
The benefits of walking as a complement to weight training


The first thought that comes to mind when it comes to walking is how many calories we will burn. However, walking offers several health benefits. Not to mention the fact that it is an ecological gesture. It is a cardio physical activity that is both relaxing and beneficial to the muscles. Doctors and other scientists agree that walking is vital for every individual. So what are the advantages of walking in addition to weight training?

The actions of walking on the muscles of the body


The first way we get around is by walking. By walking, we solicit a large number of muscles in the body. Just as strength training will have an impact on our overall musculature, every move we make has an impact on our muscles. It is therefore normal to start walking regularly to strengthen them. This is what we call very slow cardio, unlike jogging, which is a little faster, and HIIT cardio, which is split into fast and slow.

The main muscles we can rely on when we practice walking are the thigh muscles. This is also called the quadriceps. Then there are the leg muscles or the sural triceps. Otherwise, there are the toe muscles like the extensors and flexors. Without them, our gait is incomplete. We would jump instead of walking.

For those who are looking for a good endurance workout, you will need to do a little more than just walking. You should know that this sport activity works the abdominal muscles as well. Not to mention your back muscles. However, it is important to choose your shoes properly before a walk. Those with sloping soles are not intended for this activity. They will distort our posture. Prefer special shoes for walking rather than choosing shoes from an aesthetic point of view. Another solution is to have the right insoles if you have the possibility to go to a podiatrist.

It relieves joint pain

Joint pain can be treated with regular and controlled walking. Indeed, the older you get, the more fragile your joints will be. If you practice walking, they will be strengthened.

That is to say, you should walk at least 3 times a week. Then, generally do it for 1 hour. Health professionals encourage people with osteoarthritis to do more walking.

It tones our body

the walk

You practice bodybuilding and want to maintain your muscles. The best solution for this is to practice walking as soon as possible. It is a simple gesture, but it allows you to wake up your body and tone it up.

When you walk regularly, your lower muscles (those of the legs) will become more flexible. All of the lower body muscles are used during a walk.

Slow walking is good for our health

It has been proven that walking slowly for at least half an hour every day is beneficial to your health and you work your muscles longer. Before a weight training session, it is advisable towarm up.

Walking is the best alternative for this. Not only do the muscles get used, but they also get stronger. Then they end up being strong and flexible.

In fact, some people use it as a warm-up. In fact, before a thigh or gluteal session, you can walk on a mat and then accelerate the pace afterwards. In addition to doing other routine warm-ups.

Tips for walking well

Walkers should always have a straight back and look far ahead. If you walk looking at the ground and with your neck twisted, this is not the right way. The shoulders should also be relaxed. Good posture is essential.

If you are walking alone, concentrate on breathing properly.

You can start out at a slow pace and gradually build up your speed.

If you practice 1 hour of walking a few months before the summer in addition to your weight training, you could lose 2 or 3 extra kilos in addition to having a good diet.

Need to know your calories and macros to consume?

If you have eaten too much, you may not sleep well. So if you have the opportunity to walk for 15 minutes it will help your digestion and you will feel less heavy.

Take care of your diet to be fit and muscular

It is true that we need to be active to achieve a healthy weight and the figure we want. However, all this is pointless if we also eat in an unbalanced way. That is, instead of prioritizing fruits and vegetables, we turn to something else.

It is important to eat well 1 to 2 hours before going to the gym. Otherwise, the body will draw on its reserves. This will ultimately soften and reduce our muscle mass.


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