Peanut butter in bodybuilding: good or bad for your health?


Nutrient-rich food, peanut butter, also called peanut puree, is interesting to complete the diet of athletes. It has many health benefits for all bodybuilding and fitness enthusiasts. It is true that some people avoid it because of its high calorie content. However, by calculating and controlling the portions, this associated with a good diet programThe consumption of peanut butter, which is an oilseed, is good for your health.

Peanut butter: a health benefit

Its nutritional contributions

I recommend the organic peanut butter which is often recommended for any practice combined with bodybuilding because of the nutritional contributions it provides. It contains a lot of proteins but especially lipids.

peanut butter

Here are the vitamins it provides: B3, B4, B9 and E. It also provides magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron and zinc. All essential elements for the body! Since athletes need these macronutrients more than people who do not practice sports or bodybuilding, it is therefore very advantageous in meeting their needs.

Good fats

Peanut butter is an enormous amount of lipids and is a food that is full of interesting calories for the proper functioning of the body. It contains mostly fatty acids that are very useful for the body. Given its nutritional properties, it helps to meet caloric needs, whether it is for dryness (by controlling the quantities as much as possible) but especially for weight gain to obtain voluminous muscles. It brings especially omega 3 essential for the musculation, but also omega 6. However, it is necessary to know how to balance its consumption.


Peanut butter is a source of plant-based protein. Unlike animal proteins, it is perfectly suited for vegetarians and vegans. In a 100 g portion, you will find a dose of about 25 g of protein, a more than interesting percentage. It is true that peanut butter proteinaceous lacks some essential amino acids in its constitution, but this can be compensated for with a varied diet.


Rich in vitamin E, this peanut paste has antioxidant properties. Indeed, peanut butter also contains resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that helps fight against the appearance of diseases related to aging.

The benefits of consuming peanut butter

From the nutritional benefits that peanut butter can bring to the body, it is both an energy booster and a good source of fiber.

An energy booster

Many people think that only carbohydrates can provide a huge amount of energy. It should be noted that fat is no less bad in this regard. A certain amount of fat is a true source of high-quality energy. Moreover, this kind of calories is momentarily used by the body just after its intake so that it does not create a fatty stock within the body's constituent tissues.

To consume at breakfast or as a snack and always in moderation because I recall that the caloric intake is quite substantial.

A source of fibre

It also provides fiber for the body to keep the digestive system in perfect health. In fact, fibre promotes good digestion, increases the absorption and assimilation of nutrients and gives a feeling of satiety.

Vitamins and minerals

This food also contains vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and other minerals essential to our body.

How to choose a good peanut butter for bodybuilding?

composition peanut butter

Not all peanut or peanut butters should be consumed to build muscle or for sports in general.

Some products are not really good for your health like those with hydrogenated oils or known as palm oil (like the famous Nutella for example).

This type of butter is creamy, but contains processed fats that have harmful properties for the body. In some of them, there is a quantity of sugar added in its composition. This kind of product is not recommended for health because of the glycemic index very high.

It is important to look at the labels before making a purchase. Prioritize those containing only peanuts is a good thing. Organic peanut butter is without a doubt the best, thus reducing the risk of adding pesticides and insecticides to your consumption.

But then, where to find peanut butter?

You can find peanut butter in the organic section of any well-known supermarket.

You can also order it online from some manufacturers of food supplements.

Other alternatives to peanut butter are :

Create your own homemade peanut butter

The best solution is to create your own peanut butter recipe at home.

To do this, we select natural organic peanuts, unsalted and not too roasted. Let them soak overnight in a little water. Put them in the blender and add a teaspoon of oil. The grinding must be done until a homogeneous paste is obtained. If the consistency of the product becomes too dry, there is nothing to stop you adding a little almond milk.

Once crushed, a few pieces of coarsely crushed peanuts can be added to the mixture for a crunchy taste or a few sesame seeds. This easy recipe for homemade peanut butter can be stored in the refrigerator.

peanut butter recipe

How to eat peanut butter?

Since it is a paste product, it would be easier to eat it with another type of food. Great ideas would be to use it as a snack on a slice of whole grain or semi-complete bread or on a brown rice cake.

It's true that butter already contains protein, but that doesn't prevent you from combining a solid or powdered protein source with it. Be careful, it's not a spread, so a thin layer will suffice!

You can also incorporate it into a protein bar recipe found here: Recipe for homemade protein bars.

You should know that there is even peanut butter in powder form and it is the brand PB2 who invented this ingredient that is all the rage in the United States. Perfect for adding to shakers or sprinkling on low calorie pancakes in the morning.

Nevertheless, this food is quite expensive, but the jar will still last you several weeks. Try it at least once if you love the taste of peanut butter.


At first glance, peanut butter is good for your health and allows athletes or body builders to obtain nutrients that can meet their needs. However, it is important to know how to manage the dose to be taken so as not to be in excess and risk having unpleasant surprises later on.

In other words, it is necessary to adapt the quantities according to the diet that you follow and consequently, to count your calories. It is preferable to choose butters as naturally as possible, without additives, without salt, without sugar, without palm oil and especially without preservatives. It is true that its taste is less pleasant, but it will be better for your health by preserving all the essential nutrients to the body.

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