
How to eliminate cellulite?


The cellulite is a phenomenon that causes complexes for many women on a daily basis. The dimples (or orange peel skin) are often found on the thighs, buttocks, stomach and arms. With these bulges, your figure seems less pleasing to the eye. But in addition to the physical aspect, it can also lead to a poor circulation. Fortunately, it is possible to fight against cellulite by practicing a sport such as weight training. In this article, I propose to discover how to eliminate cellulite thanks to concrete solutions that will allow you to firm up your body.


What is cellulite?

Definition of cellulite

To better fight unsightly and often unpleasant cellulite, it is best to understand what it is.

Cellulite is defined by the presence of a cluster of bad fats and the modification of the fatty tissue on the parts of the body. There are actually three types of cellulite:

  • The adipose cellulite The main cause is when saturated fats are stored. This leads to a clogging of the cells located in the hypodermis, a deep layer of the skin. This phenomenon is due to a poor diet and a lack of physical activity.
  • The fibrous cellulite It is the most difficult to eliminate, because collagen fibers are embedded under the skin and harden. It can therefore be painful depending on the area.
  • The aqueous cellulite It is linked to water retention and is mainly caused by poor blood and lymphatic circulation.

Where does cellulite come from?

This phenomenon is due to hormonal system disorders. It particularly affects women, as they are more often subject to these hormonal disorders than men. Generally, cellulite is located on parts of the body such as the thighs, buttocks, arms and stomach.

Being overweight can lead to the development of orange peel. However, it is not always the cause. In fact, you can have cellulite even if you have a slim figure.

In short, fat is a direct consequence of a inflammation of your hypodermis or subcutaneous tissue. In order to overcome it, you must then follow a suitable cellulite treatment. Unfortunately, you must understand that the simple application of an anti-cellulite cream alone cannot give you an optimal result.

But then, what to do to eliminate cellulite naturally ? If there is no miracle cure, there are two complementary solutions: practicing sports and eating better.

Sport, a shock treatment against cellulite

What sports can I do to get rid of cellulite?

To have a dream figure as you so desire, the best remedy is sport!

This way you can make fitness exercises as the donkey kicks to overcome cellulite effectively and permanently. It is a movement consisting of tone your buttocks by isolating the gluteus maximus muscle.

The best way to slim downis to move! In addition to the strength trainingyou can turn to water sports to reduce cellulite in your thighs and buttocks. Swimming, aquabiking or aquagym are anti-cellulite exercises very effective in fighting the appearance of fatty tissue. But don't expect to erase or defeat cellulite with just one or two sessions. At the pool or in the weight room, you'll need to exercise for several weeks before we see the first results.

cellilute bodybuilding

Each of these sports will help fight orange peel skin caused by water retention. Also do some strength exercises such as squats or lunges. These are a great way to build up your buttocks in depth.

You should also know that what you eat is essential to make cellulite disappear. Indeed, a bad diet accentuates this phenomenon. So remember to eat the right foods that will have an impact on the quality of your skin, but we'll come back to that later.

Should you run to get rid of cellulite?

To eliminate cellulite on the thighs or stomach, the first reflex may be to start running. If the intention is good, practice the brisk walking or running is not enough to effectively defeat the saddlebags.

If you are in this situation, rest assured that you have done the hardest part by taking action to achieve your goal. After reading this article, all you have to do is implement the right tips to defeat cellulite.

sport and bodybuilding

There is no need to try to eliminate your saddlebags by forcing yourself to jog for hours. The body's mechanism is complex. By running, you risk burning the fat in your chest. Thus, instead of eliminating the fat from your thighs or your buttocks, running will cause you to lose weight in the non-target areas. Therefore, it is best to supplement your cardio activity by exercises that strengthen the skin of the stomach, arms, thighs and buttocks.

For a one-hour sports session, 20 to 30 minutes should be devoted to working a targeted muscle group. This technique will allow you to lose cellulite of your buttocks and thighs. Then follow with 30 to 40 minutes of moderate intensity cardio. In this way, you will destock and burn fat. The results obtained with this method will be more convincing and faster than if you simply use an anti-cellulite cream or device.

Opt for exercises that have a real effect on your hormonal system, such as hill sprints, squats, push-ups and lunges. They promote adrenaline secretion and noradrenaline. These hormones are able to bind to your fat and help to get rid of it. Don't forget to drink plenty of water to help your hormones eliminate the fat in your body.

Eliminate cellulite through diet

The importance of a balanced diet

The practice of a sport such as bodybuilding alone is not enough to eliminate this phenomenon. In order to obtain visible and lasting resultsyou must also adopt a balanced diet and hydrate yourself correctly. Both are necessary to achieve your goals.

It is best to banish the following from your eating habits fast sugars and to consume healthy, unprocessed foods. This can be a particularly difficult step to take at first, but you will get used to it over time.

Fast sugars should be eliminated because they turn into glycogen and are stored in your body. Note that it's not just powdered sugar or candy. Rice, pasta and all overcooked white cereals are also affected. It is better to choose whole grains organic, rice or wholemeal pasta.

Your health practices is the key to getting rid of cellulite. Of course, that doesn't mean you have to deprive yourself of everything you love - quite the opposite. By adopting good habits on a daily basis and by controlling your caloric intakeYou can continue to eat ice cream or chocolate. Losing weight without depriving yourself is therefore possible! This is a subject that I discuss in depth in the Bikini Body program.

Laura, for example, followed the Bikini Body programme and the tailored diet. After three months, the results were already clearly visible. With several kilograms less on the scales, she had a refined silhouette and toned.

LAURA fat loss processing Prog Perso
Laura followed the Bikini program and the tailored diet for 3 months.

Examples of meals to eat better

Would you like to reduce your consumption of fatty foods and eat a healthy, balanced diet? Discover an example of food routine nice and easy to set up.

For a breakfast In the morning, opt for seasonal fruit (strawberries or apples, for example) accompanied by organic wholegrain cereals and an egg.

At noon, your lunch will be more complete with fish, green vegetables, a little dairy and starchy foods. Fruit for dessert will complete this meal for an excellent caloric intake. Always choose home-made dishes over ready-made products from supermarkets which contain a lot of salt and sugar.

In the evening, your dinner will be light and will include lean meat, vegetable soup and some dairy. Of course, it is not forbidden to eat carbohydrates if your macronutrients of the day have not been reached. In the same way, you can consume a snack in the afternoon.

About thehydrationSome people think that water retention comes from drinking a lot. Contrary to this belief, drinking water is the best way to avoid retention, so drink a lot. The phenomenon of saddlebags is the consequence of a lack of hydration. It causes poor blood circulation and slows down the evacuation of toxins. These toxins will contribute to the appearance of orange peel skin.

The 10 best foods to fight cellulite

cellulite diet

Here is a list of the tops anti-cellulite foods that will help you to overcome those unsightly dimples:

  • l'pineapple Pineapple: a very effective food for losing cellulite thanks to its bromelain content (a fat-burning enzyme) which helps to avoid adipose cellulite (prefer the fruit to pineapple juice, as the latter contains sugar);
  • the pepper eaten in gratin or salad, it has tonic, diuretic and anti-infectious properties;
  • the green tea : this anti-cellulite drink helps you to have a good venous return and to eliminate your bulges thanks to its diuretic virtues (the tannin which it contains makes it possible to eliminate retained water);
  • the kale This low-calorie vegetable (about 50 calories per 100 grams of cabbage) is rich in fibre and contains calcium, potassium and also vitamins C and K, which are essential for eradicating your fat cells;
  • the celery It has digestive, diuretic and laxative properties and is easily cooked in sticks, accompanied by a cream cheese sauce;
  • the lemon Consumed in juice in the morning, this citrus fruit helps to limit the feeling of hunger (and therefore snacking) and provides a draining effect to tone your body;
  • the parsley This fragrant herb with diuretic properties will fit perfectly into your salads and will help to eliminate the fat embedded in your body;
  • l'eggplant This low-calorie vegetable can be cooked without fat (grilled or baked);
  • the red berries (strawberries and raspberries): they can be eaten in fruit salads or in coulis and have a very effective anti-cellulite action;
  • l'onion eaten cooked, it allows you to purify your body by absorbing the sugar embedded in the body and eliminating all toxins.

Some effective aids for a better skin quality

In addition to exercise and diet, there are a few other tips that can help you reduce the effect of cellulite.

The anti-cellulite cream is thus a complement to the treatment of superficial lipodystrophy. Of course, this product is not effective in dissolving orange peel skin on its own. You can, however, use an anti-cellulite cream twice a day, before doing physical exercises. Together with an appropriate diet, the use of such a cream will allow you to see the first effects of cellulite reduction after about a month.

anti-cellulite cream

The anti-cellulite oils and the slimming creams offer a draining effect on the areas of the body that you want to firm up. You can combine these products with the use of a anti-cellulite suction cup. The latter will allow you to obtain a skin smooth by self-massaging under a cold shower. Simply make circular movements on the area to be treated.

Consider seeking advice from a cellulite treatment specialist on which suction cup to choose. The anti-cellulite suction cups can be proposed with the anti-cellulite oil or the slimming cream.


L'endermology is another complementary solution. It is a mechanical stimulation of the sleeping cells in the heart of your epidermis. The process allows you to wake up your cells in a natural and painless way. A anti-cellulite device reproduces the palpate-roll gesture which consists of massaging your skin.

Endermology is a technique against cellulite that mobilizes your connective tissue in depth, which helps to firm up the skin. It frees up compressions and gives you better venous return. It also improves your lymphatic system and helps your body fight infection.

Count on a dozen sessions of endermology to obtain significant results, at a rate of about thirty euros per appointment.


You now know how to eliminate cellulite naturally. It is therefore necessary to exercise and follow a healthy diet composed of quality foods. Also, keeping yourself well hydrated is absolutely essential and will help you to reduce cellulite. You can therefore set up your own anti-cellulite method or hire a sports coach to accompany you on a daily basis.

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What is the importance of nutrition in bodybuilding?

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  1. Thank you for taking the time to write articles for the girls, I've been following you for several months, I appreciate it 😉

  2. Thank you for creating content for your female community. I've been following you for 2 years. Since I started working out. I used to only run and do co classes in college. And the worst part was starving myself 🙂 I was finally flabby and orange skinned.
    As far as cellulite is concerned, I can confirm that oil creams and cupping, a balanced diet, drinking enough water and herbal teas combined with weight training work very well. I have cut down on dairy products as well. I feel like it was contributing to my cellulite. After all, each body reacts differently I think.

    1. Thank you Laura for sharing your experience and also for your support. You are right, everyone is different.

  3. Hi Julien, I've been working out for 2 and a half years now, as I was a high level athlete and had a double bypass operation following a liver failure that produces cholesterol. This said, the muscles remember, so I've built up a good muscle structure at the shoulder/pec/arm/back level. but i have a lot of fat under the skin on the belly and big Pffff no way to lose it i have tried everything diet i have stopped all fast and slow sugars i am at the end of the solutions i have the impression that it's my meds that prevent me from losing fat i am 60 years old and in great shape doing 88 kg for 173cm!!! A solution ??? I do squat / DC at 110kg weights at 35kg ( 70 ) in 15 rep !!!

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