
How to do the deadlift correctly?


What is the deadlift?

The deadlift is an exercise known in gyms for training and strengthening every muscle in our bodyThis is why it is called poly-articular exercise.

It is all the more important to know how to practice this exercise because without knowing it, we make these simple gestures every day, which are to stand up and bend down. With time, the back can end up being stooped if one did not know how to bend his legs correctly while maintaining a straight back, after-effects in the whole body can appear in the long run at the level of the nape of the neck, the shoulders, the spine and the hips.

It is for this reason that it is strongly advised to all the practitioners of body-building to train carefully to make this exercise of deadlift by respecting the movement. The practice of this one remains dangerous if it is not practiced with care. it is advised if you are a beginner not to start by doing it without having practiced bodybuilding for a few months or even several years.

What muscles does the deadlift work?

deadlift movement

We can say that the deadlift is one of the most complete bodybuilding exercises, not because of its simplicity of execution, but because of its impeccable technique, it allows to train the upper and lower body.

Here are exactly the muscle groups it trains:

  • Upper body: Trapezius, shoulder girdle muscles, biceps
  • The abdominal belt: The rectus abdominis, the abdominalsthe internal and external obliques, the greater and lesser obliques, the pyramidal
  • The dorsal muscles: The lower back, lumbar vertebrae (lumbar spine), the greater and lesser spine, the rhomboid
  • Lower body: gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, but also adductors and abductors

Variations of the deadlift

To get used to the deadlift, which at first may seem difficult as a muscle strengthening exercise, because of the weight you have to lift, there are several other ways to train that allow you to keep an optimal form to be included in the bodybuilding programs in order to tone all the muscle fibers.

The Romanian deadlift:

Is the ideal solution to train well the posterior members (in particular the ischios and glutei) what one can note is the position which changes since the bar will not go down to the ground but will go down at the level of the shins, the initial position of the legs is tended and the knees a little bent.
Just as for the dumbbell deadlift, this one must be perfectly executed because in spite of the fact that it does not require to make an effort until the ground, it can be source of injuries in the event of too heavy loads with a rounded back.

The deadlift with dumbbells:
beginner deadlift

This training is similar to the classic deadlift, but it is with dumbbells that it is exercised, easier to perform than the others, it could be suitable for beginners in bodybuilding or for women.

The technical deadlift :

It is a rather specific process in which we train one side and the other simultaneously. The exercise is simple, you lift the dumbbell on one side and then alternate and train the other side. For those who want to train slowly to begin with, this is a good start for a warm up.
Moreover, it makes it possible to work on the stability of the maintenance of the body, because it will be necessary to learn to keep the well symmetrical chest without one side being lower than the other.

The sumo deadlift:

It will be noticed that the notable difference of this variant lies in the position of the feet which are more spaced out in order to allow a shorter trajectory from the ground to the fixed height.
Nb: It is because of the position of the feet that it is called the sumo deadlift, because strangely it reminds us of the position that sumos have when they are in full exercise. It is particularly appreciated by women because it solicits more the glutei, ischios, adductors and abductors.

The trap bar deadlift:

This training is interesting insofar as it is less dangerous for the spine, the practitioner positions himself inside the bar where a space is provided.
Also recommended for beginners because the practice protects the lumbar while training other muscles such as the quadriceps and trapezius.

the deadlift
Straight legged deadlift :

Despite its name, this exercise is done with the legs slightly bent while maintaining a straight back, the chest and pelvis well forward.

Single legged deadlift :

Many of the coaches Sportsmen will recommend this training to women because it makes it possible to learn to be stable on only one leg. This will force the buttocks to contract, and thus gradually sculpt beautiful feminine curves while working the back.
The body will automatically seek to regain its stability and this on one leg, this process is at the origin of the development of the gluteal muscles.

The deadlift with deficit :

In order for the exercise to be effective and to train the desired muscles, it is necessary to place a weight under the feet, so that the weight is lifted even lower. The more the base is compensated the harder the training will be because you will have to bring the weight back from a further distance.

It is of course only recommended for the most experienced athletes.

The dangers of the deadlift :

This exercise, once well done, will have only advantages for the muscular development, only, risks of injuries can occur if one does not make the gestures correctly. It is absolutely not recommended for people with back problems. For example a herniated disc or scoliosis, lordosis...

Danger of deadlift

What are the mistakes to avoid?

Pressure on the spine :

Never pull the shoulders back when the hips are forward once the dumbbell is raised. Because the pressure exerted to retain the discs will play on the spinal column which will thus be likely to break, without counting that the lumbar vertebrae can also tear. This is one of the dangers to be avoided.

Always keep in mind that the spine is the base through which everything is done, if not taken care of, serious complications can occur.

Have a round back:

A round back during a training session like this can also affect the spine and weaken the vertebrae. For this reason, it is recommended to always bring the bar as close to you as possible above your feet to allow for stability in the back.

Using too heavy weights:

The use of weights that are too heavy for one's lifting capacity can lead to muscle tears, ligament tears, problems with the bones of the limbs being worked on, but also to harmful repercussions on the spine.

Weight gain program

Just as with other body weight exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups or other exercises such as dips, but also rowing or squats, the deadlift allows for a rapid and global gain in weight, provided that it is done correctly and that you do not forget to warm up before each workout. Stretching after each pulling exercise to relieve your joints is highly recommended.

Applying yourself during training sessions is the key to successful muscle development while maintaining optimal health. All high level athletes have gone through this stage to perfect their muscle gain.

World record in deadlift

For your information, in 2020, the man who holds the deadlift record is called Hafthor Julius Björnsson AKA "THE MOUNTAIN." He played in the series Games of Thrones. This 31 year old Icelandic lifted 501 kilos. 1 kg more than his predecessor Eddie HALL in 2016. It should be noted that these people are professionals in powerlifting and therefore not to be reproduced of course.

Other articles to read

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One Comment

  1. I don't do this exercise at all anymore because of back problems. I do variations to help me build up my lower body, but thank you for this reminder

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