Training jason statham

Become a badass with Jason Statham's training for hobbs and shaw


The "Fast and Furious" series is releasing its latest highly anticipated installment, "Hobbs & Shaw." The film reunites the famously unlikely duo of former enemies Luke Hobbs (Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson) and Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham) to take down a genetically engineered cybernetic villain that threatens the world.

Actor Jason Statham who plays Shaw had to be in top physical shape for the role.

Indeed, Shaw appeared in the old "Fast and Furious" movies as a former special forces operative trained in various combat techniques and an expert in hand-to-hand combat, and he had to represent the role of the fighter to perfection.

Although he doesn't have the imposing, monstrous physique of his sidekick The Rock, Statham has an incredibly lean and drawn physique, with perfectly symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing muscle development that perfectly matches the Physics Pro ShredZ program.

With specific training techniques and a precise diet tailored to you, you can also achieve a stunning Statham-like physique, athletic and lean with a look as sleek as Shaw in no time.

How tall is Jason Statham?

jason statham bodybuilding

Statham may look small next to the muscle mountain The Rock who is 6'2" and 118 kg, but with a height of 5'8" and a weight of about 77 kg, he has an impressive, ultra-dry, tough and solid physique. He proves that you don't need to be huge to look huge, it's all about dryness.

To have a skinned physique like Statham, a low body fat percentage is a must. This allows him to show off his muscle gains with dense, defined muscles without being covered in unnecessary fat.

The ideal measurements of Jason Statham's physique

When you look at Statham's physique in "Hobbs & Shaw", his character's fighting abilities are highlighted by an ultra-developed upper body. The actor has built round, shapely shoulders and a huge back while maintaining a slim waist that accentuates the V-shaped back effect that gives that sought-after aesthetic, as well as massive pectorals that complement his figure to perfection. Her massive arms also add a dimension of power to Shaw's physique.

In addition to his ideal proportions, one of the main physical characteristics of Jason Statham, is his low percentage of body fat. He has managed to develop significant muscle mass and strength while maintaining a very low body fat percentage.

This process is exactly what the Physics Pro ShredZ program. The program allows you to quickly and effectively build strength and muscle mass while losing maximum fat. In addition to the training protocol, the program provides detailed nutritional plans as well as the essential food supplements to allow you to gain muscle while losing the maximum amount of fat.

dryer program

Jason Statham's training program for "Hobbs & Shaw"

While this is not the exact training program that Statham followed for his role, our programs have helped thousands of people achieve their dream physiques and look like their favorite actors.

Indeed, Jason Statham's program was constantly modified to take into account the many external factors that could affect his progress. These factors include nutrition, sleep quality, recovery, career imperatives, and injuries physical. So consider the following schedule as an overview of a typical Jason Statham workout week.

Because Statham's upper body is particularly developed, this workout routine will focus on building muscle volume on the upper body in a symmetrical and proportional manner.

Jason Statham's training program also includes a good part that solicits the lower body in order to gain power and agility to be able to perform the fight sequences and action scenes present in the movie "Hobbs and Shaw".

Day 1: Progression in the deadlift

The objective of this workout is to develop pure strength in one of the most effective core exercises for total body development: the deadlift. 

To do this, we need to get Jason to reach his 1RM, which is the heaviest load he can lift at one time. Basically the maximum load.

jason statham body

However, before starting, he performs a complete warm-up in two parts.

Warm-up part 1: Rowing. Jason starts with 10 minutes of rowing at a pace of about 20 pulls per minute and a distance of 2274 meters.

Warm-up part 2: Pyramid circuit. 3 exercises in a circuit (one set of each exercise in sequence without rest). Use a pyramidal repetition structure for the workout: on your first lap of the circuit, repeat each movement once. On each subsequent round, perform an additional repetition.

So you'll do two reps of each exercise in round 2, three reps in round 3, and so on. Once you have completed five rounds, continue, but reduce the number of reps you complete in each round. So you'll do four reps in round 6, three reps in round 7, and so on, down to one rep.

1. Ground pumps

2. High bar pull-ups

(these are classic pull-upsJason uses gymnastic rings instead of a barbell and performs each repetition as quickly as possible while maintaining good technique and full range of motion.

3. Squat

Jason starts with a light load of about 35% of his 1RM, then slowly begins to add weight and reduce reps. As the weight gets closer to his 1RM, which for Jason is more than twice his body weight, his rest between sets increases to 3 minutes. This allows for almost complete recovery between sets. Remember, these are the weights Jason uses. They will need to be determined based on individual ability.

Jason's deadlift training:

Repetitions: 10

Weight: 60 kg

Rest: 1 minute

Rehearsals: 5

Weight: 85 kg

Rest: 2 minutes

Rehearsals : 3

Weight: 105 kg

jason statham workout

Rest: 3 minutes

Rehearsals : 2

Weight: 130 kg

Rest: 3 minutes

Repetitions : 1

Weight: 150 kg

Rest: 3 minutes

Repetitions : 1

Weight: 155 kg

Rest: 3 minutes

Repetitions : 1

Weight: 160 kg

Rest: 3 minutes

Repetitions : 1

Weight: 162.5 kg 

Rest: 3 minutes

Repetitions : 1

Weight: 165 kg

Return to calm, recovery :

10 minutes on a trampoline. Jason uses a 10×17 size gymnastics trampoline for 10 minutes of aerial Freestyle work. Jason has a background in Olympic diving, so he's doing some pretty advanced moves here. In addition to perfecting motor skills, trampolining is supposed to be good for your lymphatic system and removing toxins from your cells.

Day 2: Functional circuit

This workout is designed to be a demanding metabolic activity, training the entire body with exercises that work multiple muscle groups at the same time.

Warm-up (Part 1): Rowing. As with day 1, Jason starts with 10 minutes on the rowing machine at a rate of 20 pulls per minute for a distance of 2238 meters.

Warm-up (Part 2): Static maintenance circuit. Do these four exercises as a circuit training. For each exercise, you will hold a specific position in isometric for 30 seconds, then have 10 seconds to move on to the next exercise. Do four rounds in total.

1. Isometric hold at the rings

Hold the vertical position using gymnastic rings or, failing that, parallel bars or dips. Iron cross position for the very advanced or gymnasts.

2. Kettlebell Farmer Hold: Farmer's Walk

Take a pair of kettlebell Let your arms hang down by your side and walk 100m.

3. Square position on parallel bars or dips

Jason uses parallel bars to perform this exercise, but you can also use the dip chair.

4. Isometric squat

Lower yourself into a squat position with your thighs parallel to the floor and hold the position.

Body of the session :

This training program called "Big Five 55", comes from strength coach Dan John.

jason statham muscle

Here, Jason performs a circuit of 5 exercises that he does 10 times in total. There is no rest between exercises. Focus on speed of execution while maintaining good technique, full range of motion and control. 

For best results, you can use a stopwatch but for the best quality of movement, you should just try to keep the tempo and go through the exercises without interruption. He starts with 10 reps for each exercise, and each round he decreases the reps by 1. So he does 10 reps of all the exercises in the first round, 9 in the second round, 8 in the third, and so on until he does just one rep for each set. The goal is to complete a total of 55 reps of each exercise. Again, the weights below are the ones Jason used during this week.

1. Front bar squat (45 kg)

2. Pull-ups

3. Push-ups with parallel bars or with special push-up handle.

Directions: Hands on handles, feet on bench or elevated. Do the indicated number of push-ups. Generally, since you are elevated by the handles, you can get lower and have a greater range of motion.

4. Power Cleans (or semi-cleared thrown)

Directions: Get into a slightly straighter deadlift position. Shoulders should always be over the bar with arms straight. Without moving the torso angle, push the feet firmly into the floor to maintain tension in the lower body. As the bar passes the knees, begin to open the torso angle, making sure to keep the bar close to the thighs. Develop the hips by sliding the bar up the thighs. When full hip extension occurs, begin by shrugging the shoulders and raising the elbows. Stand under the bar in a quarter squat position with your hips back and your knees bent. Grab the bar with elbows forward and a full grip on the bar. Standing. You have successfully performed a power clean or shoulder press.

5. Knee raise suspended from the high bar

Instructions: Hanging from a pull-up bar or rings, bring your knees up until they are close to your chest. Come down in a controlled manner so you don't swing.

Day 3: HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)

This session is performed on a concept 2 rowing machine.

Warm-up: Jason starts with 10 minutes of rowing at a rate of less than 20 pulls per minute with a distance covered of 2102 meters.

Body of the session :

To mimic Jason's interval training, you will run six 500-meter intervals. Between each 500-metre sprint, you will do an active recovery of 3 minutes. You can get off the rowing machine and drink a glass of water, but you must keep moving. Walking will suffice.

Here is an overview of Jason's times for reference:

Sprint 1. 1: 40.1

Sprint 2. 1: 39.7

Sprint 3. 1: 43.9

Sprint 4. 1: 41.6

Sprint 5. 1: 38.7

Sprint 6. 1: 50.3

Return to calm

Finally, Jason performs a 500-meter farmer's walk with two 30-kg kettlebells. There is no specific time limit. Just hold the weights while walking 500m, do it as fast as possible. The main problem that will force you to take your recovery is often the grip on the kettlebells that is difficult to maintain over time.

Day 4: Muscle work in repetitions

jason statham body

Here Jason focuses on front bar squats, one of the best exercises for strengthening not only the quadriceps but the entire body.

Warm-up (Part 1): Rowing. As in Day 1, Jason starts with 10 minutes of rowing and at a pace of less than 20 pulls per minute (Distance: 2095 meters).

Warm-up (Part 2): Jason does 20 reps of bodyweight squats before moving on to the main part of the workout.

Body of the session :

Front bar squat: 5 sets of 5 reps. In this workout, Jason used a load representing 105% of his body weight.

Rehearsals: 5

Weight: 80 kg

Rest: 90 seconds

Rehearsals: 5

Weight: 80 kg

Rest: 90 seconds

Rehearsals: 5

Weight: 80 kg

Rest: 90 seconds

Rehearsals: 5

Weight: 80 kg

Rest: 90 seconds

Rehearsals: 5

Weight: 80 kg

Return to calm

Jason does 200 push-ups, but he does this workout with a guided bar. 

He places the guided bar at the bottom, then places his feet on the ground and his hands on the guided bar and performs as many push-ups as possible to failure, then raises the bar one notch and continues to failure and so on 5 times.

Day 5: Cumulative movements

This workout is designed to be a demanding metabolic activity, training the entire body with exercises that work multiple muscle groups at the same time. Cumulative Movement training consists of a single journey, as opposed to a workout in which you repeat the same movements over and over again.

Warm-up (Part 1): As on day 1, Jason starts with 10 minutes of rowing at a pace of less than 20 pulls per minute (Distance: 2149 meters).

Warm-up (Part 2): Bear Crawl and Crab Walk. Alternate the bear crawl for 50 feet and the crab walk for 50 feet. Repeat the sequence until you have completed five sets of 15 metres each.

Body of the session :

A series of exercises.

Direction: Perform one set of each movement completing the given number of reps before moving on to the next exercise. Perform each exercise as quickly as possible while maintaining proper form and full range of motion. The clock is ticking so try to finish as quickly as possible with minimal rest.

Jason's circuit training session: 

Climb to the 7 meter rope 

jason statham body transformation

Rehearsals: 5

Weight: Body weight

Front squats

Rehearsals: 5

Weight: 85 kg

Ball Slams

Rehearsals: 5

Weight: 15 kg

Rope Pulls with rope over 15 meters

Rehearsals: 5

Weight: 40 kg

Bench press

Repetitions: 10

Weight: 80 kg

Ball Slams

Repetitions: 10

Weight: 11 kg


Rehearsals : 15

Weight: Body weight


Rehearsals : 15

Weight: Body weight

Ball Slams

Rehearsals : 15

Weight : 10 kg

Resistance Rope Pull

Rehearsals: 20

Weight: Body weight

Whip Smashes

Rehearsals: 20

Jason's time: 23:53

Day 6: Contextual Effort

weight training jason statham

This can be any activity or sport you enjoy doing. If it has a significant duration and intensity, you can factor that into your training. In Jason's case, the goal was to get outside and maintain uninterrupted activity for over an hour to build endurance (aerobic training).

Training session:

1 hour and more of mountain running.

Jason's time: 73 minutes.

Day 7: Rest.

Some tips to conclude this Jason Statham workout program for "Hobbs and Shaw"

weight training jason statham

Recovery is essential during the muscle building phase and allows your body to adapt to your training.

To help you recover and get the most out of each workout, try the BCAA + Glutamine.

The pre-workout booster Big Shot is the best on the market to increase your energy during training. Next is the Whey Hydro Isolate which contains not only whey protein but also creatine to stimulate muscle growth and improve recovery. 

While you can still gain muscle and progress without supplements, they can give you an extra boost for better and faster results.

Do you want to look like Statham's teammate?

Check this out:

Train and eat like Dwayne Johnson "The Rock"

Visit our blog regularly for free weekly tips, program and recipe ideas and detailed food plans. 

Do you want a complete bodybuilding program to follow?

Other articles to read:

Everything you need to know about muscle building contractions

Adopt the Spiderman workout

Captain America's training program

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  1. I find that the news articles you share with us are really great, not to mention the superheroes
    I'm very excited about it because I can't get out of it until the end.

  2. Hello to you
    Very good initiative on your part the acton films. There's plenty to do and especially to test the trainings

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