lose thighs

How to slim your thighs?


Your goal for this summer is set: to have beautiful thighs! What could be more effective than sport to tone up your muscles and lose a few inches of thigh. It should be noted that for good results, you must practice physical activity regularly, drink water (at least 2 L per day), warm up well before your workout and stretch after your workout and eat a balanced and healthy diet.

First and foremost, remember that you can't just lose weight on your thighs or lose fat locally. You may want to target one area in particular, but other parts of the body will follow during the overall weight loss.
To have a convincing result, it is obviously necessary to adapt one's diet so that the body can have the essential nutrients it needs as well asa good distribution of calories and macros.

What diet should I follow to slim down my thighs?

Diet is an important step in weight loss. Especially for women, the thighs are the most difficult to work on because it is in this area that most of the fat is stored. It is this fatty presence that is commonly called "orange peel". It is the same for the buttocks. Here are a few tips to eliminate this unsightly element.

drink water

Drink water!

1.5 to 2 liters are recommended for the day, but nothing prevents you from drinking more... Water is a natural "remedy" that has a draining effect and eliminates toxins in the body. Do not hesitate to make detox drinks (better known as "detox water") very easy to achieve. With water as a base, add fruits that suit you, roughly cut (lemons, strawberries, cucumber, red fruits with mint leaves or pieces of ginger ...).

Green tea

In addition to being used in the treatment of certain diseases, green tea is a plant that helps fight cellulite. It is therefore good for women to drink green tea without sugar.

5 fruits and vegetables a day

The power of fruits and vegetables should not be underestimated. However, it is advisable to favor acidic antioxidant fruits (generally low in calories) and fruits containing little water. Vegetables were your bête noire during childhood, but they are what will help you lose weight. In addition, you can rebalance your eating habits.

Be careful with salt

Limit the salt in your dishes because it promotes water retention. You can fight against cellulite by replacing salt with spices. Be careful, it is not a question of eliminating it completely because our body needs it, simply to be careful with its consumption.

Need to know your calories and macros to consume?

What exercises to slim your thighs?

Generally, working out 3 or 4 times a week is enough to keep your body and muscles in shape. Unfortunately, many people do not have the chance or the time to have access to gyms or to hire a trainer. But there are alternatives to build up your buttocks and legs even at home.


Slimming your thighs requires constant effort. Doing cardio not only improves blood circulation, but also burns excess fat. Indeed, if you want to focus your efforts on fat loss, cardiovascular activities are highly recommended. The kettlebell is for example is a good, simple but effective way to mix strength training and cardio at home. This will give you muscle and contribute to fat loss. Running (outdoors or on a mat), cycling, jumping rope and other fast-paced activities are also effective for burning excess fat.

Fitness and weight training

To slim down, have beautiful legs and thighs, you can do muscle strengthening. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, fitness is a good example of a physical activity that will help you slim down your thighs, maintain and tone up your muscles... in short, to slim down and regain a slim waist.


female squat

To target the gluteus maximus area, squats are a good workout to lose fat and get a strong gluteus maximus and shapely thighs. A good weight training session will allow you to firm up your thighs and at the same time get slim legs.
The squat exercise can be declined in several forms: classic squats, sumo squats, jumps squats, lunges. Depending on the type of squats, the targeted areas are different: quadriceps, adductors, inner thighs, calves ...

If you can go to the gym and have the equipment at your disposal, you can also try the BIKINI BODY program, which is made up of muscle strengthening exercises and clear training to establish your diet with the tools to calculate your calories and macros: BIKINI BODY Program

Outdoor Sport

Many physical activities can be done indoors without any worries. Staying at home to work out, why not? But even when you go to the supermarket, you are also working out! Walking is a good way to slim your legs while burning fat. Taking the stairs tones your legs and calves, shapes your buttocks and improves your heart rate.

Last but not least, exercises in the pool, for example, can also help you.

Other aids to have beautiful legs

We have seen previously that to obtain a few inches less on your thighs, a new physical behavior and a healthy diet are necessary. Once the fat is reduced in the thighs, you can pursue your goal by choosing to follow a sports program according to the physique you want to obtain:

Of course, you don't have to wait until you lose weight to start weight training. In other words, you can do both at the same time, follow a suitable program and put the advice in this article into practice.


  • As advised above, drinking water during the day is very important. This limits muscle cramps, among other things. It is therefore preferable to drink still water (avoid carbonated drinks and those with too much sugar) and at room temperature or cold water (fresh). Ice water should be avoided, especially during physical effort. Indeed, it gives the impression of freshness but takes time to be assimilated by the body, because it is too cold compared to the internal temperature. Hydration is not complete during sports activities. Prepare your water bottle in the morning and aim to fill it at least every 3 hours. This way, you will be sure to drink a minimum of 1.5 liters.
  • It is important to remember to stretch before and after your strength training exercises. This is a necessary step in order to avoid muscle strains and other injuries. Stretching for 15 minutes is also good to recharge and think about yourself. It's a time to decompress and relieve yourself.
  • To increase your power and resistance to exercises, you can try weighted weight training. In other words, weights or other equipment imposing resistance will help you to make the muscle building more effective and to lose more efficiently. For the jump rope for example, to add difficulty, add a weight on your ankles.
  • If you want to follow a diet program, forget about the magic pills that promise miracles. Instead, eat small, healthy meals and allow yourself one or two snacks. These smaller meals will keep you from going hungry. By calculating your calories properly, your body will draw on its fat reserves to function with the necessary nutrients. This diet system obviously allows you to limit abuse and snacking during the day. Because as we say, going on a diet does not necessarily mean depriving yourself, quite the contrary! You just have to learn to eat well again.


This is not easy and takes time. Depending on where you start, you will not slim down your thighs in 1 week. Every woman is different so it may be easier for some than others. Either way, you need to be motivated.

For final words, in general, thigh-buttock programs include 60% of basic exercises that mainly target the lower body and mobilize maximum energy. The main muscles involved will be worked for a better figure and to improve body support. 40% of physical activities will target specific muscles for strengthening. Eating well and drinking often are the key words so that the body keeps up with the efforts it makes during its transformation.

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The 3 essential food supplements for women

Why are women afraid to work out?

How to eliminate cellulite?

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