Uniformed soldiers in line.

How to pass the physical test for the Army?


You wish to join the army French ? To become a soldier, you will need to be in good physical condition during the entrance exam. Running, squats and pull-ups are on the menu for the Army physical test. Find out how to best prepare yourself to pass the selection tests.

What are the physical tests for the army entrance exam?

L'physical activity is at the heart of the armed forces' profession.

Regardless of rank (non-commissioned members, non-commissioned officers, junior officers, etc.), being physically fit is absolutely essential to being in the military.

Throughout the military trainingThe recruits are pushed to excel.

Military personnel lying in the mud during an obstacle course.
Physical activity is at the heart of the military profession.

To join the army, candidates must pass a medical check-up and psycho-technical tests. They must also pass selection tests that are designed to check their general physical abilities.

The Army physical test in 2022 is composed of 3 events :

  • Luc Léger's test
  • pull-ups for men or vertical pull-ups for women
  • squats

Luc Léger's test

The test by Luc Léger is an endurance sport event.

It is used in the army's competitive examinations and is also offered to future firemen, gendarmes and police officers.

Its objective is to measure the maximum aerobic speed (VMA) and VO2max.

Physically demanding, this test allows the instructors to evaluate your motivation.

To learn more, I invite you to consult this article dedicated to Luc Léger's test.


To become a soldier, the men will have to face the dreaded test of pulls.

The rules of the game are clear. The pull-ups are done in pronation grip. For a pull-up to count, you must fully unlock your arms in the down position and bring your chin over the bar in the up position.

A man performs pull-ups to prepare for the Army physical test.
Pull-ups are on the menu of the physical test for the Army.

The goal is to do as much as possible until you fail.

For women, the pull-ups are replaced by vertical pull with the high pulley. Always in pronation grip, the test ends as soon as the candidate stops.


The last event involves the lower body, especially the thighs.

The test consists of making the largest number of body weight squats in 1 minute.

Here again, the movement to be performed is very precise. The bending must be greater than 90 degrees.

The arms should be at the side of the body in the starting position, then stretched forward on the way down.

How to prepare for the Army physical test?

Before you take the Army physical, you'll need to prepare yourself. Joining the army requires a suitable condition.

Your physical preparation must start at least 8 weeks before the day of the competition. If you are not at all athletic, start as early as possible.

It is essential that your prep school combines cardio and weight training. Be sure to maintain a good balance between building mass and improving endurance. Too much muscle growth can slow down your running performance.

You wish to benefit from a customized training program to pass the physical test for the Army?

Work on endurance

To pass Luc Léger's test, plan to 3 to 4 running sessions per week in your training plan. To reach the best possible plateau, it is important to work on fundamental endurance and running speed.

The best solution is to alternate between long sessions (30 to 60 minutes) at a moderate pace and split workouts.

Work out

I also advise you to spend some time at the sports hall.

To perform well in squats and pull-ups, you will need to develop all of your muscles. If you are new to weight training, focus on polyarticular movements.

To build lower body strength, there is no need to load too heavy. Work on sets between 8 and 12 repetitions at 70 % of your MR (maximum repetition).

A man is doing the squat exercise in a gym.
To prepare for the squat, it's best to train in the weight room.

To increase your number of repetitions in pull-ups, target the different muscles The following muscles are used during the exercise: the back, deltoids, trapezius, biceps, triceps, etc.

If you've never done pull-ups before, you can start by using a rubber band attached to the bar.

For to progress with pull-upsIf you are not sure what to do, it may be worthwhile to lift extra weight on top of your body weight. Do some weighted pull-ups with a vest or a weight belt.

From plyometric exercises can finally help you gain power and explosiveness. This will help you to achieve as many reps as possible in as little time as possible.

Take care of your lifestyle

To make your efforts pay off on the Army test, adopt a good health.

On the side power supplyIf you are not getting enough calories, make sure your macronutrients are well balanced.

To optimize your muscle recovery Between sessions, hydrate properly (at least 2 liters of water per day) and do not neglect the quality of your sleep.


The Army is recruiting throughout the year, in the whole of France. If you like sports activities and challenging yourself, the military profession may be for you. These few tips will help you prepare for the Army physical test.

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