Do you know all the types of traction?


Traction is a strength exercise ideal to build up the upper body. In a previous article, I explained to you how to do pull-ups correctly. Today, we will discover the 9 types of pulls that it is possible to achieve.

1 - Pronation traction

The pronation traction (or pull-up) is the basic version of this exercise.

To do a pronated grip pull, your palms should simply face forward. This type of pull-up favors the work of the back.

2 - Supination Traction

Known as chin-upIn this variation, you grasp the pull-up bar with your palms facing you.

In addition to the back muscles, this movement primarily targets the biceps.

A woman is on a pull-up bar in supine grip.
This type of traction favors the work of the biceps.

3 - Wide grip traction

This traction variant Make sure the space between your hands is greater than the width of your shoulders.

The wide grip pull-ups are ideal for obtaining a V-shaped silhouette and develop the width of your back.

4 - Tight grip pull

Conversely, the positioning of the hands on the tight grip pull-ups is less than shoulder width.

This exercise can be performed on a classic pull-up bar or on parallel bars in a neutral grip.back thickness.

5 - Mixed grip traction

To execute this type of tractionOne of your hands should be in pronation, the other in supination.

Inspired by the deadlift, this hybrid grip improves your grip.

6 - Power steering

The assisted pulls are designed for beginners in bodybuilding who wish to progress.

They can be done on a dedicated gym machine, or with an elastic band.

A woman performs an assisted pull-up on a weight machine.
Assisted pull-ups can be performed on a machine or with a rubber band.

7 - Ballasted traction

In addition to your body weight, simply add weight on yourself (weighted vest, weight belt, etc.) to do weighted pull-ups.

This exercise is for experienced athletes only.

A man does a pull with a weighted vest on his back.
Weighted pull-ups optimize muscle growth.

8 - Muscle up

The muscle up combines two strength training movements: pull-ups and dips. The goal is to do a pull-up, then lift yourself up until your arms are extended over the bar.

Widely used in cross-training and in street workoutThis is a difficult but effective exercise.

A man does a muscle up on the pull-up bar.
The muscle up is a physically demanding type of pulling.

9 - One arm pull

The one-armed pull-ups are undoubtedly the most difficult.

They require a lot of strength to lift your weight with one hand on the bar.


Now you know all the types of pull-ups. Tell me in the comments which variations you use in your training program.

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  1. Excellent your article!

    For me the pull-ups are THE best exercise to do in bodybuilding, it is very versatile, work the back from several angles thanks to the variants that you have shown, excellent for the forearms and biceps too (especially in supine grip), for me the pull-ups and the rowing at the bar are the pillars to have a well developed back!

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