hiit cardio

HIIT cardio workout: 4 circuits to burn maximum calories


Whether they are beginners or experienced, many sportsmen integrate cardio sessions in their training plan. Working on your cardio has many benefits, both for lose weight than to improve your general physical condition. However, an endurance session doesn't have to mean a long run or bike ride. Thanks to HIIT cardio (High Intensity Interval Training), it is indeed possible to burn fat with a physical effort of only 15 to 20 minutes. Find out how this split training method works, as well as examples of HIIT sessions for beginners and experienced athletes.

All about HIIT cardio

What is HIIT cardio?

HIIT, from the English High Intensity Interval Training, literally means high intensity interval training.

In concrete terms, HIIT is a split training method that favours anaerobic exercises. During a HIIT cardio session, the athlete will alternate between periods of intense effort and active (with moderate or low intensity effort) or passive recovery periods.

The fact of alternating between effort and recovery times thus favours the fat burning and allows to work the cardiovascular system. During a HIIT trainingIn this case, you will have to perform a series of movements to raise your heart rate, then lower it, and then start again.

It is possible to perform a high-intensity interval program by mixing movements such as knee lifts, jumping jacks, sprints, jumping rope or burpees with weight training or crossfit exercises.

Several protocols have been developed from HIIT, such as the Tabata method. This technique aims to challenge your heart rate in a significant way by proposing to you to carry out 8 cycles of 20 seconds of maximum physical effort, interspersed with 10 seconds of rest. You can of course link several 4-minute Tabatas together in order to solicit different muscle groups.

hiit cardio exercise

How long does a high-intensity workout last?

HIIT sessions usually last about 30 minutes, including warm-up and cool-down.

Often, 20 minutes or so will be enough to get your heart rate up. In addition to allowing a good muscle developmentHIIT cardio sessions are therefore much shorter than strength and conditioning sessions or aerobic jogging sessions where you work on your fundamental endurance (the oxygen provided to the muscles is sufficient to perform).

When and why do HIIT cardio?

In addition to the fact that the short duration of a HIIT session makes this type of training easy to fit into a busy schedule, this method has several advantages.

Its main advantage is that it develops the performance of the cardiovascular system to a greater extent than low or medium intensity cardio training. According to some studies, a 20-minute HIIT session offers the same benefits as a 100-minute low-intensity cardio workout.

Regular training with this high-intensity method is an excellent way to lose fat (especially visceral fat) and burn calories. It activates the anaerobic metabolismThis means that the energy needed for resistance training is produced by carbohydrates, and not by oxygen. This mechanism is particularly sought after by sportsmen in the sense that it leads to the famous afterburn effect (post-combustion effect), well known to body-builders.

Last but not least, in the context of weight loss, it is very easy to train in HIIT as it can be done at home and without any equipment.

How to combine it with weight training to make it more effective?

HIIT cardio and weight training are perfectly complementary. 

For optimal results on muscle development and overall health, it is recommended to do 20 minutes of cardio exercise after a weight training session. This will promote fat burning and maintain the cardiovascular system.

You will be able to take advantage of your rest days to rebuild your muscle fibres by practicing gentle activities such as walking, low-intensity running, cycling, stretching or yoga.

Another possibility is to divide your sessions according to your sporting objectives. To gain muscle mass, you could, for example, carry out 3 strengthening sessions during the week and integrate a high-intensity cardio workout.

Does a HIIT cardio workout lose more calories than weight training?

For the same amount of time, you will burn more calories during a HIIT cardio session than during a classic weight training session. Nevertheless, weight training is essential in the sense that a developed muscle mass allows your metabolism to remain active. And the more your muscle mass is developed, the more calories you will burn. In concrete terms, your body needs extra energy to function and therefore burns a significant amount of calories, even when you are at rest.

Be careful, we did say the same duration but the weight training session lasts 45 minutes to 1 hour while it is not recommended to do an hour of HIIT cardio of course.

4 examples of HIIT cardio training

Circuit without equipment for beginners

If you are a novice sportsman or resuming physical activity, you can do this circuit training at home. Plan between 3 and 6 laps depending on your level. Take advantage of about 45 seconds of rest between each lap.

Start the HIIT circuit with 30 seconds of knee raises, followed by 30 seconds of jumping jacks, 30 seconds of push-ups, 30 seconds of crunches for the abs and finally 30 seconds of air squats. Allow 10 seconds of transition between each movement.

Circuit without equipment for experienced athletes

For the experienced athletesThe level of difficulty of the session will of course be higher. You will have to do 3 rounds of 11 exercises of 30 seconds each. To ensure maximum intensity during the realization of this full body circuitFor each exercise, it will be necessary to do at least 10 repetitions. Between each movement, perform 10 seconds of gainage (facial during the first round, then on the sides during the two following rounds).

Start with jumping jacks, followed by 30 seconds of chair, elevated push-ups, crunches, jump squats, dips, tipping, front lunges, T-push-ups, burpees and mountain climbers.

hiit cardio training

Indoor circuit with equipment for beginners

If you practice HIIT in sports hall and you are a beginner, we suggest you do the following session: squats with a barbell, jump rope, bench press, sit-ups with a roller, lunges with a light load and horizontal pull with a elastic.

Perform 4 rounds of this sequence (30 seconds of intense effort, 20 seconds of rest) to challenge the major muscle groups in your body.

Indoor circuit with equipment for experienced athletes

If you are a regular at fitness roomsThis lower body circuit should push you to the limit. Perform 10 reps on each exercise, then take 30 seconds to 1 minute of rest to move on to the next. You'll need to perform 3 rounds and breathe for 2 minutes between each round.

The HIIT circuit consists of the following movements: light weight squats, leg press, leg extension, standing calf raises, leg curl, weighted walking lunges and deadlifts.

It is also possible to do HIIT cardio on a treadmill or elliptical. To apply the HIIT method on the ellipticalAfter a good warm-up of the muscles and joints, perform between 8 and 12 laps of 40 seconds of intense effort at maximum speed, followed by 10 seconds of cool-down.

Some tips before starting a HIIT cardio session

If you wish to integrate the HIIT method into your sports program to develop your physical condition, make sure to warm up well before each session. This type of training requires a great deal of effort on the part of the the joints and many muscle groups. A good warm-up will allow you toprevent injury.

If you are new to or returning to physical activity, consult a physician before beginning HIIT cardio. 

How often should I do HIIT cardio?

As part of a HIIT program, it is essential to allow a minimum recovery period of 1 or 2 days between each session. This will allow your body to regenerate in order to perform during the next circuit training session.

Therefore, this type of training should be done between 2 and 3 times a week.


Thanks to this complete guide to HIIT cardioNow you know how to burn fat to lose weight and develop your cardiovascular system. At home or in the gym, it is very easy to set up a HIIT program as you don't necessarily need any fitness equipment.

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