Bodybuilding: what to eat after sport?


What eating after sport ? Wanting to optimize the results of their training for bulk up or to lose weight, many bodybuilders ask themselves this question. In addition to its effects on muscle development, diet also plays an essential role in the recovery after a physical effort. In this article, discover the importance of nutrition to reach your goals, as well as some ideas for snacks and post-workout meal.

Why should you eat after weight training?

After a sports session Intense, it can be tempting to gorge on foods high in sugar and calories. Unfortunately, this snacking can undermine all the efforts made during your physical activity. It is therefore to be proscribed from your eating habits.

Whether it's for weight gain or weight loss, it's essential to take care of your diet to perform. All the foods consumed after a workout will maximize your results or, on the contrary, destroy them.

When you make strength exercisesyour muscle fibres undergo micro tears. Your body then begins a natural rebuilding process. It is this mechanism that allows you to obtain bigger and stronger muscles, session after session.

But to repair your muscle tissue effectively, your body needs a number of nutrients, mainly proteins and carbohydrates.

Similarly, a good hydration after exercise is essential. Through perspiration, your body will lose a lot of water during training. To compensate for this loss and recover more quickly, you must therefore drink water in sufficient quantity.

Macronutrients essential for muscle mass gain


After a workout, your goal should be to create a positive nitrogen balance. This means that the amino acids are greater than the losses inherent to sports practice. As you can see, this positive protein balance is essential for muscle development.

After a session in the gym, make sure you eat a healthy snack or a meal rich in proteins. The whey protein is one of the best options, as it has an excellent absorption capacity and digestion by the body. This food supplement is also an excellent source of leucinethe most important amino acid for muscle building.

Lean meats or egg whites are foods rich in animal proteins which can represent an interesting alternative to whey. On the side of plant proteinFor example, you can opt for legumes (lentils, beans, etc.), soy products or whole grain foods.

Contrary to some claims, you do not need to consume a whey shaker right after your workout. Known as anabolic windowThis concept has never been scientifically proven. However, it is important for your metabolism to have a minimum intake of 20 grams of protein of good quality protein within two hours of your session, especially if you don't like to eat beforehand. To ensure maximum stimulation of protein synthesis, opt for 40 grams of protein if your weight exceeds 90 kilos.

eating after weight training


In order to meet the demands of training, your body is forced to draw from the glycogen reserves. Glycogen is the main power source for your body. At the end of a workout, you should have a energy intake adapted to replenish your glycogen stocks quickly.

Your post-training diet should include carbohydrate-rich foods such as potatoes, rice cakes or white rice. To create an optimal anabolic environment, it is advisable to consume 20 to 30 % of your daily carbohydrate quota after the workout.


If the fats have no anabolic properties to speak of, scientific studies on the subject have not revealed any negative impact on their consumption after training.

Even if they are not bad, it is still better to limit them. Without ever eliminating them completely, because your body needs them.

Examples of meals and snacks to eat after a session

You wish to set up a diet adapted to gain muscle? To fill up on energy, discover some ideas for balanced meals with excellent nutritional content, to eat after your workouts.

Sample meal 1:

  • whey protein shake (20 to 40 grams of whey),
  • 1 banana,
  • rice cakes.

Sample meal 2:

  • porridge from oatmeal with water or almond milk,
  • whey protein,
  • some blueberries and a little honey.

Sample meal 3:

  • chicken,
  • broccoli,
  • white rice.

The quantities are to be adjusted according to your nutritional requirements.

Of course, there are many other options. Just make sure you're getting enough protein and glucose to allow your muscles to grow.


Now you know what to eat after sports! After weight training, it's best to eat protein-rich foods and carbohydrates. To optimize your muscle developmentEat your meal or snack within two hours. If whey protein is a safe bet, you can accompany it with fruits and vegetables or oatmeal.

Need a customized nutrition plan?

Supplementary article :

What should I eat before working out?

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