alcohol and bodybuilding

Alcohol and bodybuilding: its harmful effects on athletes


Any self-respecting athlete knows that alcohol and bodybuilding do not mix. In fact, drinking alcohol is strongly discouraged for those who wish to lose fator just to get back in shape. What are the effects of alcohol on our body? Why should we absolutely avoid it to reach our sports goals? Get the answers to your questions in the following article.

Why are alcohol and sport not compatible?

Alcohol inhibits muscle building by interfering with the recovery process.

weight training and alcohol

If your goal is the weight gainAlcohol consumption is not recommended. According to scientific studies, alcohol prevents the creation of new muscle fibres. Drinking alcoholic beverages can also have a negative impact on myostatin levels.

Alcohol does not promote weight loss

If your goal is weight loss, you know that you need to calculate your calories to reach your goals. In addition to working out hard, consuming extra calories will increase your intake for the day and won't make your stomach turn.

Alcohol promotes fat storage

Did you know that? Alcohol is full of calories that are called empty calories: without proteins, carbohydrates and lipids (except for mixtures with juices). They will be stored in the adipose tissue. It thus promotes the production of bad fat and the formation of cellulite. Therefore, your efforts will be in vain, no matter how hard you exercise. It is also proven that alcohol increases your appetite, which will surely handicap your diet.

Alcohol accelerates the dehydration of the body

Scientists have proven that alcohol does cause dehydration. It draws on your body's water supply. In addition, when you consume such drinks, your kidneys produce a large amount of urine. All these facts will considerably reduce your physical performance.

alcohol-free beer and bodybuilding

Alcohol causes hormonal disorders

As you probably know, the testosterone is a major factor in muscle development. Alcohol can reduce the secretion of this hormone. This makes it much more difficult for you to gain muscle mass. In addition, alcohol promotes the production of cortisol, which is a stress hormone. This will reduce your ability to perform your bodybuilding program properly because you will need to recover.

Alcohol causes insomnia

As your trainer has probably already told you, muscle formation takes place when your body is at rest, especially during sleep. However, your body needs to rest so that you can quickly appreciate the results of your training. However, alcohol is said to cause sleep disorders.

When to drink alcohol?

In short, alcohol can reduce your athletic performance over the long term. It can even reduce your physical abilities by up to 50 %, a few days after moderate consumption. This will have a huge impact on your fitness or weight training program, as your body will not be stable. However, this does not mean that you will never be able to consume alcohol again. You will just have to choose the right time.

If you don't train at the weekend, for example, or only have half a glass of wine at the family dinner table on your day off in training. If you don't get drunk, the impact of alcohol on your progress should not last more than a few days. Also be aware that alcohol will make you feel more aches and pains a day after consumption.

weight training and alcohol on weekends

You need to learn to control the amount and frequency of your consumption. If you are a professional athlete or preparing for an important competition, it is better to abstain. Also, remember that it is better to drink non-alcoholic beer or half a glass of wine than cocktails with mixtures of several strong alcohols. This is beneficial for your training. Don't forget to watch your diet to put the chances on your side!

You now know the harmful effects that alcohol has on our body when we practice bodybuilding.

Alcohol is to be consumed in moderation, but nothing prevents you from having a glass from time to time.

Do you want to build up your muscles? 

Other articles to read :

Understanding glycogen in bodybuilding

Why is muscle recovery more important than training?

What are the benefits of sweet potatoes in bodybuilding?

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