It's decided, you want lose weight ? To reach your goal, you'll need to pay more attention to what you eat. And that's exactly what a food rebalancing. Your diet represents 70 % of the work to be done! But where to start? How do you build your plates? And how do you keep it off over the long term so you don't gain back the pounds you've lost? This is what I propose to discover in this article.
How to change your eating habits?
Eat better to stay healthy
Why is it so important to change your lifestyle?
One in five deaths worldwide is related toobesity according to Le Point. Here, we will detail the importance of food rebalancing for your health, as well as tips for successful weight loss.
Food rebalancing is much more than a simple diet or yet another diet. It is a new routine that will allow you to replace your current way of doing things with a healthier one.
You will need to take the time to reflect on your situation and then act better. How did you get here? Why do you want to lose fat today?
By adopting a new lifestyle, you will learn that eat well can also give you pleasure. You will discover the taste of foods that you no longer eat.
The importance of calories and macronutrients
When starting a diet rebalancing program, don't put pressure on yourself. It is much better to go gradually, but sustainably. For the first step, use my calorie calculator free of charge in order to know your needs.
You will be able to understand what is wrong with your diet by comparing your current consumption with your caloric need real.
As part of rebalancing your diet, you'll need to get used to snacking in other ways. As soon as hunger strikes, you can opt for a snack A healthy snack made from fruit or oilseeds such as almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts. This way, you will be able to easily wait until the next meal.
Overall, a good supply of nutrients and macronutrients is essential at every meal. You'll see results in just a few weeks by effectively distributing your protein, carbohydrate and fat intake.
The success of a diet rebalancing starts in the shelves of your supermarket. You must learn to read product labels to choose them well.
And of course, shop after you eat. This will prevent you from succumbing to the temptation of certain products.
Here is a food list that will fit perfectly into your new diet:
- fruits and vegetables;
- eggs;
- fresh meat and fish;
- whole grain foods (brown rice, whole grain bread, etc.);
- dried fruits ;
- cottage cheese or skyr.
On the contrary, it is in your best interest to limit or eliminate the consumption of superfluous foods that are too fatty and too high in sugar. This is the case, for example, with pastries, white bread, potato chips, soda, alcohol and most ready-made meals.
Finally, cook as much as possible and avoid processed products as much as possible.
You can also read this article which will help you to see more clearly: 10 tips to avoid hunger during weight loss.
Tips and tricks to eat healthier
What's on a well-balanced plate?
To succeed in your dietary rebalancing, it is fundamental to understand the nutrition pyramid food families. The latter classifies foods according to your body's needs, from the most important to the most superfluous:
- water: you can hydrate as much as you want;
- Meat, fish and eggs (protein intake): eat at every meal, or replace with vegetable proteins if you are vegetarian;
- Fruits and vegetables (vitamin and fiber intake): to be eaten at every meal;
- Cereals and starches (carbohydrate intake): to be consumed 1 to 2 times a day;
- fats and peanuts (fat intake): limit consumption;
- milk and dairy products: to be consumed once a day, depending on tolerance;
- sweet products: limit consumption or choose natural sugars.
Unfortunately, to lose weight, there is no miracle recipe. It requires the implementation of a caloric deficit and a balanced diet based on nutritional choices.
Of course, that doesn't mean you can't indulge in your favorite foods from time to time.
Food rebalancing: example of a typical menu
As you can see, eating balanced meals is essential.
Here is a sample menu to help you eat better. Of course, the quantities are to be adapted according to your macros.
The breakfast
Depending on the intensity of the day ahead, you can choose between a vitamin-packed, balanced or gourmet breakfast.
For a balanced breakfastIf you have a meal, you will need whole grains, protein with eggs or a dairy product (skyr, cottage cheese, etc.), fruit and a hot drink.
For example, have a green tea or coffee, oatmeal, an apple and a boiled egg. You can also replace the fruit with a large glass of water with lemon juice.
The lunch
For an appetizer, choose a cucumber and tomato salad.
For the main course, a grilled low-fat steak and fresh green beans, seasoned with herbes de Provence and a little salt will do the trick.
Dessert is not mandatory. If you feel like it, take a compote with no added sugar or a fresh fruit. You can also allow yourself a square of dark chocolate 70 % or 85 % from time to time.
A tip: Eating slowly helps to calm your hunger more quickly. When you eat, the satiety (when the feeling of hunger is satisfied) occurs after 20 minutes. By taking your time with your meals, you will notice that your hunger will be quickly satisfied by the food you have already eaten.
The dinner
For dinner, choose a lettuce salad with baked fish and mashed sweet potatoes.
You can end your meal with a fresh fruit salad.
Should I have snacks between meals?
If your body needs it, it is quite possible to integrate snacks to your diet.
In case of cravings (excessive hunger), just make sure to respect your caloric intake and macronutrient distribution.
Avoid excessively sweet foods that won't really satisfy your hunger. It is better to choose high protein snacks to settle your stomach and last several hours.
You can even opt for two snacks, especially if you have a gym or weight training session planned for the day.
What if you don't have time to cook?
Lack of time for cook is often an obstacle to rebalancing your diet.
If you know you're going to have a busy day or week, the ideal solution is to cook in larger quantities in advance, the day before or the weekend before. This way, you can keep one or more portions in the fridge and reheat them when you need them.
If you're eating lunch at work, you can simply take your balanced meal with you in an airtight food box. A serving of basmati rice with two hard-boiled eggs, vegetables and an apple can be a healthy meal.
If you have no choice but to go to a bakery, buy a salad made with white meat rather than a sandwich.
As a general rule, avoid eating industrialized products such as cheap prepared meals, triangular sandwiches, quiches or canned goods. Contrary to what some brands would have you believe, these foods are not healthy.
Also, avoid skipping meals as much as possible, unless you practice intermittent fasting. Taking appetite suppressants won't help you shed the extra pounds either. Some people think that taking them is the solution. Unfortunately, this is not the case.
The key to success in losing weight is to rebalance your diet and consume fewer calories than you expend.
It's all about organization and motivation. To maintain a diet and lose fat You will have to make efforts and develop new habits. After a few weeks, you will see that these efforts will become automatic.
Rebalancing food and social life: how to manage?
To last in the long term, a food rebalancing must not be done at the expense of your social life.
Even in the midst of a dry spell, there's nothing to stop you from eating out with your friends or family. However, try to choose appropriate portions and choose fish with vegetables or grilled meat instead of pizza.
And if you happen to indulge in a higher-calorie meal than usual, don't panic! All you have to do is return to your normal eating habits the next day.
On the other hand, it is best to avoid fast food (McDonald's, KFC, Burger King, Quick, kebabs, tacos, etc.) and ice cream or pancake stands. As you can imagine, these foods are extremely high in salt, sugar and fat. In short, everything that should be avoided when trying to lose weight.
Exercise to boost the effects of your diet rebalancing
In addition to a balanced diet, the practice of a physical activity such as weight training or fitness will help you reach your ideal weight.
Eating well is a big step towards fat loss, but it is not enough. You must also exercise to eliminate even more calories and therefore lose weight.
This activity is also good for your heart and your overall health. Regular exercise will help you burn fat, build muscle and bone mass and prevent many diseases.
If you are in a situation of overweightIt is not necessary to weigh yourself every day. It can be frustrating if you don't get the results you want. Losing weight is not a sprint. It's a long-distance race.
When you start or resume a sport activity, it is normal not to lose weight immediately. Of course, you eliminate fat mass, but you also increase your muscle density. The first results will appear after a few weeks.
Also keep in mind that weight loss is not linear, as there are countless factors that can influence it (stress, sleep, hydration, etc.).
To achieve this, it is important to set a final goal that is attainable and realistic (for example, lose 10 kilos in 6 months). But it is also important to set intermediate goals (lose 3 kilos in the first month) to stay on track.
Rebalancing your diet will help you slim down and stay in shape for a long time. good health. To achieve this, it is essential to find the right balance between the flavor of your dishes and their nutritional qualities. Of course, the goal is not to force you to eat what you don't like. Enjoy the challenge! If you do it, it is above all to feel better in your body.
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