Produced naturally by the body, cortisol is a catabolic hormone. Weight trainers who wish to perform a weight gain Therefore, they must take it into account to reach their goal. However, this hormone is essential for muscle growth, as it allows for intense workouts. So how do you control your cortisol levels to reach your goals?
What exactly is cortisol?
The stress hormone
Known as thestress hormoneCortisol (or hydrocortisone) is produced by the adrenal glands. It is a hormone that promotes catabolism. Through its catabolic effect, the cortisol participates in the degradation of muscle mass.
This explains why cortisol is often opposed to the testosteronea hormone with an anabolic effect that optimizes muscle volume gain.
What is the role of cortisol?
Cortisol allows the human body to cope with stressful situations physical or emotional. This hormone is responsible for providing the body with sufficient energy to face them. To do this, cortisol degrades the body's glucose reserves, which are a formidable source of energy.
Cortisol production can therefore occur before or during a significant event (a driver's license exam, an assault in the street, etc.). In the context of the practice of bodybuildingIt is triggered when an athlete performs a long and intense training session, which represents a real physical and mental stress.
Cortisol can become a health hazard when it is synthesized in a significant way over a prolonged period of time. Lack of sleep, fatigue, unhealthy high-fat diets, or anxiety can all lead to high cortisol.
Is it good or bad to have high cortisol levels?
Cortisol levels vary throughout the day. It is at its highest in the morning and gradually decreases.
As we have seen, it is quite normal to have a high cortisol levels in certain stressful situations. During your session at the gym, it will help you to push yourself.
On the other hand, your cortisol level should not be high during rest phases. The effects of too much cortisol over a prolonged period of time can be :
- a weight gain related to fat storage,
- a performance reduction sports,
- a lengthening of the phases of muscle recovery,
- an appearance of concentration disorders and sleep,
- an increase in risk of heart disease and hypertension.
The reason high cortisol can cause you to gain weight is because it is responsible for sudden cravings for fatty, caloric foods. You may have noticed this when you were stressed. In general, we all have a tendency to want to eat processed foods full of sugar.
Conversely, a cortisol deficit can also be responsible for many health problems. This is often a sign of defective adrenal glands. It is therefore advisable to consult a doctor.
So whether your goal is to lose weight, gain muscle or just stay healthy, you need to learn how to control cortisol and keep it balanced.
How to control cortisol levels?
There are 3 factors that can help you balance your cortisol: diet, exercise and lifestyle.
The diet
For maintain your cortisol level At an appropriate level, it is essential to adopt a diet with a sufficient caloric intake and a good distribution of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and lipids).
You should avoid at all costs industrial foods such as sodas, cakes and more generally products rich in sugar. Be careful with caffeine, too much of which can have negative consequences.
To avoid a sudden spike in cortisol, it is also best to eat more meals, but reduce the amount of each. For example, you can 5 or 6 balanced meals a day.
The taking of food supplements The following will help you maintain a normal cortisol level as long as your diet is correct:
- BCAA and arginine,
- glutamine,
- gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA),
- omega 3,
- vitamin C,
- Magnesium
- Rhodiola rosea.
Physical activity
The overtraining can cause an increase in cortisol. It is better to choose 4 to 5 weight training sessions It is not necessary to train for hours on end. Also, it is not necessary to train for hours on end. Workouts of about an hour will help you maintain your intensity level and reach your goals.
Focus on the basic exercises. From polyarticular movements such as the bench press, squat or deadlift will mechanically cause a production of testosterone which will slow down the increase in cortisol levels. On the other hand, finishing exercises cause a rise in cortisol. You can of course incorporate them into your training programbut limiting the number of sets and repetitions.
Finally, also pay attention to cardio exercises such as running or cycling. These cause a rise in cortisol and an anabolic situation.
The way of life
To maintain a stable cortisol level, it is equally important to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Sleep and recovery are both essential to managing your cortisol levels. Sleeping well will help you reduce stress and build muscle over the long term.
Overall, all stretching exercises and relaxation will help you relax and keep your cortisol in check. If you feel stressed, do a yoga or stretching session to relax. Meditation is also a great way to relax.
In short, cortisol is not your enemy. It even plays an essential role in the development of your muscles. On the other hand, it is necessary to control it by adopting a healthy lifestyle and by training appropriately.
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