Chris Evans muscle

Captain America's training program (CHRIS EVANS)


Does Chris Evans speak to you?

The latest "Avengers" saga is finally hitting the movie screens in 2019 with the release of "Avengers: Endgame".  

It features the superhero team from the comics Marvel with an all-star cast including Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Josh Brolin, Brie Larson, and Scarlett Johansson.

Chris Evans, the actor who plays Captain America, showed off an incredible superhero physique after putting on several pounds of muscle to play the hero in the film, which is rumored to be the actor's final role as Avengers.

For Evans, it took months of intense training and a strict protein-rich diet with a good distribution of macronutrients to put on the dozens of kilos needed to realistically embody a character capable of competing with the other Avengers: Thor, Hulk and Iron Man. 

How tall is Chris Evans in Avengers: Endgame?

At 40 years old, Chris Evans weighs about 85 kg for a height of 1m 83. With an athletic, dense and lean physique, Evans maintains a relatively low body fat percentage around 8 to 10%. This body fat percentage allows Evans to showcase defined and prominent muscles with visible abs without sacrificing his strength, which is ideal for a superhero of his stature.

Develop a superhero physique

To build a muscular and voluminous physique of superhero and embody the role of Steve Rogers, Evans started well before Avengers - Endgame in particular in "Captain America: First Avenger" but also Captain America: The Winter Soldier", Captain America: Civil War and of course the other Avengers, the era of Ultron and Infinity War and of course Thor, Ant-man, Spider-Man, in short most of the Marvels

captain america

To get the look he wanted for the role, Evans, who is slim by nature, spent several months in the weight room building mass through a variety of exercises to not only build muscle but also be agile and fast. 

Evans explains, "The preparation for Captain America was really focused on building mass and so it was based on weight training to get massive. The training program was mostly polyarticular core movements with heavy loads and low reps. I did squats, deadlifts, shoulder presses, incline bench press, dips and barbell pull-ups. "

Weight gain program

To understand how Chris Evans was able to build so much muscle mass with ideal proportions that enhance his movie star physique, the Physique Pro Mass program will reveal all the secrets to developing a superhero physique.

The main characteristics of Chris Evans' physique from The Avengers

If we look at the strengths that Chris Evans has developed to transform his physique, the first thing we notice is the development of his pecs.

A full and well-developed chest as a whole gives it a solid appearance typical of superheroes.

Continuing with Evans' incredible upper body, we can see a massive, broad back that complements the perfect superhero physique by creating perfect muscle symmetry.

In analyzing Evans' training program, he reveals many similarities with the Physique Pro Mass program we have created. Both training regimens focus on developing the pectoral and back muscles for ideal proportions.

Chris Evans' workout routine for "Avengers: Endgame"

Chris Evans muscle

To achieve the Captain America physique, Evans would work on two muscle groups in each session.

"It's a well-rounded workout program, targeting every muscle. I think my toes even got bigger."

Chris Evans

Evans said with a laugh.

"We're pushing two muscle groups in each session, whether it's pecs and triceps or back and biceps, and we were literally destroying my muscles for a little over two hours. Then it was back to the grind with ab work. I would also work with different angles and holds. For example, for the pecs I would do incline presses with a tight grip, incline splits and incline push-ups. Then I would sometimes do shoulder presses on my knees sometimes, to incorporate more abs. "

Chris Evans

He adds:

"Monday through Friday we would work on different body parts. Saturday was my day off, and then on Sunday, if there was something that needed extra work and I didn't feel particularly tired, then I would do a muscle booster.

We also mixed free weight exercises with body weight exercises. I did a lot of weighted pull-ups with different holds, weighted dips, push-ups with weight discs on my back. Simple but effective exercises, basically classic bodyweight and strength training stuff. "

Chris Evans

However, Chris Evans wasn't willing to keep his workout routine so simple. He added gymnastics to his sessions and plyometric exercises to work on explosiveness.

The goal was to keep his heart rate up throughout the workouts, which contributed to his fitness and especially when he had long days of shooting and running or having fight scenes.

Chris Evans' Training Program breakdown for "Avengers: Endgame:


Barbell bench press: 10/8/6/5/4 (increase the weight with each set)

Dumbbell bench press: 4 X 6

Prone: 4 X 8

Push-ups with disc on the back: 3 X Max of rep

Tight bench press with dumbbells: 4 X 6

Front bar: 4 X 6

Bench presses: 3 X Max of rep


Deadlift: 5X5

Weighted pull-ups: 5X5

One arm swings with Kettlebell : 4 X 6

kettlebell renegade rowing : 4 X 8

Tight weighted supine grip pull-ups: 4 X 6

Standing bar curl: 4 X 6

Dumbbell curl on inclined bench: 4 X 8


Squats 10/8/6/5/4 (increase weight with each set)

Bulgarian Squat 4 X 6

Front box jump 4 X 8

Leg extension 4 X 8

Romanian deadlift 5X5

Leg Curl 4 X 8

Wheel movements 3 x 6


Military Developed: 5 X 5

One-Arm Kettlebell Swings: 4 X 6

Kettlebell Sumo High Pull : 4 X 6

Kettlebell Thruster : 4 X 6

Side elevations: 4 X 8

Weighted dips: 4 X 6

Slammed pumps: 4 X 8


Inclined barbell bench press: 10/8/6/5/4 (increase the weight with each set)

Dumbbell bench press: 4 X 6

Weighted pull-ups: 5 X 5

Deadlift: 5 X 5

Inclined bench press with dumbbells, tight grip: 4 X 8

Standing bar curl: 4 X 8

What about Cardio?

super physical

When we hear action movies, we immediately think fights, explosions and stunts.

And yet Evans hardly ever did cardio, but rather circuit training and HIIT. 

Evans explains: "Honestly, for Captain America, I didn't do a lot of cardio because I wasn't trying to lose weight, it was all about building muscle. So it's all muscle work with heavy loads. We might do a few sprints just to make sure we were in good shape, but that's about it, honestly, we would warm up and do HIIT for 10 to 15 minutes.

This is the whole point of the Physics Pro Mass program which also includes all the nutrition and supplements and lifestyle changes needed to build the body of your dreams.

Follow this program and the only thing you'll need for a full Captain America transformation is the shield.

Tee shirt captain america
For more info on the T-shirt, click on the picture

Other articles to read :

The incredible physical preparation of Chris Hemsworth to play Thor

All about the wave rope

Bodybuilding after 40: Possible or not?

4 good reasons to build up your legs

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  1. Coucou Julien thank you for this program there are things in English that I do not understand
    Sincerely kad

    1. Hi manual
      I think so. It's really interesting for you and for me when I write this kind of article

      1. Hi Julien, I see that there is no biceps triceps session. Does the fact of doing a lying down development and other excretory contribute to a biceps triceps session?
        Sincerely yours ??

        1. The biceps are already solicited during the sessions of back in particular and the triceps are solicited in all the exercises of developed (pectoral, shoulders).

  2. Thank you Julien for this impressive article and I thank you again for the method 21 it has much more me is the pectoral or biceps.
    Good continuation and good luck

  3. hi Julien very good article as usual and an article on chris hemsworth and his training for the role of thor and his program must surely be close to that of chris Evans

  4. Great article, all this information in addition to your programs give a multitude of programs to run to break the routine.thank you Julien
    Yours sincerely

    1. To create a little reminder of all the muscle groups that have been worked during the week and it also allows a good active recovery.

  5. Hello julien. This article is really great. What I didn't understand is the part where you wrote 10/8/6/5/4. Can you please explain it to me? Thank you.

    1. Thank you! That means you have to do 10 reps for the first set, you take your recovery, then you increase the weight, you do 8 reps for the second set, and so on, increasing the weight each time.

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