes,
  • liver disease.
An image showing the kidneys inside the human body.
The kidneys are responsible for removing waste products from the body in the urine.

As it evacuates these fluids, the body will also eliminate toxins present in the body. A natural diuretic thus has draining properties which aim at purifying it.

Why consume natural diuretics?

Water retention in athletes

As you can see, it is essential to consume foods with diuretic effects on a daily basis to stay healthy. good health.

But why is this important in the practice of bodybuilding and fitness?physical activity in general?

There are several types of water retention. In athletes, it is extracellular water retention that poses a problem, as it is physically visible. Too much water retention can therefore have a negative impact onvisual appearance of the body. Very often, it affects the stomach area in men and the legs in women.

In a sport like bodybuildingAesthetics is at the heart of the competition. The bodybuilders seek to have the driest body possible to make their curves apparent. To display shaped musclesThey must avoid storing visible water at all costs.

A bodybuilder posing from behind, muscles visible.
Water retention is a real enemy for bodybuilders.

The elimination of subcutaneous water is also important in combat sports subject to weight categories, where a few kilos can make a big difference.

Natural diuretic and weight loss

If you rely exclusively on a natural diuretic product to lose weight, you will not achieve your goal.

These foods will keep you in shape for a long time, but they won't help you to lose weight in the long term. In the same way as perspirationThe water that is excreted in the urine is then recovered when you drink. Diuretics will not make you eliminate the body fatThis is only a surplus of water stored in the body.

In addition, some athletes use unnatural diuretic products, banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (AMA). Dangerous for the healthThese drugs are designed to accelerate the elimination of doping products such as anabolic agents. They mask the taking of illegal substances during controls.

Of course, these products should not be confused with natural foods to drain the body.

The 6 best natural diuretics

To avoid water retention problems, diet plays a fundamental role. In addition to eating diuretic foodsIt is important to stay well hydrated (even if this may seem paradoxical) and to limit industrial products rich in salt.

At each meal of the day, choose a healthy eating based on fruits and vegetables.

Discover now the 6 best natural diuretics.

Green tea

Used for centuries in Chinese medicine, the green tea is a powerful natural diuretic.

Rich in antioxidants, green tea helps increase diuresis (the volume of urine output) by eliminating excess sodium present in the body.

Consumed in herbal teas, you just have to let it infuse a few minutes in a glass of water to take full advantage of its properties.

The coffee

The coffee is another very effective natural diuretic.

A cup of coffee with an open bag of coffee beans.
Coffee has important diuretic properties.

In general, caffeine has many health benefits. However, it is a stimulant that should be consumed in moderation.


The fennel is an unknown plant. However, its benefits are still numerous.

Low in caloriesThis green vegetable is undoubtedly one of the most effective when it comes to dealing with swelling due to water retention.

In addition to its diuretic effect, fennel has a good content of potassium and is rich in fiber. You can eat it for most of the year or consume it as food supplements.


The dandelion is a natural diuretic worthy of a grandmother's remedy.

This plant is mainly known to help the digestion. But the dandelion also has a diuretic effect and a draining action. Thanks to a high concentration of potassium, it promotes the elimination of waste.

Rich in magnesium and vitaminsDandelion can be combined with bearberry to increase its effectiveness.


Often used in cooking to enhance certain recipes, the parsley is another plant that has a diuretic action.

Parsley is one of the foods that the caloric intake is almost zerowhich makes it an ingredient of choice for use in a dryer or a balanced diet.


L'nettle is also an herbaceous plant known for its medicinal properties.

It limits water retention and participates in the cleaning of the kidneys, which has the effect of improving the muscle definition.

It is rich in flavonoids (or vitamin P), a substance with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Other plants and vegetables can also help you eliminate excess water in your body. Their properties are more or less identical to the 6 we have just mentioned:

  • black radish,
  • cucumber,
  • the pilosella,
  • the weed,
  • the queen of the meadows,
  • cherry stem,
  • orthosiphon.


You now know the best natural diuretics. Make sure you incorporate them into your food plan and to keep yourself well hydrated on a daily basis to flush fluids from your body. And if you think you are a victim of water retention, don't hesitate to consult a health professional.

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