results of workout

How quickly will I see my body change with weight training?


The goal of a strength training program is to change the way your muscles look. Whether it is build muscle or just to get a flat stomach, only time and hard work determine the results. Find out the important information about bodybuilding to help you achieve your goals in the shortest possible time.

Achieving the objectives in record time: Possible?

In bodybuilding, there are no miracles to achieve a beautiful body. If your goal is to increase muscle size or lose belly fat, proper training is your first step. But before all that, you have to determine your goal.

Ask yourself the right questions: Do you want to have a good musculature, see your absor have big biceps or be quite athletic..... anyway, you should have at least a vague idea of what you want.

first results in bodybuilding

You can then follow the advice of a coach to choose the most appropriate physical activity because you can not do everything at once. The role of this coach will be to guide you to do the activities in the right order so as not to waste time and optimize your training and diet. He will also give you professional advice which is very important and will remind you that it is necessary to do for example a good warm up before starting your bodybuilding sessions.

When it comes to weight training, the number of repetitions, the weight load, the intensity of the movements and many other parameters are important criteria to reach your goal. And of course, you should not forget that nutrition is the key element to change your body's appearance as well. These two important things can only help you progress if a third parameter is taken into account. This element is the rest or sleep. To progress in bodybuilding, rest will play an essential role in the reconstruction of the muscles that will make your musculature take shape.

Weight training result :

If you decide to work out with bodyweight, it will take longer than in the gym or you will have the ideal equipment to advance in the goals you set at the beginning. You can also do bodyweight training at home but you will need a minimum of equipment and accessories. We are not talking about carrying too heavy loads but about advancing step by step in muscle strengthening.

Be aware that not everyone builds muscle mass in the same way and at the same rate. It is therefore useless to compare yourself with another person even if you think you have the same morphology. Your age will not be the same, nor will your natural testosterone level...

Gaëtan : 3 months personalized dryness program followed to the letter:

bodybuilding before and after

Gaëtan already had a base in bodybuilding and was just coming out of a muscle mass gain when he made contact.

Sébastien : Weight gain program for over a year

Sébastien started from scratch, and it took him over a year to reach this level.

Mehdi : 3 months dryness program then abs program

abs before and after

Mehdi was already muscular but also needed to lower his body fat.

What are the parameters that accelerate muscle gain?

For a beginner in bodybuilding, the muscle capital is at a low level. This starting level is an important parameter to reach the objective you have set yourself. However, the results will be visible more quickly than with an intermediate athlete doing the same exercises. Indeed, as the latter is not used to the effort, his body will quickly change.

weight training how long for visible results

If you are lean, and you want to gain muscle mass, you must have an impeccable diet and eat more than your basal metabolic rate requires. You will need to do regular workouts to hope to gain muscle in the least amount of time possible. To gain muscle, you need to build it in fat. It is from this fat mass that the muscles will draw to rebuild themselves.

The same is true for those who are overweight, it is important to lose fat mass before gaining muscle. The speed of muscle gain will depend on each level, each individual and the quality of training. If you lose fat quickly, it is undeniable that you will also lose muscle, hence the importance of not being in a hurry. The more time you take, the less muscle you will lose.

A word of advice, don't dry out too quickly but rather take the time to build your muscles.

What's up? How long does it take to get muscular?

In order to change your body in bodybuilding, it is important to follow the workout series and the food plan that goes with it to the letter. Muscles do not appear all at once, they are the results of long sessions of bodybuilding exercise. Again, this will depend on your age, your starting level...

Before I tell you how long it will take you to progress, you should already understand that we cannot gain muscle and lose fat at the same time except in your first year of bodybuilding and only if you are young.

results 3 months

It is therefore possible to optimize the time it takes to reach your goals by being serious about a weight training program. After 2 to 3 months of intense workouts and proper nutrition, you can see changes in your body. Muscle gain or fat loss can be felt after 3 months of intense effort and a very strict diet. That's why, as a rule, weight training and coaching programs are to be followed over 12 weeks.

Muscle gain

For the muscle gainThe 12-week program can be repeated as needed while limiting fat gain. The goal is no longer to become very overweight in order to build muscle, but with a controlled surplus, you will have less difficulty removing this excess fat during your fat loss.

Fat loss or dryness

For the fat lossAfter 3 or 4 months of fat loss, it is good to take a break from consuming your maintenance calories (only for a bodybuilder).

A few pounds less fat after gaining muscle will make you look harder and therefore fatter. But on the scale, you will be less heavy. In order to do both seriously, you will need at least 6 months.


To each his own objective: Whether it is to gain muscle or to lose weight, it is work that takes time. Building muscle quickly does not exist if your notion of quickly is for example in 3 weeks. You need to be patient and enjoy the small changes you see as you train. This is also what will keep you motivated to continue sculpting your body. Know that for a professional, each muscle gain is the result of a battle and hard work.

You will be able to see the physical change after 3 months of training. It's up to you to decide whether or not to continue your training.

My personal tips:

I personally waited several years of muscle gain before doing what is called a dry run. I find that when you're a beginner or intermediate, you have to take the time to do things in the right order so you don't waste time and build his physique.


If you don't know which program to choose, you can check out the QUIZ set up for you free of charge:

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How to successfully gain weight?

What type of training should I choose for bodybuilding?

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