Myth or reality? Focus on the subject
Being overweight is a case that affects 1 in 4 people today. The WHO has shown through its studies that more than a billion of the world's population is affected by this situation. According to them, this is a figure that is constantly increasing over time. Their analysis reveals a vitamin C deficiency among overweight people. This is extremely low compared to a person of normal weight. This turns out to be the primary cause of the problem.
This is because vitamin C has the ability to eliminate fat inside the body more quickly. In contrast, a low level of vitamin C promotes the accumulation of fat. Especially in the stomach area. In the long term, this can lead to blockages in the blood vessels. This can lead to serious cardiovascular accidents.
Lemon is a great choice for anyone who wants to get a good dose of vitamin C in the body. When you consume it regularly, you help your body to eliminate the excess fat that is in the body. Even nutrition professionals encourage its consumption to fight the problem of overweight. But it is not only lemons that contain vitamin C. In fact, rich foods containing this micronutrient are: kiwi, orange, strawberries and guava...
The lemon, a fruit with multiple benefits
Regular consumption of lemon is a good diet that helps to eliminate all the toxins present in the body. In order for the method to work, it takes 7 to 15 days of cure. It is a good method that helps in losing weight gradually. In addition, it improves your level of health thanks to the elimination of all the impurities that are present in the body. When we talk about a cure, it means that it must be integrated with our eating habits and not consume lemon throughout the day.
Lemon is a fruit that is rich in citric acid. Therefore, it promotes the metabolism of sugar and lipids (fat). They will be transformed into a source of energy for the body. All these are criteria that lead more easily to weight loss and help to lose weight quickly.
Otherwise, the lemon is a very good ally to facilitate the intestinal transit. It promotes the proper digestion of food. It also fights against intestinal bloating. People who regularly consume lemon are rarely subject to constipation.
This citrus fruit has several virtues, and it is rich in antioxidants. The latter allows the cells of the human body to fight against the risks of cancer. Lemon also helps the body to store calcium inside the fat cells. The latter are very effective in eliminating bad fat which is the cause of cellulite.
In addition to its power to eliminate fat, lemon also helps to reduce appetite. It helps to feel less hungry during the day. When we diet to lose fat, it is essential that satiety is reduced. Lemon is also effective in fighting and treating cold conditions. Its high potassium content helps regulate blood pressure.
The method for a lemon diet
There are two effective methods to help you lose weight. These are techniques that have been proven over the years. For best results, it is advisable to do physical exercises in addition to dieting. This is a method that makes you lose weight in the long run.
Exercise has been proven to help you lose weight. However, it does not treat the source of your problems. To effectively eliminate fat from the body, you need to do a thorough treatment. Overweight comes as a result of lack of exercise and poor eating habits.
Do you want to lose weight?
How to use it?
To begin, you must start a program which consists in eliminating toxins from the body. The principle is simple, you just need to eat foods like grains and vegetables. Then, remember to drink plenty of water. It is an excellent ally that purifies the body. This should be done for 24 hours.
Then, start each morning with a good glass of lemonade on an empty stomach without added sugar of course. Prioritize the one that comes from the organic culture. It's better for your health. It's a mixture of warm water and lemon juice. Use lemon in most of your dishes. Let's take a simple example with salad dressing. Instead of using vinegar, opt for lemon instead. Then there's the inevitable lemon slice served with fish. This way, you consume less sugar.
During your diet, it is important to eat more vegetables. The same goes for whole and natural foods. Pay attention to your salt level. Raw or minimally cooked foods are also great for getting more nutrients.
For people who are sensitive in the stomach, it is better not to force the lemon peel. The same goes for individuals who are easily prone to kidney problems.
If you follow the rules well, grouped with a correct and calculated diet, you will see clear results after 3 weeks. The first thing you will notice is your figure. It will become finer and more assertive.
Lemon as water of youth
Some people swear by lemon. It is their secret weapon for a glowing complexion in all circumstances. In fact, in addition to helping burn fat, drinking warm water with lemon also ensures a fresh complexion. Moreover, the antioxidant present in this fruit helps the body to eliminate free radicals which are at the origin of premature ageing of the epidermal cell.
Lemon juice to lose weight? Why not, but it must be consumed in moderation. In the case of the lemon diet, it is important to specify that it is a lifestyle that must be maintained over a short period of time. Too much lemon can have several undesirable effects. Such as the destruction of the enamel of the teeth. There is also the risk of decalcification when the food menu is not diversified.
Lemon helps the body to eliminate fat quickly. However, you need to put in some effort on your end to stay the course. As it helps you to reduce your appetite, you have to do what is necessary to stay on this habit.
Once the time limit of the diet is over, insert lemon from time to time in your menus. Every food can be harmful to the body when over consumed. You should always eat in moderation to be healthy. Whether it is sweet, salty, fatty, acidic foods...
Finally, the lemon diet or lemon detox is not to consume only this fruit all day to lose weight. This will be very bad for your health if you only consume it for several days. It is simply to integrate it into your diet between 1 and 2 times a day.
Besides, when you make a cheat mealThe day after this big meal, it is recommended to start the day with this lemonade (lemon and warm water) in the morning and to eat only when you really feel the need.
To conclude
Lemon does not make you lose weight, but it helps to eliminate fat. It is very good for your health in general, but you should not abuse it or even substitute it for all the meals of the day. Indeed, our body needs proteins, lipids and carbohydrates to function well with a good distribution of these macronutrients.
For those who practice bodybuilding or fitness, if you read the many sites on the internet that tell you to lose 4 kg in 7 days by doing a lemon detox ... Know that in reality you will lose, certainly weight but it will be essentially water and muscle. This is absolutely not good for your health.
Remember that to lose weight, before doing the lemon diet, you must first have a balanced diet with a good calculation of calories and a minimum of physical activity or do any sport.
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