back stretches

How to do the stretches for the back?


The back pains are the consequence of the evolution of our lifestyles. Daily stress, bad posture, inactivity or fatigue are directly responsible for these muscle tensions. Many athletes, whether they practice weight training or another physical activity, are confronted with back pain. To relieve the pain, it is essential to know stretch properly and to do it regularly. Discover some back stretches that will help you release tension in your lumbar region, back or neck.

Back pain: are stretches effective?

Yes, stretching your back will help soothe sore spots.

The back pain are frequent if you regularly practice physical activities without stretching at the end of the session. This is most certainly also the case if you are in sitting position all day in an office chair or if, on the contrary, you are forced to stand for hours.

lower back stretching

Schematically, the muscular group of the back is composed of the trapezius (at the top), the dorsal (in the middle) and the lumbar (at the bottom). We are not necessarily aware of it, but the back is involved in many everyday movements. This explains why a stiff neck or lower back pain can ruin your day, or even seriously handicap you, if you don't treat the problem immediately.

To help your back perform its daily tasks, it is essential to keep it in good health. To do this, it is not enough to strengthen it at the gym. Your back needs flexibility to be able to function effectively.

To fight against back pain, I advise you to do some sessions of stretching every week.

Exercises to stretch the back

Exercise for a complete back stretch

Stretching the back doesn't take much time. About 10 minutes is all it takes to perform a stretching session that is beneficial to the upper body. Even if you have a very busy schedule, try to do a few flexibilities every day. You will feel your muscles gradually become more supple and lighter.

A simple exercise will allow you to completely stretch your back, from the back muscles to the lumbarthrough the trapezoids. It is also a yoga posture : the round back, hollow back.

The movement consists of getting on all fours to alternate between the two positions. To properly stretch the back muscles, when you do the hollow backYour buttocks should be pushed back and your head up. Concerning the round backIf you want to do this, pull your stomach and head in while bringing your pelvis as far inward as possible.

Stretching should be a moment of relaxation. Remember to breathe in deeply when you dig into your back and breathe out when you round it. As in yoga, this exercise should be done gently so that your muscles can become more flexible. Repeat this sequence of movements as many times as you like to relax knots and relieve pain.

Exercise for a back and lumbar stretch

back muscles

This movement is ideal for relaxing the muscles of the lower and middle back. You will need a chair back or piece of furniture to perform this. Align your feet on your hips and keep your legs straight. Keeping your arms straight on the support, push your buttocks back as far as possible.

Hold this position for 10 to 20 seconds, while breathing in and out deeply to relax your muscles. Repeat the exercise up to five times to ease your back pain.

Exercise for stretching the lumbar muscles

This exercise will allow you to stretch your lower backThis is especially true for the lumbar region. Lie on your back and raise your legs and pelvis upward. With a little momentum, use your arms to bring your legs behind your head.

You should not force it. Like any stretch, the movement must be done gently so that your cervical vertebrae can adapt to this position. Hold the position for a few seconds and then return to your starting position. Repeat the movement between three and five times, at least twice a week.

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Exercise to strengthen the entire back

back stretching

Also performed in yoga, the cobra posture strengthens the back as a whole, as it involves all the muscles.

Lie on your stomach, stretch and squeeze your legs, then place your hands flat on the floor at shoulder height. Raise your chest while breathing in as hard as possible. Hold this position for 30 seconds before returning to the original position.

Repeat this cobra movement three times, trying to push higher with each new repetition.

Exercise for sciatic nerve relief

This exercise is excellent for relieving pain in the sciatic nerve. Done after sitting for several hours, it will bring you a real feeling of well-being.

Lie on your back, bend both legs and place your right ankle over the knee of your other foot. Then grab the back of your left thigh and slowly bring your knees towards your chest. Do not force the movement, hold the position for a few seconds and repeat the exercise by placing the left ankle on the right thigh.

What to do for other back problems?

how to do back stretching

If you have any back problems more serious than simple temporary pain, consult a health professional (doctor, physiotherapist, osteopath, etc.) without delay.

I also invite you to read the article below on the nubax, a device that stretches the entire back and relieves chronic pain.

Some tips for the well-being of your back

For your back stretches to be successful, it is essential to accompany them withstrength exercises regular basis. You can, for example, stretch your back after your physical activities and sports. These sessions of muscle strengthening will help preserve your back.


Don't forget to stretch the different muscles of your legs, starting with the quadriceps and the buttocks. These are directly linked to the back muscles and can therefore be the source of stiffness or pain.

Finally, it is very important to regularly consult a osteopath (2 to 3 times a year), especially if you are athletic. Thanks to bone and muscle manipulations, this health professional will be able to relieve your aches and pains by restoring your body's balance.


To stay in good healthIt is important to stretch your back regularly. These relaxations will help you feel better in your daily life. In addition, consider consulting an osteopath several times a year.

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