dry how many calories per day

Dry: how many calories per day?


How to do a weight loss program? How many calories do we need? How to calculate your calories and macros to lose fat? Should I choose cardio or weight training to lose weight quickly? What type of cardio should I choose? HIIT cardio or moderate cardio?

Tips for doing a weight loss program

In this video Vlog muscu I explain how to lose fat quickly by accurately calculating its calorie needs and macros including the calorie calculator that I have set up on the site. Thanks to this you will know everything about your energy needs. Everything is set up to calculate your ideal weight and your caloric needs.

I also show you my protein breakfast of the moment to get a good start to the day before going to training. Then I'll show you how to organize your meals in advance so that you can stick to your diet as much as possible without being tempted, especially with the help of my 6-pack bag, a cooler bag handy to take your prepared meals with you everywhere, as well as its food supplements (BCAA, pre-workout, glutamine, creatine, whey isolate, L-carnitine).

On my way to the gym I talk to you about how to use cardio to lose fat and dry out faster, especially with HIIT cardio which allows you to burn more calories in less time and raise your basal metabolic rate. Then I share with you my shoulder workout at Elev8tion Fitness in Miami where I love to train. I then head out to get my % body fat percentage analyzed with a device called the InBody and verdict: I'm at 9%!

Do you want to calculate your Macros?

Other articles to read :

How to lose weight successfully?

Diet according to blood type

All about high-protein meal replacements

The gluten-free diet: useful or not in bodybuilding?

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One Comment

  1. Thank you julien for making the calorie counter available to us, thanks to that I will be able to adapt my diet
    very good ideas because not many people help us so much

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