food supplement for women

The 3 essential dietary supplements for women for fitness


Intense physical effort and a balanced diet alone are no longer enough to achieve high-level sporting goals. As a fitness or bodybuilding enthusiast, you necessarily need to food supplements to tone your muscles, keep you in good shape and consistently meet the demands of high-level sport.

women's supplementation

Food supplements have several virtues and beneficial effects ranging from fat loss to the fight against fatigue through the support of a diet. They are also known for their ability to boost morale and for their contribution to strengthening the immune system.

Every fitgirl needs to accompany its weight training program It is not always easy for sportswomen to know how to deal with the wide range of products available on the market, which come in various forms (generally in capsules or powder). It is not always easy for sportswomen to know how to deal with this panoply of products available on the market, and that we find in several forms (generally in capsules or powder). What are the natural food supplements essential for women who practice fitness? How do they help to tone up? What are the health benefits and how should they be administered? We take stock of the three essential food supplements for women.


What are multivitamins?

Multivitamins are the result of the assembly of several vitamins and minerals which combined, allow a high concentration of macronutrients equivalent to between 0.5 and 2 times the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance). A multivitamin, as its name indicates, can therefore contain different types of vitamins (A, B and D to name but a few) in varying proportions.

multivitamins for women

What are the benefits?

The main benefits of multivitamin supplementation are that it helps to avoid energy deficits and to have a good sports nutrition by optimizing the caloric intake. In addition, it helps to make up for nutritional deficiencies of certain vitamins and minerals, or the loss of vitamins due to intense physical activity, multivitamins When you know how to include them in your food plan, they can help prevent certain illnesses such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.

A Women's Health Initiative Study found that multivitamins reduce the risk of heart attack by an average of 27% for athletic women when taken continuously for five years.

Dosage to be respected

It is advisable to take multivitamins only once a day and to always accompany this single intake with a meal, preferably breakfast.

Omega 3 : presentation, benefits and dosage

What is omega 3 ?

The omega 3, true sources of energy for the organization, are food complements belonging to the family of the lipids, and in a specific way to the branch of the poly-unsaturated fatty acids. These fatty acids are said to be long-chain since they are made up of about twenty carbon atoms.

The number 3 in its expression, omega 3 owes it to the three principal acids which compose it namely the eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic and alpha-linolenic acids. The main interest of associating to its muscular program a supplementation to the omega 3 is to arrive at a balanced diet. Here are the Omega that I recommend: OMEGA 3 EPA +

omega 3 supplement

What are the benefits of Omega 3 for fitgirls?

Even during periods of high demand on the body by sports, they contribute to the proper functioning of several organs including the heart and brain, to the regulation of blood circulation by dilating the arteries, and to the rejuvenation of several cells. They help to increase the quantity of good cholesterol, to reduce unnecessary cholesterol and consequently to eliminate fat mass.

A continuous consumption of omega 3 limits the formation of clots in the blood vessels, stabilizes the heartbeat and reduces blood pressure, thus helping to optimize the protection of the cardiovascular system.

To learn more you can read this article: What are the benefits of omega 3 for athletes?

Omega 3: sources and dosage

To follow a balanced program, you need to consume 2 grams at each meal of the day, in other words three times a day. Each type of omega 3 is derived from different foods.

  • Alpha-linolenic acid is found only in vegetable sources: soybean, purslane, walnut and rapeseed oils, for example.
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid is found in the oil of fatty fish (fish oil): mackerel, tuna, salmon, sardines or anchovies for example.
  • Docosahexaenoic acid is found in fatty fish oil, but also in some eggs.

Whey pure native isolate

What is pure native Whey isolate?

Wheyis considered one of the best protein powders due to its optimal quality. It is one of the two proteins found in whey, and it efficiently allows the toning of muscles and the maintenance of muscle fibres. It is also used by sportswomen during periods of downtime or when of an injury to avoid muscle wasting.

Whey native complement

It is therefore the recommended dietary supplement for any fitness practitioner who wishes to build muscle overall or to gain muscle in certain parts of the body such as the buttocks, thighs, etc. Whey isolate can also be suitable as part of a high-protein diet for women who have a lot of body fat.

What are they for?

The beneficial effects of whey are numerous. Very digestible, this protein breaks down easily and at high speed in the body, in order to send amino acids to the various tissues and muscle fibres. It is highly recommended for particular moments of the day: when waking up in the morning, as a snack, but especially before and after various physical exercises. The protein fragments contained in whey especially promote the flow of blood to the muscles before exercise, and therefore with it oxygen (thus playing the role of anti-oxidant), hormones and other necessary nutrients.

Whey: instructions for use

It is recommended to consume 2 grams of protein for each kilo of your body weight. For example, if you weigh 50 kg, you should consume 100g of protein per day (including food). Therefore, if solid food does not allow you to reach your daily protein intake, whey can be of great help.

The dosage depends on your weight. 20 to 40 g per intake (the protein powder is to be mixed with water or almond milk) at breakfast, as a snack or after training.

Dear fitness enthusiasts, you now know all about the 3 essential food supplements that you need to follow your muscle building program. By following this advice, you are sure to be able to achieve your muscle building goals. It should be noted, however, that this information does not replace the advice of an expert physician. There are other supplements that you could use, but you have the 3 essentials for building muscle.

Whether you want to build up your glutes or any other part of your body, hiring a personal trainer will help you reach your goals more quickly, while avoiding any risk of injury. 

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Additional articles to read:

How to slim down your waist?

Why are women afraid to work out?

How to get rid of celulite?

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  1. Thank you for this clarification
    after reading this article i think i will go for the multivitamins as i am 34 soon
    I already take omegas but I don't take whey because I don't think I really need it because on myfitness pal my protein ratio is about right
    I really love all your detailed articles but when we search for certain information on the net, we find everything and its opposite. not easy to find it. I trust you anyway in view of your knowledge and diplomas. With love, Laurie

  2. good evening
    Do you think that multivitamins can be taken all year round because I have heard that you have to take vitamin cures so stop from time to time?
    what do you think

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