How to get abs?

How to get visible abs?


How to get visible abs? This is certainly the question that 90 % of beginners in bodybuilding are asking themselves. But how do you make your visible abdominal muscles, dry and well-designedLike on the cover of a magazine? If you're interested in the answer, I'll tell you right now how. By dint of work and with a good nutritionyou too could lose belly fat and display the famous six pack. Let's go !

Abdominal muscles: understanding your body

In order for you to distinguish what is good to do from what is not, and to transform a "spreadable" belly (not to mention brands) into a real chocolate bar, there is a minimum of theory to know. You must also be aware that competitors or fitness models, both men and women, have months of preparation to achieve the desired result, usually on a specific date (a shooting or a competition).

To do this, they have prepared for several weeks or months. So it's extremely difficult. You have to have a training targeted, a diet and a strict high motivation. So I will start by addressing 3 important concepts:

  1. What is body fat and how is it calculated?
  2. Why is it harder for some people to get big abs?
  3. How can I limit the water between the skin and the muscle?

What is body fat and how is it calculated?

To get a shapely and visible abdomen, you need to have a body fat percentage between 10 % and 12 % if you are a man, 14-15 % if you are a woman.

What is body fat? Well, body fat, also known as adiposity or body fatThis is all the fat in your body. This fat is necessary for the proper functioning of your body, because it keeps you warm and protects your joints and organs.

On the other hand, too much or too little fat can lead to health problems (diabetes, disease resistance, etc.).

To calculate this famous rate, you have several tools like the skinfold pliers or the impedance meter scale. I will not dwell on the latter because for us sportsmen, it is not reliable for the use we would like. Water retention can affect the results displayed. However, it is still effective for people who want to get an "approximation" of their body fat.

If you want to invest in a more precise and therefore much more efficient tool, I recommend the skinfold tweezers. You can easily find it on the Internet or in specialized stores. To use it, you need to measure 4 folds of your body:

  • On the belly, next to the navel;
  • At the biceps level;
  • The triceps,
  • The subscapularis, i.e. under the shoulder blade.
how to get abs: skin fold pliers
Calculate your body fat with the skinfold tool

Then, you have to add up the 4 folds, refer to the corresponding table and thus know more precisely the fat mass rate.

Why is it harder for some people to get big abs?

It is more difficult for some than for others to have large abs, simply because we are not all equal.

You can't compare a young man of 18, thin and dry, with a man in his thirties or forty with an average build. The effort required is not at all the same and without wishing to offend anyone, it is much easier to have visible abs when you are basically thin, than the opposite. On the other hand, what is extremely important and must be common to all, is the way of doing the exercises.

How to get visible abs: the famous Six Pack

In the gym, I see a lot of people doing a lot of sit-ups, hundreds and hundreds of sit-ups. So yes, they will gain a lot of endurance, but the problem is that they will never feel them and will never have the same level of endurance. no volume.

You must feel your muscle working. Already at the end of the 6e If you do 100 repetitions or more, your abs should literally burn. If you do 100 repetitions, but not properly, it's totally useless. You need to rethink the whole contraction thing.

I repeat: each contraction must burn. You need to find exercises that work for you, that you can feel the muscle working. I'll give you a few exercises below that meet your expectations of how to get visible abs.

How can I limit the water between the skin and the muscle?

Another way to get visible abs is to have less water between the skin and the muscle. If you have as little water as possible, you will look even drier, as if your skin is really stuck to the muscle.

To talk about the competitors and fitness models again, on the big day, they really have their skin glued to the muscle. For this reason, in the last few weeks before the event, they have been practicing carbohydrate loading/unloading techniques.

Give your best on competition day_how to get abs
Be perfect on the day

It's quite a complicated technique and I insist on the fact that it's reserved for professionals. To explain the principle in a simplified way, the pro will reduce carbohydrates to a minimum over 3-4 days, or even 5, and increase water by increasing salt. Then, on the last 2 days before the competition, he will eliminate salt and increase starchy foods.

This process of carbohydrate reboundThis is actually a much more complex procedure that will allow the water that gets trapped between the skin and the muscle to be evacuated. Once again, if you are a beginner, do not start this practice. If you don't do it properly, you risk getting sick (it's a pretty brutal method) or putting on fat.

Some weight trainers also take supplements or fat burners. You should know that this can help you a little bit with water retention. On the other hand, if you are at 15 %-16 % of body fat, it will not help you.

Fat burners are only used if you are already very dry and want to get rid of that subcutaneous water. Save your money and opt instead for green tea, which will help you or guarana. In short, there is no miracle recipe. It's always the same imperatives: diet, training and a good dose of sleep.

How to get visible abs? Tips from the pro

Now that I've talked about theory, let's talk about exercises and find out how to get visible abs by implementing a simple but effective routine. On some of my fitness model pictures like the one from my Concrete absYou can see that I was at 6 %-7 % body fat for about 78 kg.

Obviously, as I explained to you, it is not possible to stay at this level forever. I had a very specific objective for which I had prepared myself. Outside of a competition or a shoot, you are inevitably a little fatter and with less defined abs. Normally, now that I've stopped competing, I'm around 12 % of body fat for about 85 kg.

How to get abs: work on low abs with parallel bars
Work on the lower abdominal muscles

How to get visible abs in a few exercises?

Genetics can sometimes favour certain athletes. Making the 6 pack appear is easier for those lucky enough to have large abs. If you have fairly flat abs, even with low body fat, they will show, but not in a huge way.

Conversely, if they are large, even if you have that little layer of fat, despite the fat, they will show. To make them visible, you need to find exercises that work on you and where you can really feel your muscles working.

Which muscles should I work on to get great abs?

If I talk to you about anatomy, working on your abs is to request 4 principal abdominal muscles: the large oblique, the small oblique, the transverse and the large right of the abdomen. But to bring out the oblique and rectus abdominis (the other two are hidden under other muscles), you must remove the fat that encumbers them.

Unfortunately, there is no magic wand to make localized fat disappear, it would be far too simple. In fact, it is often the abdominal fat that melts away last.

The fat loss It takes time, so you need to take a long-term approach. Work on a regular basis and take control of your nutrition by developing healthy habits.

How often should I get big abs?

For my part, I modulate according to my program. If I plan to go to the gym, I work my abs either at the beginning of the session as a warm-up, or at the end of the session. If I don't plan to go to the gym, I take the opportunity to do them outdoors or on the beach, for example. Another possibility is to stimulate them with cardio.

I usually work on them in the form of circuit of 3 exercises linked 4 to 5 times, about ¼ hour. As far as frequency is concerned, I don't advise you to do it every day. Your body needs a minimum of time to recover.

If you do it every 2 days, so 3 times a week, that's a good pace. Focus on the muscle contraction, on each repetition. Each repetition must burn, this is the key to a well done exercise.

How to get visible abs? Practical exercises

Now let's talk about practice. As I was saying, it is important to link 3 exercises that stimulate 3 different areas one that targets the lower abs, one that targets the upper abs and one that targets the lower abs.e for obliques. Don't worry, I'll show you all of this in my video below.

For all these movements, control the stability as well as the slowness of execution. Also be very careful with your posture. Your back should never be too arched.

How to have abs by working: lower part, upper part, obliques
How to get visible abs by working on the lower part, upper part and obliques?

Exercises for the lower abdomen

To stimulate the lower abdominal area, you can do it with the pull-up bar or the inclined bench for example. It is important to have several variations to work them so as not to fall into a boring routine.

Working your abs on the pull-up bar strengthens your balance. Same thing for working your abs on the incline bench: focus on your abs in tension, control your descent. For the more experienced, you can target the lower abs on the parallel bars.

How to get abs: work on the lower part of the body on an inclined bench
Abs, lower part, on inclined bench

Exercises for the upper abdominal muscles

Here again, I suggest you use different variations to stimulate the upper abs this time. Lying on the floor with your legs raised, lying with your legs bent, these exercises can also be done with a weight if you wish.

Exercises to work the obliques

The exercises to work the obliques are inspired by the exercises for the upper abdominal muscles with or without weights. Instead of raising your hands to the sky, you will perform a rotation, remembering to work both sides. You can follow these tips and advice.

Targeted abs exercises for beginners to advanced. Video shot in the beautiful setting of Miami Beach.

Abs in concrete

If we recap, to get dry, bulging abs, the famous six pack, you need to:

  1. A body fat percentage between 10 % and 12 % for men, 14 %-15 % for women;
  2. Big abs;
  3. As little water as possible between the skin and the muscle.
The cover of Julien Quaglierini's abs training program.
Discover a complete program to get visible abs and a flat stomach!

If you want to get great abs and a flat stomach, but prefer to be coached, the Concrete abs is for you. I teach you how to get more visible abs and a flat stomach. Thanks to the integrated videos, you will be able to watch the numerous exercises proposed, with or without equipment. And as usual, as bodybuilding always rhymes with nutrition, I will give you many dietary advices and a special 6 pack food plan !

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  1. bravo you have a model i would like to become one day like you and i will be and you will remain my idol and adviser thank you

  2. great these two videos
    I thought I wasn't doing enough, but you've changed my way of doing things

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