
Tips for losing your saddlebags


The saddlebags are a fatty mass that is located on the buttocks and especially the hips, at the top of the thighs. For some women, it is taken as a factor detrimental to their beauty and aesthetics. The shape of the body thus obtained does not make women feel comfortable. However, having curves is not a bad thing, but for women, the most important thing is to feel good about their bodies. How to help them get rid of it? Find the best advice in this article.

Focus on food

how to lose saddlebags

Diet is one of the best methods for eliminating saddlebags. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to follow the practical advice given by specialists in the field, including coaches specializing in nutrition or dieticians-nutritionists. The latter particularly insist on having a balanced diet, but not only that. For example, it is necessary not to abuse the consumption of foods that are too rich and too high in calories without completely depriving yourself of them. For example, you need to consume more good fats than bad fats to have the right cholesterol ratio (balance between good and bad LDL/HDL cholesterol). In this way, you can increase your consumption of omega 3, which is particularly present in flaxseed, rapeseed oil and nuts.

Secondly, it is also not advisable to take a lot of foods with salt, alcohol and added sugars. This helps to avoid water retention. As for cooking, the best thing to do is to cook your food in water in order to help your hips and buttocks become less fatty, but if you absolutely must use oil, you should preferably use olive oil, which is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and lowers bad cholesterol (heat does not alter this in any way).

Play sports

Optimize and increase the results of a good diet by practicing sports. As sport is an essential physical activity for the proper functioning of the body, health and wellness experts recommend doing it twice a week. Twenty minutes per session will do if you start from scratch. Also, you should alternate cardio exercises and muscle strengthening through weight training. There are certain sports that you should prioritize if you want to get in better shape: squats, oblique gainage and strength training itself. By practicing these different exercises, the process of eliminating fat deposits will start gradually. Later on, you can extend the sessions in time and then add more sessions to the week

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Go for a run

Here are some examples of the most popular sports to boost results. Running against saddlebags is one of them. It is true that you want to eliminate fat on a specific part, but to achieve this, you must work your whole body. Indeed, to lose fat locally is impossible. Cardio jogging is a solution. It will help to make your fat disappear for sure.

Opt for swimming

Swimming is also a sports activity that will do the trick to get rid of your mermaid buttocks. It works in the same way as jogging. It is cardio activity and in order to optimize the results, you are particularly invited to practice beats and swim with fins. In this way, you will be able to gradually eliminate the fat cells that accumulate on your hips and buttocks.

Try Crossfit

Also, opt for CrossFit. It is a very effective shock sport for eliminating fatty mass on your buttocks. However, you must be prepared for more intense sessions. Your endurance and patience are essential. You will benefit greatly from this activity, as it combines fitness and cardio. You will get great results and say goodbye to your saddlebags. You just need to adopt a better practice. Prefer well executed movements to speed.

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Get a massage

Massage is another very effective solution to help you find good results in your efforts. For example, there is the "palpate and roll" technique which consists of making the cellulite in your saddlebags disappear. In this option, the mechanism is not complex. It consists of kneading the skin tissues and the skin to improve the blood circulation. The process of eliminating the fat will then start. If you do this massage regularly, you will be able to evacuate toxins, break up dimples and reduce water retention. Don't forget to combine it with a healthy and balanced diet and regular exercise is also necessary. Massages or self-massages also help in the reduction of future stretch marks that could settle following a rapid weight gain.

Use specialized tools

Do you want to get rid of your mermaid butt quickly? There are some specialized tools that are made for you. The CelluBlue is a small blue suction cup that can replace the palpate-roll massage. Pass it directly on your saddlebags to quickly and effectively remove fat cells. You will see concrete results after three weeks of use.

There is also the Santaflor massage toothbrush which helps to remove ingrown hairs and cellulite. At the same time, this tool promotes blood circulation. Moreover, if you like thrills, opt for the Slendertone shorts. It tones and shapes your buttocks and hips through electrostimulation. Finally, the Silk'n Silhouette can also be effective. It is a wireless accessory that can reach all the layers of the skin and the dimples.

Apply slimming creams

slimming cream

There are slimming creams that will help you to make your saddlebags disappear quickly. These are smoothing and anti-cellulite products that will improve the condition of your skin and smooth it. Follow the advice of specialists to use them. This will allow you to avoid possible risks and guarantee good results after a few weeks of use.

In fact, this kind of cream contains active ingredients that will definitely eliminate fat from your buttocks. Apply your product by massaging the skin on the concerned area. You will then feel a tightening effect. This is a sign that the fat removal process has begun.

However, these aids such as creams and suction cups are very minimal and require time to apply every day for a long period of time.

plastic surgery?

As a last resort, in case excess fat on your buttocks and hips persists, even if you have already applied the previous methods, there is cosmetic surgery. To do this, contact a specialist. He or she will determine the nature of the operation to be performed, taking into account your health.

Once the decision is made, you will undergo surgery. The technique of liposuction is the most commonly used. Your surgeon will infiltrate the cannula under your skin. This procedure aims to suck out the fatty deposits. It lasts between one and a half and two hours. You will be under general anesthesia. You will have satisfactory results six months after your operation.

Personally, as a coach, I do not recommend this method. With experience, I can assure you that following a good diet and doing sports is really the key to success.

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To conclude

Before you embark on an operation, or there are risks, other solutions exist. Start by reviewing your diet. Rebalancing your diet is an effective way to lose fat. This will not be done in 1 week and takes time. Start a physical activity in addition to a good diet is the best solution. Creams and other products are of little help and will not work if you do not change your eating habits.

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