Miracle product or quack ointment? Treatment or scam? Tiger Balm comes directly from the Chinese medicinal tradition, developed centuries ago. This cultural and traditional medicine has proven itself in the land of the morning calm.
Where does Tiger Balm come from?
This balm is dated from the end of the 19th century in China by a herbalist. Some people have adopted it today in their sports practice as a real miracle product. However, it is not necessarily unanimously accepted, its benefits sometimes being questioned. In bodybuilding in particular, its users are very numerous and claim fantastic performance and amazing recovery thanks to it. It can help to cope with contractures, thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect, as would an analgesic or arnica. It's up to you to make up your own mind.
You suffer from painful aches and pains after your session in the gym, after the passage on your favorite weight machines? Many will tell you that massaging a little Tiger Balm, a natural remedy, on your legs to combat stiffness or rheumatism is ideal. Joint pain can be common when working out. The main quality of this balm is a warming effect where it is applied. It is very effective against painful joints or stiffness. It helps to reduce inflammation of joints or tendons. Of course, stretching and warming up are essential to preserve the body before and after the effort. They should never be neglected, especially to avoid sprains.
What is this miracle balm made of?
It contains mint, clove and cajeput oil (an Asian tree with recognized therapeutic virtues) and camphor. It may also contain eucalyptus essential oil.
Two types of balms exist: the red and the white. Even if both have the virtue of heating the muscles, the white one is lighter and softer. It can cure backache as well as headache or nasal congestion. It is applied with light massages or poultices, two to three times a day.
With the practice of sport, a physical effort can generate a stretch, or muscular pains. Cold or heat can relieve the pain. It can also be applied to the lower back. Sometimes, having recourse to a bandage is a complementary solution.
Precautions or contraindications with this spectacular balm?
Containing active ingredients, this balm is not intended to be applied to irritated skin or mucous membranes. Children and pregnant women are not allowed to receive this balm. Some countries prohibit this product because of its high camphor content. It is also necessary to wash the hands after application, in order not to integrate the balm in the eyes, the mouth or the nose.
In the practice of a healthy sport such as muscle strengthening, this balm accompanies you in your efforts. The sports doctor can even recommend it when it is integrated into a massage oil, or an analgesic painkiller.
How to find Tiger Balm?
It is absolutely everywhere in Asia, but in France, it is a little more complicated to find this magic ointment. The red tiger balm, the favorite of sportsmen is extra strong, and its use should be reserved for lumbago, chronic pain. It is on sale in pharmacies or parapharmacy and also in specialized sports shops but some ingredients prohibited in France are not added.
The ointment can be kept for a long time, since it is used only a little, in localized application as a soothing of the area where it hurts. It acts on the muscle fibres in a few minutes, following physical exercise.
Red balm or white balm?
It works wonders in the case of tendonitis, which can happen when you practice weight training assiduously. It is the case for example if one does not spare the progressions in the lifting of the weights. One then puts one's musculature at risk.
It is rather the white tiger balm that relieves headaches, or nasal congestion, by its soft and soothing effect, with its peppermint scent. It gives a rather cold sensation as opposed to the red balm which heats up as soon as it is applied. It is therefore more recommended for body-building enthusiasts.
How to use the balm after a workout?
The action of rubbing allows the balm to act and heal a pain well. There is no need for a prolonged massage to make the balm penetrate the skin. A few seconds are enough for it to deliver all its benefits after the physical effort. During the first applications, remain reasonable and do not overload the dose. Less than a small hazelnut is largely sufficient: you must get used to these new sensations of hot and cold.
Do not apply the balm near the eyes or mucous membranes.
Remember to wash your hands after use.
As the saying goes, it is always better to prevent than to cure. We can therefore resort to the balm during a small accident or contracture in the bodybuilding, but it will never replace a good preparation of warm-up. Don't get into the habit of using it for a yes or a no, and make the necessary preparations for a good session.
In principle, small incidents should remain episodic. If they occur frequently, it is because your physical activity is not well adapted or calibrated. It is up to you to review the programme in line with what your body can produce in terms of effort. You must also ensure that you excellent hydrationA good diet in correlation with the effort. The rhythm of training, rest and sleep are the other components of a good sports program. It is necessary to respect this hygiene of life to progress in its objectives of musculation. You will have understood, the Tiger Balm, an extremely effective product, is to be used from time to time, to solve a small boo-boo, but it should not be integrated in a systematic way in your sports program. This balm is a temporary solution. Of course, if after using Tiger Balm for 72 hours, you continue to have persistent muscular pains, you should absolutely consult your doctor for medical advice.
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greetings to all
I found Tiger Balm in a drugstore if it helps anyone
pleasant evening
Can we use red tiger balm for a muscle strain ?
Thank you.
Good evening Ginette,
Tiger Balm is a temporary solution. For a real muscle strain, it is better to consult your doctor, it is safer.